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Patrick Milligan, also played a part in Hitler's downfall

The difference between the two brothers, Spike and Patrick Milligan, might lie in the way German shells hit them in World War II. Terence Alan "Spike" Milligan was blown into the air in 1943 in the Italian campaign, suffered severe shellshock, and in the view of the younger Patrick, was never the same again. Spike was taken from the front line and put into an entertainment unit. The shellshock probably triggered a manic depressive illness from which he never recovered but which produced a lifetime torrent of zany humour.

Patrick was hit by the percussion of a shell bursting near him in the invasion of Europe. But he kept his feet and soldiered on, right to the end of the war and some time afterwards. A good-humoured, talented but essentially normal individual, Patrick blessed the world with a quiet, whimsical humour which did not gain worldwide exposure but enriched the lives of all who knew him.

Patrick Milligan, like brother Spike, fought in World War II. Where Spike invaded Italy, Patrick fought through in Europe to the Siegfried Line. Photo: Supplied

Migrating to Australia at the invitation of his parents in 1952, Patrick became a prolific newspaper artist with John Fairfax and Sons Ltd, painted privately and participated in theatre. He never lost respect and awe of his elder brother and to the end of his life carried around copies of Spike's humorous ditties. And in this quiet, humble "other Milligan", much of the humour of the Goons came out, as he regaled his audience with stories of another world, a world of British imperialism, British India, Burma and the British Tommies of World War II.

Desmond Patrick (Patrick) Milligan was born in Burma on December 3, 1925, in the shadow of the Great Pagoda in Rangoon (now Yangon). His father, Leo Alphonsus Milligan, and Irish-born sergeant-major in the British Army, Burma Detachment, was the third generation of his family to have served in the British Army. His mother, Florence (nee Kettleband), was daughter of a British soldier, Henry Kettleband, who had been posted to India. She met Leo during World War I when Leo was performing in a theatre show for the troops. They married and Spike was born in in Ahmednagar, India, in April, 1918.

Patrick Milligan with brother Spike, 1980.  Photo: Antony Matheus Linsen

The family moved when Leo was posted to Burma where Patrick was born. Patrick, eight years Spike's junior, readily took Spike's lead when he and the other children played war games in the jungle, from time to time using an old German machinegun that had been taken to Burma as a war trophy. The group, which included Chinese and Burmese children, children from soldiers' families and children from servants' families, formed at one point the "Lamanian Army" and fought battles in the foliage.

In 1933, the family left Burma for London and Patrick, who had been schooled in a Christian Brothers college in Rangoon, went to a cockney school in London. He left at the age of 15 and, because he was displaying early artistic bent, his father paid for him to attend an art course.

But war intervened. In 1943, at the age of 17, Patrick Milligan was conscripted and joined the Oxford and Buckinghamshire Regiment (the Oxenbucks), training in Northern Ireland. In 1945, after the D-Day invasion, Milligan was posted to Europe and found himself fighting a the northern end of the Siegfried Line in the Battle of Reichswald Forest, the biggest battle of the war in Europe, where the shell with his name on it landed and he was wounded by shrapnel.

Milligan fought on and on, battle after battle, as the British troops seized town after town. When they got to Hamburg, Germany capitulated and the British went in as victors. There was some fun-and-games, with lusty Allied troops chasing equally willing German women, all of them trying to beat a curfew imposed from above. "One story got to me of a whole field of young men and women rising from the grass and running for their lives as the curfew vehicle approached," Milligan said. "Eventually the curfew had to be abandoned because it was not working."

The military service however, continued. Milligan, transferred to the Kings Shropshire Light Infantry, was sent to Palestine to intervene in conflict between Jews and Arabs. He saw the sites of Jerusalem and enjoyed himself trying to swim in the Dead Sea. But there was also danger. He and his comrades were rocked by a massive blast when the Jewish underground blew up the King David Hotel.

He was then sent with his regiment to Cyprus to guard German prisoners of war and for a few days was under instruction of a German POW as he learned to ski in the Cyprus mountains. Milligan was then demobilised and in the process met a naval warrant officer, Kathleen Roberts, whom he married. The British Government paid for him to do a four-year art course at Goldsmith College, University of London.

In 1951, Leo and Florence Milligan migrated to Australia because the climate, "so much like India", agreed with them. Patrick and Kathleen accepted the advice and followed. Patrick got a job doing designs on glassware. But the accommodation did not suit Kathleen and she left him. The only thing he ever heard from her again was through a solicitor finalising a divorce. But at the glass factory he met a fellow worker, Nadia Klun, of Greek origin, and they married.

Milligan got a job with John Fairfax Art Department where his talents were fully utilised and with Nadia he moved into a home in Pearson Street, Balmain, where their son, Michael, was born. They later moved to Eastwood, in Sydney's north-west, which Milligan's parents had left to resettle in Woy Woy, on the central coast. Michael grew up to become an insurance executive. In the meantime Milligan accepted an invitation to join a theatrical group, Producers, Actors, Composers and Talents (PACT) group, operating out of Surry Hills in inner Sydney and stayed with it for years, occasionally appearing on stage. A member of the Ryde-Eastwood Art Society, he did portraits, painted abstracts and illustrated one of Spike's books, a book of serious verse, The Mirror Running (1987).

Milligan was kept forever busy, as his link with a disappearing world became more widely perceived. He wrote his own account of the war, View from a Forgotten Hedgerow, which he published privately. Patrick preserved all the 80 books Spike wrote, including Spike's account of the war, Hitler, My Part in His Downfall, and kept a battery of Spike memorabilia to hand. One of these was a reflection by Spike, aged eight, as he saw Mahatma Gandhi walk past. "'He's not as black as he's painted, said my grandmother. I found out he was not painted, it was his real colour!" And another was a poem by Spike on his nose and the war, "A World War II Nose":

My nose, my nose, Lived dangerously. Its courage was no stunt! And during the war in Germany, It was always out front!

Yet when the battle war o'er, And we'd defeated the Hun, Suddenly, for no reason at all, My nose started to run!

Spike came to Australia many times, giving Woy Woy a bit of stick ("The world's only above-ground cemetery"), but also dropped in on Patrick at Eastwood. Spike died in 2002 and Nadia in 2007. Patrick soldiered on until 2015 when he was diagnosed with dementia. But together, the brothers, the flamboyant one and the quiet one, have made the world a happier and more interesting place. Desmond Patrick Milligan died at Ryde on May 17. His funeral will be on Monday, May 22, at the Macquarie Park Cemetery, North Ryde. He is survived by his son, Michael, grandchildren Valeria and Gianfranco, and great-grandchild, Esperanza.

Malcolm Brown