- published: 03 Feb 2017
- views: 592766
Prunus serotina, commonly called black cherry, wild black cherry, rum cherry, or mountain black cherry, is a woody plant species belonging to the genus Prunus. The species is widespread and common in North America and South America.
A mature black cherry can easily be identified in a forest by its very broken, dark grey to black bark, which has the appearance of very thick, burnt cornflakes. However, for about the first decade or so of its life, the bark is thin, smooth, and striped, resembling that of a birch. It can also quickly be identified by its long, shiny leaves resembling those of a sourwood, and by an almond-like odor released when a young twig is scratched and held close to the nose.
Black cherry is closely related to the chokecherry (Prunus virginiana); chokecherry, however, is classified as a shrub or small tree and has smaller, less glossy leaves.
Black Cherry may refer to:
Acid Black Cherry is the solo project of Japanese musician Yasu. It was formed in 2007 after his previous band Janne Da Arc announced an indefinite hiatus. This project's name is often seen shortened to A.B.C.
The Project was named Acid Black Cherry by Yasu himself because of his interest to work with musicians from other bands, some of which shared their songwriting skills with him in the said project.
Black is the darkest color, the result of the absence of or complete absorption of light. It is the opposite of white (the combined spectrum of color or light). It is an achromatic color, literally a color without color or hue. It is one of the four primary colors in the CMYK color model, along with cyan, yellow, and magenta, used in color printing to produce all the other colors.
Black was one of the first colors used by artists in neolithic cave paintings. In the 14th century, it began to be worn by royalty, the clergy, judges and government officials in much of Europe. It became the color worn by English romantic poets, businessmen and statesmen in the 19th century, and a high fashion color in the 20th century.
In the Roman Empire, it became the color of mourning, and over the centuries it was frequently associated with death, evil, witches and magic. According to surveys in Europe and North America, it is the color most commonly associated with mourning, the end, secrets, magic, force, violence, evil, and elegance.
An acid (from the Latin acidus/acēre meaning sour) is a chemical substance whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals (like calcium) to form salts. An aqueous solution of an acid has a pH of less than 7 and is colloquially also referred to as 'acid' (as in 'dissolved in acid'), while the strict definition refers only to the solute. An acid usually contains a hydrogen atom bonded to a chemical structure that is still energetically favorable after loss of H+ (a positive hydrogen ion or proton). A lower pH means a higher acidity, and thus a higher concentration of positive hydrogen ions in the solution. Chemicals or substances having the property of an acid are said to be acidic.
There are three common definitions for acids: the Arrhenius definition, the Brønsted-Lowry definition, and the Lewis definition. The Arrhenius definition defines acids as substances which increase the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+), or more accurately, hydronium ions (H3O+), when dissolved in water. The Brønsted-Lowry definition is an expansion to include solvents other than water: an acid is a substance which can act as a proton donor. By this definition, any compound which can be deprotonated can be considered an acid. Examples include alcohols and amines which contain O-H or N-H fragments. A Lewis acid is a substance that can accept a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond. Examples of Lewis acids include all metal cations, and electron-deficient molecules such as boron trifluoride and aluminium trichloride.
