Compare how your superannuation fund performed

Simon Letch

"Returns last year were outstanding. Somewhat surprising, but outstanding. If anyone had predicted that at the beginning of the year, you would have said they were off with the fairies." REST chief executive Damian Hill's description of superannuation fund returns for the year to June 30 is both uplifting for members and a warning that they should not expect a repeat of last year's 10.8 per cent gain for the average balanced vehicle.

While REST's flagship fund may not have been among the top 10 performing balanced funds for 2016-17, with an 11.1 per cent gain it comfortably beat the average and remains the top performing fund over the past decade.

"To maintain those sorts of gains over the next two or three years would be down to luck, rather than skill," Hill says. Most balanced super products, he notes, aim to deliver a real return of between 3 per cent and 4 per cent over the long term, rather than the 8 per cent produced last year.

Julie Lander, chief executive of the $13 billion Care Super scheme has a similar message for members.

First State Super's Damian Graham says the focus should be on net returns rather than fees.
First State Super's Damian Graham says the focus should be on net returns rather than fees. Louie Douvis

"You shouldn't think this is the normal. It is above what we are targeting. There are risks in investing, as well as the upside," Lander tells AFR Weekend.

Hefty investments in unlisted assets

The top of the 2016-17 league table was dominated by industry super funds. Chant West, the research firm that compiled the returns data, attributes this to their hefty investments in so-called unlisted assets (which includes infrastructure, direct property and agriculture) and their lower exposure to bonds. Overall, in the 12 months to June, union-backed schemes returned an average of 11.1 per cent, against 9.7 per cent for retail funds, which are mainly owned by the banks and listed wealth companies.

Chant West calculates that the average balanced industry scheme has 5 per cent of the portfolio invested in unlisted infrastructure, against 1 per cent in the case of retail funds. Industry funds typically have 3 per cent of their portfolios invested in private equity, against 1 per cent for retail funds and have double the proportion invested in direct property.

"These assets have done very well over a long period of time," says Ian Fryer, head of research at Chant West. This is partly because unlisted assets have been heavily sought after globally by investors hungry for yield in a low interest rate environment, and partly because they are higher risk as they cannot be readily sold. Super funds and their members also benefit from the fact that returns on these investments are not subject to the vagaries of the sharemarket, says Lander.

QSuper's Brad Holzberger: incomprehensible to have a major exposure to Australian equities and say you are diversified.
QSuper's Brad Holzberger: incomprehensible to have a major exposure to Australian equities and say you are diversified. Tammy Law

Last year infrastructure assets produced returns of between 14 per cent and 15 per cent.

Notably, the top performing vehicles tend to have above-average allocations to infrastructure and property. In the case of REST, it is a combined 16 per cent of the balanced fund. At AustralianSuper, the second best performing fund last year, it is 20 per cent, just above the 19 per cent allocation to infrastructure and property for Care Super.

Allocation to infrastructure

Hostplus, the top performing fund in 2016-17, has a 10 per cent strategic allocation to infrastructure alone, a figure that is set to rise to 12 per cent at the end of July.

REST's Damian Hill: don't expect  a repeat of last year's 10.8 per cent gain for the average balanced vehicle.
REST's Damian Hill: don't expect a repeat of last year's 10.8 per cent gain for the average balanced vehicle. Pat Scala

Brisbane-based QSuper, the second best performing fund over the past 10 years having posted a 6.2 per cent average annual gain, has 21 per cent of the balanced product invested in direct property and infrastructure.

Both industry and retail funds have similar allocations to equities of between 52 per cent and 56 per cent of their portfolios. The split between local and international shares is about even, which many a financial adviser might point out to individual investors is a lesson worth taking, given Australian savers' strong preference to invest in companies listed on the ASX.

QSuper is even more wary of over-exposure to the local market. Overall, 31 per cent of the balanced fund is exposed to equities, but just 6 per cent is invested in Australian stocks.

"The Australian market is very narrow. It's a very concentrated exposure. It is incomprehensible to have a major exposure to Australian equities and say you are diversified," says QSuper chief investment officer Brad Holzberger.

