's Scores

  • Games
For 2,302 reviews, this publication has graded:
  • 36% higher than the average critic
  • 5% same as the average critic
  • 59% lower than the average critic
On average, this publication grades 2.8 points lower than other critics. (0-100 point scale)
Average Game review score: 71
Highest review score: 100 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Lowest review score: 10 The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
Score distribution:
2302 game reviews
    • 95 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Red Dead Redemption has a beautiful virtual world with an enormous amount of things to do, an exciting story and fantastic action. The game not only shows a world of the past, but also makes the player reflect the times we live in now. An exceptional achievement for a game.
    • 93 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Fallout 3 will probably end up being one of the best games of 2008 and, in it's one unique way, a worthy sequel in the Fallout series. Bethesda takes essential gameplay elements from the original Fallout games and gives these elements a new twist. The Fallout 3 gameplay is perfectly executed and Capital Wasteland offers a fantastic world in which you'll find plenty to discover, even after spending dozens of hours in this world. Gamers, hide in your bombshelter and don't resurface before you've played Fallout 3.
    • 90 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    We can talk hours and hours about it, but it won't change the fact that Grand Theft Auto IV is a very good game. The brand new video editor will offer tons and tons of extra gameplay and makes up for a lot of the waiting time the PC-gamers had to endure. Gamers that still aren't satisfied can wait for the hundreds or so mods that will appear after the release. And with that enough gaming material to last at least until Grand Theft Auto V shows up.
    • 97 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Simply put, Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a better game than the original. Each galaxy looks unique and offers an unforgettable experience with a plethora of secrets waiting to be found. New gameplay elements are rapidly introduced and will keep you interested throughout the entire game. The game is challenging but never frustrating. Mario and his friends once again take you on a journey through space and provide so much entertainment, you'll immediately start playing again after you finish it.
    • 90 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Guild Wars 2 does what MMOs have been promising for years: it provides players with a dynamic virtual world filled with discovery, adventure and cooperation. The game combines the unpredictability of hardcore sandbox games like EVE and Asheron's Call with the accessibility and fun of World of Warcraft. After years of EverQuest clones the genre finally makes a great leap forward.
    • 98 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    GTA IV is the best action game ever. The game has beautiful details, nice situations, extrodinary gameplay, sharp humor and great graphics. There are certainly a few minor negatives about the game, but the positive points are just too much. We have one piece of advice: Buy!
    • 93 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Although Super Smash Bros. Brawl will feel familiar to people who have played the game before, it's a lot harder to play this time.
    • 94 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    The singleplayer knows no competition and the multiplayer and brilliant Special Ops-mode make Modern Warfare 2 a phenomenal package. There are truly some scenes in the game that can affect the way you think and feel. After five games, the series seems to have found its high mark. One of the best shooters ever.
    • 96 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    After the long wait, PC-gamers get what they have been hoping for. We cannot deny it; the PC is the best way to experience GTA V. Rockstar optimised the game perfectly, and we are happy to start our third and forth play-throughs.
    • 97 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Pull out the clichés and superlatives, because they’re all applicable. GTA 5 is the ultimate milestone for the series, as well as for gaming as a whole. When it comes to scale, detail, character, freedom and spectacle this generation of consoles has reached its absolute peak. It doesn’t trump The Last of Us or BioShock: Infinite in the form of emotional impact, but there’s no other game out there that does this much this well.
    • 94 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Capcom has no trouble in fulfilling the expectation that was hovering over the new installment of the Street Fighter franchise. It's going to be a tough job for the developer to improve this superb version of Street Fighter. The only thing that we can do now is to make a deep bow for Capcom and Street Fighter IV. Currently the best fighting game there is.
    • 94 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    BioShock: Infinite isn’t just one of the best games of 2013, but also of the twenty-first century. The themes and storytelling are unparalleled and are approached from multiple points of view, without being at the expense of the first-person shooter-action. Besides, BioShock: Infinite is a title that gamers really needed after all these years.
    • 92 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    We’ve rarely had this much fun with a game as simple as Threes!. Everything about it just works, from the visual execution to the deep gameplay and funny sound effects. Hours become minutes with this game.
    • 91 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    We thought Street Fighter IV was it. We thought it couldn’t get any better. We thought wrong. The greatest fighting game ever just got better, and kicks its former self’s ass. It feels complete, and the fact that we weren’t really missing anything last time around says it all. Farmer Capcom has gotten better at milking the Street Fighter cow, adding nutrients and flavor to an already delicious dairy product. Yes Capcom, we forgive you…this time.
