EPIC Board and Staff

EPIC Board of Directors

Marc Rotenberg, President [bio]
Danielle Citron, Chair [bio]
Paul Smith, Secretary [bio]
Pablo Molina, Treasurer [bio]
Anita Allen [bio]
David Farber [bio]
Addison Fischer [bio]
Pamela Jones Harbour[bio]
Jeff Jonas [bio]
Peter Neumann [bio]
Helen Nissenbaum [bio]
Frank Pasquale [bio]
Chip Pitts [bio]
Sherry Turkle [bio]
Shoshana Zuboff [bio]

EPIC Media Contacts

EPIC Staff

Marc Rotenberg, EPIC President and Executive Director, [Mailbox], 202.483.1140 x106

Marc RotenbergMarc Rotenberg is President and Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in Washington, DC. He teaches information privacy and open government law at Georgetown University Law Center and frequently testifies before Congress on emerging privacy and civil liberties issues. He testified before the 9-11 Commission on "Security and Liberty: Protecting Privacy, Preventing Terrorism." He has served on several national and international advisory panels. He has authored many amicus briefs for federal and state courts. He is a founding board member and former Chair of the Public Interest Registry, which manages the .ORG domain. He is editor of "The Privacy Law Sourcebook" (EPIC 2016) and "Privacy and Human Rights" (EPIC 2006) and co-editor of "Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions" (The New Press 2015) and (with Anita Allen) "Privacy Law and Society" (West 2016). He currently serves on expert panels for the National Academies of Science and the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology, and Innovation. He is a graduate of Harvard College and Stanford Law School, and received an LLM in International and Comparative Law. He served as Counsel to Senator Patrick J. Leahy on the Senate Judiciary Committee after graduation from law school. He is the recipient of several awards, including the World Technology Award in Law, the American Lawyer Award for Top Lawyers Under 45, the Norbert Weiner Award for Social and Professional Responsibility, and the Vicennial medal from Georgetown University for distinguished service. He was named one of the top lawyers in America 2013-2014 by Lawdragon. Georgetown Law bio - Marc Rotenberg. Wikipedia bio - Marc Rotenberg

Natasha Babazadeh, 2017 EPIC Law Fellow

Natasha BabazadehNatasha Babazadeh is the 2017 EPIC Law Fellow. She is enrolled in the David J. Epstein Program in Public Interest Law and Policy at UCLA and will be joining us upon graduation in August of 2017. Natasha has worked on First and Fourth Amendment issues related to national security, privacy, technology and criminal justice as an intern for the ACLU's Speech Privacy and Technology Project, the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, and Amnesty International USA. At UCLA, she served as the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs. She also co-Founded and served as co-President of the Digital Governance and Technology Association of Law, where she organized events surrounding Russia's involvement in the U.S. election and ICANN's transition out of U.S. government oversight. Natasha is a 2014 summa cum laude graduate of New York University, where she studied international politics and human rights and received the NYU President's Service Award.

Alan Butler, EPIC Senior Counsel [Mailbox], 202.483.1140 x103

Alan ButlerAlan Butler is Senior Counsel at the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in Washington, DC. In that capacity, Mr. Butler manages EPIC's appellate litigation, including the Amicus Program, and files briefs in emerging privacy and civil liberties cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and other appellate courts. Mr. Butler has argued on behalf of EPIC in privacy and open government cases. Mr. Butler has authored briefs on behalf of EPIC in significant privacy cases, including an amicus brief in Riley v. California that was cited in the Supreme Court's unanimous opinion upholding Fourth Amendment protections for cell phones. He has also authored briefs on national security, open government, workplace privacy, and consumer privacy issues. Mr. Butler is the co-author of the most recent edition of Communications Law and Policy: Cases and Materials. His has also published several articles on emerging privacy issues, including - Get a Warrant: The Supreme Court's New Course for Digital Privacy Rights after Riley v. California, Standing Up to Clapper: How to Increase Transparency and Oversight of FISA Surveillance, and When Cyberweapons End Up on Private Networks: Third Amendment Implications for Cybersecurity Policy. Mr. Butler is a graduate of UCLA School of Law and Washington University in St. Louis, where he earned a B.A. in Economics.

