
Secret Russian-Kurdish-Syrian military cooperation is happening in Syria’s eastern desert

In the first of a series from Syria, Robert Fisk says that new connections, however tenuous, demonstrate that all sides are determined to avoid military confrontation between Moscow and Washington

Clancy Sigal RIP

Clancy Sigal going to a demo with Doris Lessing

Clancy Sigal, journalist, activist and author of Going Away, along with other class-conscious novels, passed away at age 90 on 16 July 2017.

Squatting in London: Precarity and Emergency Crisis Planning

Due to sustained attacks from the state, councils, and property owners, squatters in England have developed a capacity for emergency crisis planning whilst neglecting long term organising. This article examines why and briefly looks at attempts to reverse this trend.

'You can't build jobs on the corpses of innocents'

Eliza Egret and Tom Anderson speak with peace activist SAM WALTON about a daring raid he took part in to disarm a Yemen-bound warplane

Turkey will buy and sell weapons in London this September

Why Kurdish solidarity activists must oppose the DSEI arms fair “Every bomb that is dropped, every bullet that is fired in the name of this war of terror, has to be made somewhere. And wherever that is, it can be resisted.” – Campaign group Smash EDO

Justice for Rash - police kill a twenty year old black man in Hackney

Police chased Rash into a shop, then held him on the floor for several minutes. He stopped breathing and died.

St Bart's Hospital strike continues

Yarls Wood to St Bart's - Stop Serco

More than 700 cleaners, porters, and security staff at Barts NHS Trust in London are nearing the end of a 7 day strike for a pay increase of 30p per hour, for shorter hours, and against management bullying.

London Hospital Workers Strike over Low Pay

Hundreds of domestic workers in four London hospitals are on strike to demand a 30p pay raise.

What would Corbyn do?

Corbyn/Guevara T-shirt

Gabriel Levy on the phenomenon of Jeremy Corbyn, the 2017 UK election result and what it means for the prospects of the working class.

The 'Madurization' of Chavismo: anarchist statement on Venezuela

Statement from the Anarchist Federation of Central America and the Caribbean on the ongoing crisis in Venezuela, its origins, and the need to resist both the Bolivarian government and its right-wing opposition.