Acid Black Cherryカヴァー企画“Recreation 4”好評発売中! DVDに収録されたThe Live Show “Recreation”からGLAMOROUS SKY を公開! 【iTunes】https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id1193853183?app=itunes&ls;=1 【レコチョク】http://recochoku.jp/artist/2000014680/ “名曲を次の世代に唄い継ぐ” がコンセプトのカヴァーアルバム企画“Recreation” 特設サイト:http://acidblackcherry.net/recreation4/ CD音源には日本の音楽史を彩ってきた様々な名曲を、 1980年代~2010年代の楽曲まで全12曲収録。 yasuの持つ独特なハイトーンボイスに乗せ、原曲へのリスペクトを持って名曲の魅力を余すところなくカヴァー。 DVDにはThe Live Show “Recreation”と題したショープログラムを収録!青空、恋におちて、GLAMOROUS SKY の 3 曲のスタジオライブセッションに加えて、トークゲストに小室哲哉氏を迎えた yasu とのスペシャル対談も決定! カヴァー楽曲の生演奏での映像収録は、なんと今回が初! Acid Black Cherryのオリジナルライブとは一味違う、アダルトで素敵なショープログラムを是非、ご家庭のTVで堪能下さい。
yasuより心を込めてーーーー 君がいない、あの日から... words•music•arrangement : 林保徳 聞こえてる? 君の名を呼ぶ僕の声 君がいない、あの日から... ずっと ずっと さがしてる 消えかけた灯火が哀しくて 目をそらした ねぇ 君は今どこにいるの? ただ思う事は一つだけ 君に逢いたい 月夜の静けさ 君をただ想う 逢いたい それだけ ただそれだけを 覚えているかなぁ? 海へ星を見に行ったよね 「ほら 掴めそう」って 手を伸ばした君 綺麗だよ 今夜の星も ほら 届きそう 君がしたみたいに手を空へ そっと 伸ばしてみた 流れおちた 星がひとつ 消え散って 涙おちた ねぇ 君は今どこにいるの? 静かな海 また涙 月夜の静けさ 君をただ想う うつむく 三日月 揺らめく 幻影(シルエット) 寂しくはないかい? 一人震えていやしないかい? 君の好きな季節が また過ぎて行く 聞こえてる? 君の名を呼ぶ僕の声 君がいない、あの日から... ずっと ずっと さがしてる 指切りしたじゃないか 「星空をまた見に行こう」って ねぇ 君は今どこにいるの? ただ思う事は一つだけ 君に逢いたい 月夜の静けさ 君をただ想う
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/rei.agara220392 twitter : @agara_jr soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/agara220392 Zeemi TV : https://www.zeemi.tv/channels/54746712 このカバーのミッスは多いんだからすみませんでした!>。< 今回のカバーは Acid Black Cherryーさんの君がいるからです! 本当に、すばらしい曲です!yuffieちゃんにかんしゃしなきゃ、彼女はこの曲僕に紹介していました、ありがとうございましたyuffieーちゃん! 僕のカバは完璧じゃないんですけども、やっぱり、このカバーでみなさんが楽しめることがお願いたいんです。 そして、今年のバレンタインは楽しいバレンタインになりますように!:D レイでした!^^ first of all,so sorry for all mistakes,wrong pronouncation or wrong lyrics or wrong chords (i can't figure out the whole chords for this song T^T),japanese is not my native and i'm still learning >。< so this time's cover is kimi ga iru kara by Acid Black Cherry!! this song is really beautiful!! >。< and i must say my thanks to yuffie who introduced this song to me,thank you very much!! ...
La mejor balada de Acid Black cherry, creditos a http://wearejanne.wordpress.com/category/acid-black-cherry/
Acid Black Cherry LIVE SHOW TV Nemuri Hime [眠り姫].
Acid Black Cherryカヴァー企画“Recreation 4”好評発売中! DVDに収録されたThe Live Show “Recreation”からGLAMOROUS SKY を公開! 【iTunes】https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id1193853183?app=itunes&ls;=1 【レコチョク】http://recochoku.jp/artist/2000014680/ “名曲を次の世代に唄い継ぐ” がコンセプトのカヴァーアルバム企画“Recreation” 特設サイト:http://acidblackcherry.net/recreation4/ CD音源には日本の音楽史を彩ってきた様々な名曲を、 1980年代~2010年代の楽曲まで全12曲収録。 yasuの持つ独特なハイトーンボイスに乗せ、原曲へのリスペクトを持って名曲の魅力を余すところなくカヴァー。 DVDにはThe Live Show “Recreation”と題したショープログラムを収録!青空、恋におちて、GLAMOROUS SKY の 3 曲のスタジオライブセッションに加えて、トークゲストに小室哲哉氏を迎えた yasu とのスペシャル対談も決定! カヴァー楽曲の生演奏での映像収録は、なんと今回が初! Acid Black Cherryのオリジナルライブとは一味違う、アダルトで素敵なショープログラムを是非、ご家庭のTVで堪能下さい。
yasuより心を込めてーーーー 君がいない、あの日から... words•music•arrangement : 林保徳 聞こえてる? 君の名を呼ぶ僕の声 君がいない、あの日から... ずっと ずっと さがしてる 消えかけた灯火が哀しくて 目をそらした ねぇ 君は今どこにいるの? ただ思う事は一つだけ 君に逢いたい 月夜の静けさ 君をただ想う 逢いたい それだけ ただそれだけを 覚えているかなぁ? 海へ星を見に行ったよね 「ほら 掴めそう」って 手を伸ばした君 綺麗だよ 今夜の星も ほら 届きそう 君がしたみたいに手を空へ そっと 伸ばしてみた 流れおちた 星がひとつ 消え散って 涙おちた ねぇ 君は今どこにいるの? 静かな海 また涙 月夜の静けさ 君をただ想う うつむく 三日月 揺らめく 幻影(シルエット) 寂しくはないかい? 一人震えていやしないかい? 君の好きな季節が また過ぎて行く 聞こえてる? 君の名を呼ぶ僕の声 君がいない、あの日から... ずっと ずっと さがしてる 指切りしたじゃないか 「星空をまた見に行こう」って ねぇ 君は今どこにいるの? ただ思う事は一つだけ 君に逢いたい 月夜の静けさ 君をただ想う