John Davisson, EPIC Appellate Advocacy Fellow, [Mailbox], 202.483.1140 x120

John DavissonJohn Davisson is EPIC's Appellate Advocacy Fellow. His responsibilities include maintaining EPIC's amicus docket and assisting with appellate litigation projects. John first came to EPIC in 2015 as a clerk in the Internet Public Interest Opportunities Program. He has previously clerked at Levine Sullivan Koch & Schulz, served as a student attorney in the Civil Rights Section of Georgetown’s Institute for Public Representation, and interned at the Appignani Humanist Legal Center. John is a 2016 magna cum laude graduate of Georgetown University Law Center, where he was managing editor of the Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law & Policy, a Georgetown Law Fellow, and an NGO observer to the 9/11 military commission at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. He worked as a journalist before entering the law and earned his B.A. at Columbia University.

Caitriona Fitzgerald, Chief Technology Officer and EPIC Policy Director, [Mailbox], 617.945.8409

Caitriona FitzgeraldCaitriona Fitzgerald is Chief Technology Officer and Policy Director for EPIC. In her capacity as EPIC Policy Director she provides expertise to shape strong privacy and open government laws at both the state and federal level. Her work as CTO focuses on improving EPIC's web presence. Based in Somerville, Massachusetts, Caitriona is building a Boston-area presence for EPIC. She recently co-authored The Secret Ballot at Risk: Recommendations for Protecting Democracy, a report highlighting the right to a secret ballot and how Internet voting threatens voter privacy. Prior to joining EPIC, she served as Chief of Staff and General Counsel to Massachusetts State Senator Barry R. Finegold. She is a graduate of Northeastern University School of Law, earned her bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the State University of New York at Geneseo, and is a former EPIC clerk. Caitriona is a member of the Massachusetts bar.

Jim Graves, EPIC Law and Technology Fellow, [Mailbox], 202.483.1140 x104

Jim Graves is EPIC's 2016 Law and Technology Fellow. His work focuses on consumer protection and emerging technology issues. Jim graduated summa cum laude from William Mitchell College of Law, where he served as Editor-in-Chief of the law review. Before attending law school, he worked as a data security and networking professional for over 15 years. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics/Computer Science, a Master's degree in Information Networking, and is currently finishing work on his Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy, all from Carnegie Mellon University. Jim is a member of the Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and DC bars.

Eleni Kyriakides, EPIC Open Government Fellow [Mailbox] 202.483.1140 x111

kyriakidesEleni Kyriakides is EPIC's Open Government Fellow. Prior to joining EPIC, she worked on issues of free speech, privacy, and technology throughout law school as an intern for ACLU's Speech Privacy and Technology Project, for the ACLU of Northern California, and for the Center for Democracy and Technology. Eleni is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and Columbia Law School, where she was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar.

Sam Lester, EPIC Consumer Privacy Fellow [Mailbox] 202.483.1140

lesterSam Lester is the 2017-2018 law fellow for EPIC's Consumer Privacy Project. He is a 2017 graduate of Georgetown University Law Center. While at Georgetown, Sam worked on consumer protection and privacy issues as a law clerk with the Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, and as a legal intern with the Consumer Frauds Bureau of the New York State Office of the Attorney General. In addition, he interned for the Honorable Ketanji Brown Jackson of the District Court for the District of Columbia, and clerked for Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll, PLLC, a Washington D.C.-based plaintiffs' firm, where he worked on consumer class actions and civil rights cases. During law school, Sam also served as a Legal Writing Law Fellow and a senior editor of Georgetown's Journal on Poverty Law and Policy. Sam graduated with a B.A. in music from SUNY Purchase in 2009 and worked as a professional jazz musician in New York City prior to entering the law.

Kimberly Miller, EPIC Administrative Law Fellow [Mailbox] 202.483.1140 x107

MillerKimberly Miller is a 2016 graduate of the Georgetown University Law Center. While in school she completed internships with Talos Law (a non-profit law firm in Washington D.C), the U.S. Copyright Office, and the Broadcasting Board of Governors. Kimberly was also a student attorney at Georgetown's Institute of Public Representation where she worked on issues relating to political broadcasting and municipal broadband networks.

