Arena REIT buys childcare portfolio worth $65m

A childcare centre to be developed at  Craigieburn in Melbourne.
A childcare centre to be developed at Craigieburn in Melbourne. supplied

Childcare centre owner Arena REIT will buy out a portfolio of nine facilities under development in a transaction worth $65 million.

It is the biggest single deal yet for Arena REIT, underscoring the returns being generated from the growing social infrastructure sector, backed by a flow of government funding.

Under the deal, Arena will take over the portfolio of centres around Australia on a fund-through basis.

The developments are all due to be completed over the next 12 months and will be occupied by one of Arena's existing tenants, Green Leaves Early Learning Centres.

Each lease has a 20-year initial term with annual rent reviews at a minimum of 3 per cent, with a market rent review at each 10 year anniversary.

Arena, led by Bryce Mitchelson, will earn a net yield on total cost of 6.25 per cent.

"Tell me where you can get 20-year leases, with 3 per cent escalation, in brand new purpose-built quality centres at that sort of yield. You just can't buy them," Mr Mitchelson told The Australian Financial Review.

While Arena gets control of the portfolio at 6.25 per cent, childcare facilities are being sold in the open market at much shaper pricing.

A 36-place G8 Childcare centre property in Vaucluse in Sydney's eastern suburbs sold for a record low yield for a childcare asset of 3.6 per cent in May. 

Mr Mitchelson said the yields on the developed assets could sharpen further over the next few years as their earnings were proven by Green Leaves, one of Arena's longstanding tenants in other centres. 

The developments were held in the Veuve Education Trust, a small unlisted fund backed by Green Leaves and run by childcare sector veteran Vin Harink.

"Our view has been that we are at or near the bottom of the interest rate cycle and with the availability of construction funding being tightened by the major banks, we see potential uncertainties around yields in 2018," Mr Harink said.

"Therefore, we have chosen to lock in a deal now which is attractive to both parties."

Arena will back the deal with a $55 million placement, along with a $5 million security purchase plan and existing liquidity.

The equity raising will leave Arena with more firepower through its debt headroom to back more deals and developments in coming years.

"It's really setting us up for fiscal 2019 and further growth down the track," Mr Mitchelson said.

Arena has released its unaudited result for 2017, a 12 per cent lift in profit to $28.7 million and an 11 per cent rise in distributions to 12.3 cents per unit. 

The property trust has given distribution guidance of 12.8 cents per security for 2018, an increase of 6.7 per cent over the previous year. The forecast 2018 distribution yield is 6.3 per cent.