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/rei.agara220392 twitter : @agara_jr soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/agara220392 Zeemi TV : https://www.zeemi.tv/channels/54746712 このカバーのミッスは多いんだからすみませんでした!>。< 今回のカバーは Acid Black Cherryーさんの君がいるからです! 本当に、すばらしい曲です!yuffieちゃんにかんしゃしなきゃ、彼女はこの曲僕に紹介していました、ありがとうございましたyuffieーちゃん! 僕のカバは完璧じゃないんですけども、やっぱり、このカバーでみなさんが楽しめることがお願いたいんです。 そして、今年のバレンタインは楽しいバレンタインになりますように!:D レイでした!^^ first of all,so sorry for all mistakes,wrong pronouncation or wrong lyrics or wrong chords (i can't figure out the whole chords for this song T^T),japanese is not my native and i'm still learning >。< so this time's cover is kimi ga iru kara by Acid Black Cherry!! this song is really beautiful!! >。< and i must say my thanks to yuffie who introduced this song to me,thank you very much!! ...
La mejor balada de Acid Black cherry, creditos a http://wearejanne.wordpress.com/category/acid-black-cherry/
Acid Black Cherry LIVE SHOW TV Nemuri Hime [眠り姫].
ゴールデンボンバー チケット&グッズ情報 ⇒ http://bit.ly/1cpJsWG 2012年3月12日の放送回【CM・曲・バックミュージック挿入部分カット】 ゴールデンボンバー鬼龍院翔のオールナイトニッポン ゲスト:Acid Black Cherry yasu ※部分的にカットしている為、お聞き苦しい点があると思いますが 著作権の都合上ご了承ください。 引用:ゴールデンボンバー鬼龍院翔のオールナイトニッポン 画像引用URL:http://event.1242.com/event/details/20121022001.html 画像引用URL:http://ameblo.jp/kiryu-in/entry8-11085936099.html
Hollow Knight: http://store.steampowered.com/app/367520/ Hollow Knight is a 2D sidescrolling Metroidvania platformer developed and published by Team Cherry. I've been hearing a lot of comparisons to Ori and the Blind Forest, which is excellent company to keep, so I'm looking forward to playing the hell out of this. ___ Subscribe! - http://bit.ly/1dBCvDb Live Stream - http://bit.ly/BaerTaffyTwitch I drink Madrinas coffee! It's delicious! You can save 40%(!) online using the code BAERCOFFEE - http://bit.ly/BAERCOFFEE Get a big discount on a different game every day while simultaneously making me money! http://www.chrono.gg/baertaffy Email - baertaffyYT[at]gmail[dot]com Twitter! - http://bit.ly/BaerTaffyTwitter Facebook! - http://bit.ly/BaerTaffyFacebook Join the Steam group! - http://bi...
|| Set Title & Info || Black Acid | Lab II *Acid in June - Techno Collection 10 (Mix) || Tracks Inside || \\ | SHDW & Obscure Shape - Die Macht Des Schicksals \\ | Giorgio Gigli & VSK - A Silent Age \\ | Under Black Helmet - Mute \\ | Under Black Helmet - Sabotage \\ | Bjarki - This 5321 \\ | SHDW & Obscure Shape - Die Geliebte Des Anderen \\ | Charlotte de Witte - Lost \\ | (Outro) Phara - Shee (Wolfheads' x Imre Kiss Sweet Cherry Version) || Main Genre/Style(s) || Electronic: Techno, Dystopian Techno || Mix Artist & Song Selection || Wolfheads & Acid in June || Wolfheads' Links || Mixcloud | http://bit.ly/2p2eaoB Facebook | http://bit.ly/2owUJAa SoundCloud | http://bit.ly/2pK9qBS || Type of Video || Intro / Pixel Video || Audio-Visual Channel || Acid in June
Hollow Knight: http://store.steampowered.com/app/367520/ Hollow Knight is a 2D sidescrolling Metroidvania platformer developed and published by Team Cherry. I've been hearing a lot of comparisons to Ori and the Blind Forest, which is excellent company to keep, so I'm looking forward to playing the hell out of this. ___ Subscribe! - http://bit.ly/1dBCvDb Live Stream - http://bit.ly/BaerTaffyTwitch I drink Madrinas coffee! It's delicious! You can save 40%(!) online using the code BAERCOFFEE - http://bit.ly/BAERCOFFEE Get a big discount on a different game every day while simultaneously making me money! http://www.chrono.gg/baertaffy Email - baertaffyYT[at]gmail[dot]com Twitter! - http://bit.ly/BaerTaffyTwitter Facebook! - http://bit.ly/BaerTaffyFacebook Join the Steam group! - http://bi...