Jeramie Scott, EPIC National Security Counsel and Director, EPIC Domestic Surveillance Project [Mailbox], 202.483.1140 x108

Jeramie ScottJeramie Scott is EPIC's National Security Counsel, Privacy Coalition Coordinator, and Director of the EPIC Domestic Surveillance Project. His work focuses on the privacy issues implicated by domestic surveillance programs that use drones, biometrics, big data, and license plate readers. He also runs the monthly Privacy Coalition meeting that brings together representatives of consumer and privacy organizations with key Washington decision makers in the privacy field. Prior to joining EPIC, Mr. Scott graduated from the New York University Law School where he was a clinic intern at the Brennan Center's Liberty and National Security Program. His work at the Brennan Center focused on civil liberty issues arising from local law enforcement surveillance. While at NYU, Mr. Scott was a member of the NYU's Privacy Research Group—a weekly discussion of topical privacy issues and research run by Professor Helen Nissenbaum. He also served as a research assistant for Professor Ira Rubinstein, focusing on the role of privacy-enhancing technologies in alleviating consumer privacy issues. Mr. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science in Symbolic Systems and a Master's degree in Philosophy, both from Stanford University.

Gerald Tan, EPIC Administrative Director, [Mailbox], 202.483.1140 x119

Gerald TanGerald Tan is the Administrative Director for EPIC. He manages EPIC's award winning web site. His responsibilities include office services, the EPIC bookstore, shipping, and special projects. Mr. Tan graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a B.A. in Political Science and Economics, with honors. During his time there, he was also a member of the Law Forum Pre-Law program, Pi Sigma Alpha political science honor society, Phi Alpha Delta pre-law fraternity, and the Anteater Pep Band. He has gained valuable experience working in the California State Assembly, the UC Government Relations Office, and Rep. Charles Wilson (OH 6).

Simon Davies, Senior Fellow [Mailbox]

Simon Davies is an EPIC Senior Fellow and the founder and director of Privacy International, a London-based human rights group formed in 1990 as a watchdog on surveillance and privacy invasions by governments and corporations. He is also a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics, where he helped direct the research on a landmark report on national identification. Simon Davies is a leading authority on privacy and the impact of technology on society and the individual and the author of numerous books and articles.

EPIC Internet Public Interest Opportunities Program Clerks


Ellen Coogan, Washington University, St. Louis School of Law
Stevie DeGroff, Stanford Law School
Doaa Elyounes, Harvard University School of Law, SJD
Brendan Heath, George Washington Law School
Cian Hanamy, University College of Cork
Megan Iorio, Georgetown University Law Center
Sophia McGowan, MIT
Hillary Song, Duke University


Natasha Amlani, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law
Lindsey Barrett, Georgetown University Law Center
Eva Gloster, University College of Cork
Ari Lipsitz, New York University School of Law
Ryan Morrison, Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law
Helen Moscardini, Maurer School of Law at Indiana University Bloomington
Filippo Raso, Harvard University School of Law
Uri Sabach, American University School of Law, LLM
Janet Zhang, Harvard University School of Law


Roisin Costello, Georgetown University Law Center
John Davisson, Georgetown University Law Center
Gregory Evans, American University Washington College of Law
Jared Galanis, George Washington Law School
EĆ³gan Hickey, Universtiy College, Cork
Sharon Kim, Harvard Law School
Britney Littles, University of Michigan Law School
Charissa Morningstar, Georgetown University Law Center
Stephen Stanwood, Georgetown University Law Center
Ximeng (Sammy) Tang, Columbia Law School
Michele Trichler, University of Virginia School of Law
Kasey Wang, Harvard Law School
Jennifer Weekley, Western Northeast Law School


Sara Bennett, American University Washington College of Law
Jack Bussell, Georgetown University Law Center
Natasha Duarte, University of North Carolina
Cody Duncan, Duke University Law School
Eric Glatt, Georgetown University Law Center
Krister Johnson, Stanford Law School
Joe Silver, Duke University Law School
Aimee Thomson, New York University Law School
Alex Vlisides, University of Minnesota
Brett Weinstein, Washington University, St. Louis School of Law


