Dark web master thwarted by love of cash and bling

AlphaBay mastermind Alexandre Cazes's love of cash and bling brought him unstuck. After he was apprehended he was found ...
AlphaBay mastermind Alexandre Cazes's love of cash and bling brought him unstuck. After he was apprehended he was found dead in his prison cell in Bangkok. Pictured with the Porsche Panamero he boasted help him to pick up women. Hanke.io
by Izabella Kaminska

Users of AlphaBay, the dark net marketplace selling everything from heroin to stolen identities, first started to suspect on the evening of July 4 that there was something awry.

The encrypted site, which operates through the Tor network and dispatches contraband through the post, had gone down unexpectedly, locking its 200,000 users from their accounts, which collectively held millions of dollars worth of crypto currency. 

On online forums, some expressed hope the outage was part of routine maintenance. But many voiced fears of an "exit scam" – in which website managers close down operations to seize fortunes held in escrow for themselves.

In fact the shutdown was caused by a police operation spanning a dozen countries – and the recesses of the web. It was partly caused by AlphaBay's mastermind's weakness for old-fashioned cash – both accumulating it and bragging about it. In the end, bling helped bring him down.

AlphaBay was a dark web site for drugs, weapons and other contraband.
AlphaBay was a dark web site for drugs, weapons and other contraband.

That unmasking was a huge breakthrough in an investigation already hailed as one of the most dramatic strikes against the criminal web in history.

"This is likely one of the most important criminal investigations of the year – taking down the largest dark net marketplace in history," said Jeff Sessions, US attorney-general, as he unveiled details of the case this week.

But right until the last moment, many users of the dark web had no idea what was going on.

Exit scam

Despite news that the Canadian police had carried out a series of raids connected to dark web merchandise on July 5, users continued to obsess about the alleged exit scam. Some posted threats to the supposed "exit scammers" claiming they would track down the stolen bitcoins. 

IBM estimates the dark web hosts "dozens" of highly-skilled hacker groups.
IBM estimates the dark web hosts "dozens" of highly-skilled hacker groups. Toby Talbot

Others began to encourage a mass movement to Hansa, the dark web's second favoured marketplace, which supposedly offered users superior protection to AlphaBay because of cosigned escrow accounts, intended to prevent operators from running off with the money.

Little did the users know that Dutch law enforcement agents had taken control of that marketplace on June 20, using it as a honeypot to gather information on the whereabouts and identities of new users.

The final piece of the puzzle came in Bangkok. On July 5, a Canadian citizen, Alexandre Cazes, was arrested in Thailand, at the request of US authorities, on suspicion of being a lead AlphaBay administrator. A week later he was found hanged in his cell, a suspected suicide.

Department of Justice documents released on Thursday allege Cazes had been managing the AlphaBay site from Thailand for over two years, amassing a $US23 million ($29 million) fortune and paying salaries to some eight to 19 assistant administrators and moderators.

Despite proclaiming himself a true "crypto currency believer", Cazes took a more traditional approach to wealth management than many of AlphaBay's users.

Alexandre Cazes

According to the Department of Justice, he used a web of offshore arrangements with Swiss, Cypriot, Thai and Liechtenstein institutions to accumulate $US770,000 in cash, 10 luxury vehicles, among them a Lamborghini Aventador, and real estate worth over $US12.5m in Thailand and Cyprus. The remaining $US6.5m of his fortune was kept in a combination of different cryptocurrencies.

Investigators discovered Cazes had linked a personal email – "Pimp_Alex_91@hotmail.com" – to both a welcome message to new users and a password recovery email in 2014. He had also used his AlphaBay pseudonym, Alpha02, in an online posting on how to remove a virus in 2008 on a French website alongside his real name. 

But Cazes' biggest vulnerability turned out to be his penchant for bragging about his newly acquired wealth and status.

In postings on the RooshV social forum, a seedy platform for men to discuss how to pick up women, the married Cazes unwittingly provided crucial details about the car he drove. That allowed law enforcement to identify him driving the vehicle and ultimately track him to his home this month.

Porsche for the women

In the exchanges, Cazes claimed his Porsche Panamero helped him pick up women in Thailand. But was challenged by a commenter, who could not believe anyone would buy such a vehicle in Thailand, where import taxes double the retail price.

In an effort to authenticate his ownership, Cazes – going by the username Rawmeo – sent the commenter a personal message including a video of himself driving the Porsche. 

The commenter then posted online: "I just got a pm from Rawmeo showing a big stack of money and the interior of a sports car. Why he does not post it in the forum I don't know."

He added: "And I apologize for disbelieving you regarding your finances. You've clearly made a lot of money in a short time and I will have to say congratulations."

Rawmeo responded: "Because some clues in the pictures might help a mad girl browsing this place identify myself. Believe it or not, I almost got in trouble because of that in the past. That's why I prefer to privately send this to reputable members."