PHI-PHI @ Extreme On Mondays (Affligem):09-01-1995 Tracklist --------------- 01. [0:00] Lady B - The Groove Is Going (Evolutive Hard House Mix) / F Communications (F 015) 02. [2:58] Demote - The Walker / No Respect Records (NRR 029) 03. [8:02] Chill 'N' Force - Move Raver (Toya Mix) / Yeti Records (YR 9511) 04. [12:12] Antares - Hypnotic Tango / Basis Records (BR 005) 05. [14:50] Antares - Bright Side Of The Sun / Yeti Records (YR 9504) 06. [20:30] Beathoven - Expectorantia / First Impression (FI 6906) 07. [25:33] ID 08. [29:25] Disco Sluts - Full Flyte (Disco Sluts Original Mix) / Dam Mad Music (DAM 1011) 09. [34:30] Paul van Dyk - My World (Manchester 2004) / MFS (MFS 7052-0) 10. [37:30] Exit "EEE" - Epidemic (Straight From Heaven Mix) / No Respect Records (NRR 018) 11. [39:40]...
Beatport:http://btprt.dj/1bc6ReL iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/azari-iii-presents-body-language/id721603855 CD: http://bit.ly/1bAUf3p Azari & III make their Get Physical debut in the best way possible: compiling and mixing the latest edition of the highly regarded taste-maker series, Body Language. Volume 13 features 2 mixes, one from Dinamo Azari and the other from Alixander III. Together the two produce a techno-driven soundscape that shows a different side of Azari & III and a fresh sound on Get Physical Music. Hailing from Toronto, Azari & III have been plugging away independently for many years -- it was in 2008 that they came together and officially formed the act we know today. One year later their first single, Hungry For The Power struck a chord with dance patrons e...
March The Desert is South England psychedelic stoner metal. A potent mix of Doom, Stoner, Psychedelic Grooves. Tidal Mind is their latest full length album. 1. Star Crosser - 0:00 2. Mud Toad - 6:28 3. Acid Wolf - 9:29 4. Higher Power - 17:00 5. Another Day In The Dunes - 20:48 6. Wood & Wire - 27:00 7. The Last Raindance - 31:54 8. Etheric Warrior - 36:37 9. Tidal Mind - 42:25 Support March The Desert by purchasing the album here https://marchthedesert.bandcamp.com/album/tidal-mind https://www.facebook.com/marchthedesert/
It be night time when shadows fade
She was dressed like a chamber maid
All decked out in silk and I took her
Like a cat takes to milk
Come here little Queenie or...
Has the cat got your tongue?
Can't let nobody see me
Come on girl while we're still young
'Cause there's never been no lover's knot
Can tie you down 'cause you're so hot
Don't pinch me ass I may be dreamin'
Hope tonight that I'll be screamin'
Black cherry, black cherry, black cherry
I like it, I like it, I like it
She looked sheik in a funky way
Tongue in cheek baby all the way
Home girls they got pride, she said
'One time around' I said 'Let's go for a ride'
Come here little Queenie... or ah
Has the cat got your tongue?
My best shot for a C note baby she said
That's why this Janie's got a gun
Because there's nothin' like a good time girl
To take you twice around the world
I'm so in lust I think I'm trippin'
So in love I think I'm slippin'
Down to the river, down to the river of love
Where the love runs deep it's so sad it's a love you can't keep
Down to the river, down to the river
Abover 42nd Street it's so sad
That the bad don't come cheap
Because there's nothing like a good time girl
To take you twice around the world
Right to the land of milk and honey
Leave your troubles, bring your money
Black cherry, black cherry, black cherry