Christopher Boone, Duke Law School
Elizabeth Hempowicz, American University Washington College of Law
Eric Holmes, New York University Law School
Natalie Kim, Harvard Law School
Alexander Lopez, New York University Law School
Adam Marshall, George Washington Law School
Sarah McSweeney, University College, Cork
Heather Nodler, Georgetown University Law Center
Daniel Rockoff, New York University Law School
Aimee Thomson, New York University Law School
John Tran, Georgetown University Law Center


Eric Felleman, University of Michigan Law School
Allegra Funsten, Georgetown University Law Center
Varun Jain, New York University Law School
Kimberly Koopman, University of Wisconsin Law School
Valerie O'Driscoll, Universtiy College, Cork
John Sadlik, New York University Law School
Pavel Sternberg, American University Washington College of Law
Maria Elena Stiteler, Stanford University Law School
Patrick Totaro, New York University Law School


Michelle Benard, Louisiana State University Law School
Andrew Christy, Georgetown University Law Center
Michael Daly, University College, Cork
Pamela Hartka, Georgetown University Law Center
James Kleier, Georgetown University Law Center
Sapna Mehta, American University Washington College of Law
Francisco Riojas, University of Wisconsin School of Law
Jeramie Scott, New York University Law School
Kathleen Scott, American University Washington College of Law
Alex Stout, Duke University Law School
Abdullah Shamsi, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Alexandra Wood, George Washington University Law School


Musetta Durkee, University of California, Berkeley Law School
Rachel Gonzhansky, University of Maryland, Baltimore Law School
Cynthia Grady, New York Law School
Gautam Hans, University of Michigan Law School
Matthew Lijoi, Georgetown University Law Center
Eric Lindgren, Washington University, St. Louis School of Law
Veronica Louie, Northeastern Law School
Mark McMahon, University College Cork, Ireland
Laura Moy, New York University Law School
Leslie J Rivera-Pagan, George Washington University School of Law Reuben Rodriguez, Harvard Law School
Geoff Schotter, Case Western Law School


Heather Brondi, State University of New York at Buffalo Law School
Richard Chang, Duke Law School
Michael Eger, George Washington University Law School
Lia Ernst, University of Michigan Law School
Colin Irwin, University College Cork, Ireland
Nicholas Janney, University of Miami Law School
Mark Perry, University of Illinois College of Law
Nichole Rustin-Paschal, University of Virginia School of Law
Amie Stepanovich, New York Law School
Chris Suarez, Yale Law School
Trent Taylor, George Washington University Law School
Nicole van der Meulen, Universiteit van Tilburg


Cynthia Aoki, University of Ottawa School of Law
Katie Black, University of Ottawa School of Law
Kimberly Freeman, Thurgood Marshall School of Law
Andrew Gradman, Columbia Law School
Greg Grossmeier, University of Michigan
Sai Cheong Lui, University of Wisconsin- Madison
Ginger McCall, Cornell Law School
Benjy Messner, Youth Privacy Fellow
Maria Murphy, University College Cork, Ireland
Meghan Murtha, University of Ottawa School of Law
Scott Nakama, Case Western Reserve School of Law
Danielle Nasr, University of Texas School of Law
Byron Thom, University of Ottawa School of Law
Sobia Virk, McGill University Faculty of Law


Tanith Balaban, Case Western Reserve Law School
Jonathan David, Northeastern University School of Law
Caitriona Fitzgerald, Northeastern University School of Law
Harley Geiger, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law
Jeremy Hessing-Lewis, University of Ottawa School of Law
Evan Mayor, George Washington School of Law
Jena McGill, University of Ottawa School of Law
Mark Pike, William and Mary School of Law
Jennifer Shyu, University of San Diego
Ravinder Singh, University of Ottawa School of Law
Evan Stern, Georgetown University Law Center
Felix Tang, University of Ottawa School of Law
Timothy Vollmer, University of Michigan
Aleah Yung, Georgetown University Law Center


Courtney Barclay, University of Florida College of Law
Natalie Bellefeuille, University of Ottawa School of Law
Kim Fielding, Duke University Law School
Andrew Huzar, University of Ottawa School of Law
Angela Long, University of Ottawa School of Law
Jennifer O'Sullivan, University College Cork
Josh Parker, Duke University
D. Richard Rasmussen, University of Wisconsin Law School
Anthony Ritz, Georgetown University Law Center
Jay Goodman Tamboli, Georgetown University Law Center
Sunni Yuen, University of Pennsylvania Law School