There are other lessons to be learnt too, the first that asset allocation is the key determinant of performance.

Variation between asset classes

"Asset allocation is a key driver. We have a very strong strategic development around asset allocation," says Damian Graham, chief investment officer of First State Super.

This is because while returns within a single asset class don't vary much, returns between asset classes vary significantly.

"The discrepancy between asset class returns is much higher than anything else," Holzberger says.

Hill points to the need to be "countercyclical" and warns against being greedy.

Last year as equity prices rose, REST sold down its holdings, so equities now stand at 43 per cent of the total mix, down from 53 per cent 12 months ago. "We decreased our exposure by 10 per cent, trying to lock in some gains and not being too greedy," he says.

If prices rise further, REST will repeat the exercise. At the same time, the Sydney-based fund has built up a war chest of cash to buy if the right asset emerges at the right price.

"You want to get good assets in the portfolio but at the right price," Hill says.

Potential buying opportunity

Likewise, if there was a "material pullback" in asset prices of, say, between 15 per cent and 20 per cent, First State Super would see that as a buying opportunity, says Graham.

Fees are something else investors need to be wary of, says Graham. First State, like most funds, focuses on net returns rather than fees. That said, notes Graham: "Fees are pretty certain. Performance is less certain."

Getting the right balance between the two is no easy task, but Graham says that often the level of confidence he has that an investment will deliver the expected return will determine how much he is prepared to pay for it.

"You might have a higher level confidence in one investment returning 10 per cent than another. You would pay more for that increased confidence," Graham says.

Holzberger argues the fee debate is overdone in Australia and investors are overlooking the point. In the giant scheme of things, he says, fees are not an issue.

"Fees are not mathematically a definer of success or failure. While fees may be certain, they are small in regard to the total quantum of returns in the short and long term. Consciously managing down fees will in no way compensate a bad strategy," Holzberger says. For investors such as QSuper, he says, it is probably as important to manage the fund's tax position as it is the fees it pays to fund managers.

Care Super's Lander might well agree.

Prepared to pay for higher returns

"We are probably a bit more expensive because we are prepared to pay for asset classes that provide higher returns, downside protection and good diversification," she says.

This brings us to another important lesson: diversification.

Super funds tend to be invested in a wide range of assets. Some, such as Care Super, have below-average weightings in shares to protect members' balances against sharp falls in sharemarkets.

QSuper has taken diversity to a whole new level in its quest to reduce the volatility of returns. Just 31 per cent of the balanced portfolio is invested in equities, while cash accounts for 14 per cent, government bonds 20 per cent, commodities 4 per cent, so-called alternative investments 6 per cent and private equity 4 per cent. In any given year, some asset classes will perform well and some badly, but these movements have helped to smooth out returns from year to year, says Holzberger.

"Fixed interest is the single strongest diversifier," Holzberger says.

That said, the smoothing of returns means that members will need to put up with underperformance relative to other funds from time to time. In the 12 months to June, QSuper's balanced strategy posted an 8.2 per cent gain, making it the third-worst performer in the Chant West universe.

Expensive asset prices

The investment professionals' outlook for the next 12 months might be described as cautiously optimistic, although they point out that asset prices are expensive.

On the upside, global growth is positive and while interest rates are expected to rise, the magnitude is expected to be marginal, notes Graham. First State is also positive on the Chinese sharemarket, now that it is being included in various global indices, and is looking to invest more in listed and unlisted assets in the world's second biggest economy. Any investments, he says, will be active rather than passive in nature. "It's a less efficient market," Graham says.

Care Super's view is similar, though it appears more cautious about interest rates.

"It's an evenly balanced picture. The backdrop is reasonably solid. The global cycle looks reasonably solid and earnings growth is still a positive," says Suzanne Branton, Care Super's general manager of investments.

But, she says, the big unknown is the direction of interest rates. "The interest rate picture seems to be changing somewhat," she adds.

Holzberger points to the extraordinary prospect that Australian interest rates could one day be higher than US rates for the first time in living memory.

Uncertainty rules, he says, given the record low interest rates and uncertainty over monetary policy. "The outlook is more uncertain that any time during my professional investment career," Holzberger adds.