CPA's redemption a little way off

The election of new board members at CPA Australia won't be straightforward.
The election of new board members at CPA Australia won't be straightforward. Jesse Marlow

Nominations closed on Wednesday for the vacant positions on the board of CPA Australia. But if you think members will finally get a say over who represents them – a chance to start a new era with a fresh board and fresh thinking – well, think again.

The CPA board appointment process has nothing like the free vote of constituents one can expect from listed companies, unions and the PTA at your children's school.

Instead, members of the board are appointed not by the membership of the CPA, but by CPA's Representative Council. And who's on the council? Well, around half the electors are divisional presidents of CPA, while the others are appointed by the board in accordance with its own assessment of which groups within the CPA need to be represented. And the whole thing is chaired by the head of the CPA board.

This means at best, the members of the Representative Council, many of them appointed during the Malley era by Malley's board, now have the future of the organisation riding on their shoulders. No doubt they'll be heavily lobbied by both sides. Who'll they appoint? Who knows. And who knows what CPA members as a whole want. The whole mechanism appears engineered to never ask their direct opinion.

Armidale accountant Brett Stevenson, who spearheaded much of the dissident push that led to the ousting of Alex Malley and hasn't nominated for the board, told us there were some very good candidates. "[But] most of the people doing the appointing have been Malley supporters."