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Media offered 'interview' with Bali jail escapee Shaun Davidson

A person claiming to be Australian fugitive Shaun Davidson, who escaped from a Bali jail more than a month ago, has offered the media his "first telephone interview while on the run".

But it comes at a price: the media outlet must email the amount they are offering for this honour in a bizarre bidding war, while the person purporting to be Davidson considers whether it is an offer he likes.

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Australian escapes Bali prison

Shaun Edward Davidson has escaped from Bali's notorious Kerobokan jail with just two-and-half months of his one-year jail term left to serve.

The offer is posted on a Facebook page - Matthew Rageone Ridler - which apparently belongs to the jail escapee, although police are investigating whether he is the one behind the provocative posts.

"I've been a free man now for 30 full days I've left fans amazed police and governments dazed who wouldv thought id be ontop with my cheeky smartass ways (sic)" was posted on July 18.

"It might not be him, it's not for certain that it's him," Bali police's director for general criminal investigation, Sang Made Mahendra Jaya told Fairfax Media.

"We don't know yet, we are still investigating."


Mr Mahendra said the police were still searching for Davidson and Malaysian Tee Kok King, who were among four prisoners who dug their way out of Kerobokan jail via a filthy waste tunnel on June 18.

He said Interpol was involved in the global manhunt and an orange notice had been issued.

According to the Interpol website, an orange notice is "to warn of an event, a person, an object or a process representing a serious and imminent threat to public safety".

"So wherever they are, in Indonesia or overseas, we have people pursuing them," Mr Mahendra said.

Asked if the Facebook page, which has included posts of iconic water fountains with cities in the background, could be a deliberate ploy to throw the police off his scent, Mr Mahendra said: "That's a possibility. Anything is possible."

But whomever is behind the posts, Mr Mahendra said the media is getting played. "Every time there is such a moment, there will be people taking advantage. In this case, the escape, someone is trying to take advantage."

The latest post says the amount the media outlet is offering would be "paid to a secondary party and will be a payment to facilitate the phone call and not a payment for the interview".

"And if there is an offer i like or is close i will email you back with conditions or counter offer," it says.

Recent posts have also included mocked up wanted posters featuring photos of Davidson in a magnifying glass and includes the text: "Missing person. Have you seen this man? Last known whereabouts Kerobokan Prison. Possible whereabouts: Not sure but we are close".

They have also queried how close Interpol is now and denied Davidson was "taunting police" saying: "I'm definitely not a public threat as Interpol would have you believe".

When Davidson escaped on June 18 he had just 10 weeks left of his 12 month jail sentence for using another man's passport.

He faces drug charges back in Perth and prison sources have told Fairfax Media he did not want to return home and go to jail in Australia.

The mastermind of the brazen jail break - Bulgarian Dimitar Nikolov Iliev, who was jailed for a massive ATM scam - and Indian Sayed Mohammed were recaptured four days after the escape in East Timor.

Bali's police chief Inspector General Petrus Golose has said he believes a transnational crime syndicate helped them escape.

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Originally published on as 'Media offered 'interview' with Bali jail escapee Shaun Davidson'.