
Religious instruction in state schools 'soliciting' children to Christian faith

Education Queensland will review religious instruction materials being used in state schools, after one school found a popular program which taught children "every single person has sinned and rejected God and deserves to be punished" may be "soliciting" students to Christianity, in contradiction of departmental policy.

Windsor State School principal Matthew Keong wrote to parents to announce he had suspended religious instruction at his school, after reviewing the syllabus, Connect, which had been taught by faith groups at Windsor and finding the lesson's materials attempted to entreat children to the Christian faith.

Minister for Education and Kate Jones said the material was 'highly offensive'.

Minister for Education and Kate Jones said the material was 'highly offensive'.

Photo: Glenn Hunt

"Religious instruction policy defines proselytising as 'soliciting a student for a decision to change their religion's affiliation'. Solicit by its ordinary meaning is to ask for, to try to obtain, to persuade, to seek, to influence and express the need or desire," Mr Keong wrote in his letter to parents.

"Connect's lesson materials go beyond imparting knowledge of Biblical references, and extend to soliciting children to develop a personal faith in God and Jesus to become a Christian or 'Kingdom Kid'.

An example of a religious instruction lesson plan, in which children learn "how every single person has sinned ... and deserves to be punished".

An example of a religious instruction lesson plan, in which children learn "how every single person has sinned ... and deserves to be punished".

Photo: Supplied

"In the teachers' manuals, the Connect authors remind instructors that most of their audience is not yet Christian, and the whole program appears to be based on that premise of trying to solicit them for a decision to become the kind of Christian prescribed in the materials."

Education Minister Kate Jones responded by ordering a review of the program's use across the state.

"We have guidelines in place for religious instruction in state schools for a reason," she said.

"It's concerning to me that any materials are being taught outside of those guidelines.

"That's why I have asked the department to review the Connect materials.

"If it is found these materials are outside the guidelines we will remove it from all state schools."

Paul Clark, the spokesman for the Queensland Christian Religious Instruction Network said the group believed "cooler heads" would resolve the issue and religious instruction would continue.

"We're a little disappointed that the decision of one principal, in one school, that independent legal advice clearly shows is a mistake, is somehow precipitating a 'review' and media attention, without the stake holders - all the providers of RI represented by RIQA [Religious Instruction Quality Assurance - Christian, Muslim, Bahai, Buddhist, etc] - being informed or included", he said.

"We're comforted to know that the RI regulations/guidelines are very clear, and that the Government, DET and RIQA always work together well to ensure RI is done according to the guidelines. "Therefore cooler heads will prevail to resolve the issue, according to the RI policy, in the coming weeks."

Connect had previously made headlines for a lesson plan taught to children as young as 10, which included a re-enactment of a beheading.

Other lesson plans include aims "to help students to understand that everyone deserves the punishment of God because we have all sinned and ignored Him", to ensure student's learn "to acknowledge their own sinfulness" and asks children to "reflect on whether they accept or reject Jesus" .

While Connect has sparked the review, it is understood that parental concerns about other aspects of religious instruction will be considered.

No program used during religious instruction, which is usually presented by volunteers from churches and is faith-based, rather than rooted in the educational aspects of religion, such as the history of theology, other faiths, or its cultural impact, has been approved or endorsed by the Education Department.

But under the Queensland Education General Provisions Act, up to one hour of curriculum time a week is made available for the provision of religious instruction.

Last year, Victoria removed religious instruction from school hours, replacing it with history and cultural based classes, with students wishing to participate in religious instruction able to do so before and after school, and during lunch times.

A review of Queensland's overall curriculum is underway by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, with concerns the state's school hours have become "overcrowded".

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Amy Remeikis

Amy Remeikis is the social affairs and communications reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based in Parliament House

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