Jennifer Barrigar, University of Ottawa School of Law
Michael Capiro, University of Dayton School of Law
Charles Duan, Harvard Law School
Amina Fazlullah, University of Minnesota Law School
Louisa Garib, University of Ottawa School of Law
Michelle Gordon, University of Ottawa School of Law
Anthony Gray, University of Wisconsin School of Law (EPIC West)
Rakeim Hadley, University of Tennessee College of Law
Emily Honig, Colby College
Olive Huang, Boalt Hall School of Law (EPIC West)
Kristina Irion, The Martin - Luther - University of Halle
Dhruv Kapadia, University of Virginia
Robert King, Georgetown University Law Center
Carole Lucock, University of Ottawa School of Law
Ibrahim Moiz, Howard University School of Law
Catherine O Suilleabhain, Georgetown University Law Center
Yong Jin Park, University of Michigan
Leila Pourtavaf, University of Ottawa School of Law
Tori Praul, Boalt Hall School of Law (EPIC West)
Guilherme Roschke, George Washington University School of Law
Jessica Shannon, Georgetown University Law Center
Kathryn Sheely, Louisiana State University Law Center
Nerisha Singh, Exeter College, University of Oxford


Elizabeth Austern, George Washington University Law School
Alex Cameron, University of Ottawa School of Law
John Doe, Harvard Law
Kenneth Farrall, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
Denise Golumbaski, American University Washington College of Law
Neal Hartzog, George Washington University Law School
Paul Jones, Northeastern University School of Law
Samantha Liskow, Columbia University School of Law
Dina Mashayekhi, University of Ottawa School of Law
Alexandra Minoff, Georgetown University Law Center
Patrick Mueller, University of Wisconsin School of Law
Katherine Oyama, Boalt Hall School of Law
Olumide Owoo, Columbia University School of Law
Amanda Reid, University of Florida School of Law
Tara Wheatland, Boalt Hall School of Law
Angela White, American University Washington College of Law


Ruchika Agrawal, Stanford University (Computer Science)
Doug Barnes, University of Texas School of Law
John Baggaley, University of Wisconsin School of Law
Erik Blum, Brooklyn Law School
Jane Doe, American University Washington College of Law
Munged Dolah, Brooklyn Law School
Eva Gutierrez, University of Pennsylvania School of Law
Micheal O Dowd, University College Cork
Milana Homsi, University of Ottawa School of Law
Waseem Karim, Washington University School of Law
David Levin, Barrie School (Montgomery County, MD)
Sara Rose, Georgetown University Law Center
Christian Schroeder, University of Kiel
Sherwin Siy, Boalt Hall School of Law
Kerry Smith, Northeastern University School of Law
Tiffany Stedman, George Washington University Law School
Elizabeth Tockman, American University Washington College of Law
Mike Trinh, Georgetown University Law Center
Maryam Zafar, University of Maryland School of Law


Nicole Anastasopoulos, University of Toronto
Lauren Collins, University of Michigan
Will DeVries, Boalt Hall School of Law
Marcia Hofmann, University of Dayton School of Law
Adam Kessel, Northeastern University School of Law
Mihir Kshirsagar, Harvard College
Dwayne Nelson, Georgetown University Law Center
Rossa McMahon, University College Cork
Alex Macoun, Duke Law School / University of Sydney
Carla Meninsky, George Washington School of Law
Nathan Mitchler, American University Washington College of Law
Jane Doe, Catholic University School of Law
Jane Doe, Georgetown University Law Center
Rob Swanson, Catholic University School of Law
Jason Young, Queen's University / University of Ottawa


Jane Doe, City University of New York School of Law
Greg Kahn, Boalt Hall School of Law
Richard Holland, University of Wisconsin School of Law (Kennan Peck Fellow)
Erika McCallister, Wake Forest University School of Law
Gary Schneider, Whittier School of Law
Roia Shefayee, Santa Clara University School of Law / Johns Hopkins University
Jason Sonoda, Boalt Hall School of Law
Maureen Thorson, Georgetown University Law Center
Jane Doe, National University of Ireland, Cork
John Doe, Harvard Law School

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