How the mafia learned to love the free market

American mafia boss Frank Costello testifying before the Kefauver Committee investigating organised crime in March 1951. ...
American mafia boss Frank Costello testifying before the Kefauver Committee investigating organised crime in March 1951. This exposure eroded his power and he would later be replaced by Vito Genovese as boss of the Luciano crime family. Everett Collection Inc / Alamy Stock Photo
by Chris Harvey

Democracy and free markets are intimately connected to organised crime, notes Federico Varese in this new book, Mafia Life, his wide-ranging exploration of global mafias. Authoritarian regimes don't scruple to stamp out their power, he explains, while democracies often come up short.

Powerful mafias emerged in Sicily, Japan and Russia as their societies underwent a sudden transition to the market economy, abetted by weak legal structures. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Varese suggests, the West was focused on the rush to privatisation, when it should have been helping to strengthen legal institutions. It was a costly error.

Men and the code

Varese has been studying organised crime for more than two decades and has worked as an adviser on the Russian mafia to John le Carré on his 2010 novel Our Kind of Traitor. In Mafia Life, he digs deep into the culture and practices of Japanese Yakuza, Hong Kong Triads, the Sicilian Mafia and their Italian-American counterparts, as well as post-Soviet criminal gangs.

Marlon Brando glamorised the mafia with his depiction of Don Corleone in 'The Godfather', creating a kind of super-image ...
Marlon Brando glamorised the mafia with his depiction of Don Corleone in 'The Godfather', creating a kind of super-image for real life mafioso.

The last have their roots in the vory-v-zakone - men who follow the code - a Russian criminal class that the French-Russian spy Maximilien de Santerre encountered in the gulags in the late Forties, noting their elaborate religious tattoos and private language.

Even today, those who have been initiated into the vory fraternity have great prestige in the criminal world. A question put to new inmates by high-ranking prisoners in Russian jails is: "Do you stand by your tattoos?" If they do not reflect the criminal's rank, reports Varese, "he will be asked to remove them with a knife, sandpaper, a shard of glass or a lump of brick".

This is the sort of detail that sticks unhappily in the mind when reading Varese's book. Others are funnier, if still disconcerting. The New York Mafia's obsession with The Godfather (1973) - often played for laughs in the television series The Sopranos - was real. Its tale of love and honour gave gangsters a romantic view of themselves.

The head of the Gambino crime family, John Gotti, who died in prison in 2002, memorised lines, changed his wardrobe and began acting like Al Pacino's Michael Corleone in Francis Ford Coppola's film. Some Mafiosi even started learning Italian.

It's a business

Wearing a bulletproof jacket, Sergei Mikhailov, centre, accused of heading a Russian mafia organisation, arrives in a ...
Wearing a bulletproof jacket, Sergei Mikhailov, centre, accused of heading a Russian mafia organisation, arrives in a bulletproof car surrounded by two security men at the Court of Justice of Geneva, Switzerland, in December 1998. Donald Stampfli/AP

Some of Varese's descriptions of mafia life - such as how the Sicilian Mafia came to lose much of its power - offer a twisted parable about how not to run a business. The Sicilians' key role in the heroin trade was disrupted in the Eighties by an internecine war over the resulting riches, with more than 500 people killed. The authorities then uncovered the organisation's heroin refineries. In the landmark prosecution that followed, there were 474 defendants.

Globalisation had an effect, too. As new drug routes into the United States opened up, Sicily's role as a vital point of arrival and departure on the heroin trail was bypassed by east Asian criminals. Meanwhile, increased migration brought new businesses less willing to bow to its long-standing protection rackets, especially in a failing economy, while internet shopping also depressed profits.

There are similarly involving sections on the role of the Triads in an attack on pro-democracy supporters in Hong Kong, with what appeared to be the tacit support of the police, and a sequence that shows how a hard-pressed Georgian boss of the Kutaisi clan was able to use respectful adherence to the vory initiation ritual to stem the tide of defections to the rival Tbilisi clan.

His strategic gamble to hold a meeting in Dubai, at great expense, was derided by the leader of his opponents, who had been adding new members to the fraternity via Skype, but the respect to vory tradition paid off when his rival was dispatched in a mob hit.

The Yakuza, like the Russian mafia, identify themselves with tattoos.
The Yakuza, like the Russian mafia, identify themselves with tattoos. iStock

In some areas, though, criminal tradition is wedded to a world-view that "lags behind" business and society, Varese claims, noting that most mafias have embraced technology yet none admits women to their ranks. There have been exceptions, such as Fumiko Taoka, the wife of Yakuza boss Kazuo Taoka. But women, and especially romantic love, continue to be sources of distrust.

One segment of the book seems to back up this view. It details wire-tapped conversations (from unpublished court files) between Sicilian mafioso Nicola Mandala, and his fiancée Amalia (not her real name). Nicola was a forward-thinking criminal who convinced his superiors to return to the drugs trade - which, Varese notes, still beats all other businesses for easy money. But he was in love with Amalia and, against the rules, he told her everything, from details of the ceremony in which he became a "made man" to information about every aspect of the new transatlantic drugs connection. When they were later arrested on wiretap evidence, he received a life sentence; Amalia was acquitted.

Sometimes, society itself can sap the life from a well-established organised crime network. The Italian-American Mafia is now short of Italians, Varese points out, because they are no longer discriminated against in the legitimate job market.

He concludes his book with some ideas on how to put a brake on organised crime - and how to stop it starting. They include "incentives" for members to come forward, as well as proper scrutiny of apparently legitimate "shell" companies set up by bankers and used by mafias to launder profits. At the moment, he notes, it is easier to set one of these up in the US than in many tax havens.

Photojournalist Letizia Battaglia is known for her work on the Mafia.
Photojournalist Letizia Battaglia is known for her work on the Mafia. Alamy

Mafia Life by Federico Varese, Profile, distributed here by Allen & Unwin, $29.99

The Telegraph, London