    • 97 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Breath of the Wlid offers the same great feeling of scale and adventure as the first Zelda-games. This game throws you in at the deep end, and you get a great sense of freedom in return. The new version of Hyrule is to die for.
    • 94 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    The singleplayer knows no competition and the multiplayer and brilliant Special Ops-mode make Modern Warfare 2 a phenomenal package. There are truly some scenes in the game that can affect the way you think and feel. After five games, the series seems to have found its high mark. One of the best shooters ever.
    • 95 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Red Dead Redemption has a beautiful virtual world with an enormous amount of things to do, an exciting story and fantastic action. The game not only shows a world of the past, but also makes the player reflect the times we live in now. An exceptional achievement for a game.
    • 96 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    No game is perfect. But Among Thieves does so many things incredibly well, that any miniscule faults that may have crept in the final game don't matter at all. Gamers that buy Uncharted 2 will be breathless after playing through one of the most incredible and intense adventures ever. The dialogue and the humour are the icing on the cake.
    • 92 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    We thought Street Fighter IV was it. We thought it couldn’t get any better. We thought wrong. The greatest fighting game ever just got better, and kicks its former self’s ass. It feels complete, and the fact that we weren’t really missing anything last time around says it all. Farmer Capcom has gotten better at milking the Street Fighter cow, adding nutrients and flavor to an already delicious dairy product. Yes Capcom, we forgive you…this time.
    • 88 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Kerbal Space Program is one of the best games ever made. It is not easy to start the game, but if you do not give up you will get one of the greatest games ever in return. The euphoria when you spot your first lander on Mun is heavenly and that is just the start.
    • 98 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    GTA IV is the best action game ever. The game has beautiful details, nice situations, extrodinary gameplay, sharp humor and great graphics. There are certainly a few minor negatives about the game, but the positive points are just too much. We have one piece of advice: Buy!
    • 88 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Left Behind is the perfect DLC. It’s not extra padding, doesn’t feel like it but comes across more like closure for a nearly perfect game. Left Behind enlarges the world with seemingly small additions that are so much more than an extra level.
    • 93 Metascore
    • 95 Critic Score
    Mass Effect 3 is an emotional rollercoaster ride with lots of tension and moving moments. The threat of the Reapers make every decision a hard one and your relationship with other characters will be tested. This, in combination with tight gameplay, makes this the complete experience.
    • 85 Metascore
    • 95 Critic Score
    Assassin's Creed 3 will be the best game of the year for many gamers. It's not the prettiest game, it doesn't tell the best story and doesn't have the most brilliant gameplay. But it portrays a world we can lose ourselves in like no other, which is filled to the brim with interesting characters and content, and it hardly ever bores.
    • 91 Metascore
    • 95 Critic Score
    A Link Between Worlds is one of the, if not the best Zelda game yet. It takes the player seriously and leaves the innocent charm of the adventure intact at the same time. The game never lets the story get in the war of the adventure, and has a lot to discover for loyal fans. The 'rent an item'-system balances freedom and challenge perfectly.
    • 92 Metascore
    • 95 Critic Score
    This is the best looking, most comprehensive Mario Kart game ever. This is an essential for Switch, though Wii U-owners who have played the game and its dlc for years might be a little bit less interested.
    • 90 Metascore
    • 95 Critic Score
    Human Revolution might not be as revolutionary as the original was back when it came out, but the main elements of this series is still as exciting and downright unique as it was ten years ago. This is how a game that wants to tell a story should be: interactive and focussed. On top of that, Human Revolution takes place in one of the best virtual worlds ever. Some technical hiccups don't get in the way of this impressive experience.
    • 92 Metascore
    • 95 Critic Score
    Journey is the best co-op game, most subtle storytelling and the most beautiful virtual piece of art we have seen these last ten years. The PlayStation 4 compliments that. Even though the visual optimization is small, this is a diamond that does not need a lot of cleaning.
    • 89 Metascore
    • 95 Critic Score
    It's not often that a game of this caliber lives up to all expectations. Horizon Zero Dawn starts slowly, but transforms in a huge action adventure. We haven't been obsessed with a virtual world to this degree since The Witcher 3. Horizon impresses in every facet imaginable.
    • 87 Metascore
    • 95 Critic Score
    You'll curse Spelunky, you'll want to throw your controller through the TV out of anger, but there is something about it that will pull you back in, time and time again. The game challenges you to constantly make choices and set new priorities, the level design is fantastic and makes for a new experience every time, but most of all: skill and perseverance get rewarded. Spelunky might seem a little bit unfair at times, but with every death it teaches you a lesson. Lose yourself in the wondrous, underground world and emerge as a better player.