Soothing Sounds for Baby, Vol. 2: 6 to 12 Months

Raymond Scott

Soothing Sounds for Baby, Vol. 2: 6 to 12 Months

December 30, 1997

Avant-Garde Music

With the Soothing Sounds for Babies series, Raymond Scott did the near-impossible: He packaged progressive musical ideas in an accessible way. This is particularly true of the series' second volume, which was designed by Scott for infants six to 12 months old. Featuring longer and more complex compositions, the collection ranges from winsome melodies to avant-garde polyrhythms (played on a toy typewriter!), all of which remain playful and challenging for listeners over half a century later.

- Heather Phares

Take a Little Trip: Jason Palmer Plays Minnie Riperton

Jason Palmer

Take a Little Trip: Jason Palmer Plays Minnie Riperton

October 30, 2012


An intelligent, highly adept improviser, trumpeter Jason Palmer represents a new breed of 21st century jazz musicians including such contemporaries as Ravi Coltrane, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Mark Turner, and others, who set their egos aside and take a thoughtful, intellectual, and technically adept approach to the music. Which isn't to say this album comes off as a cold, academic exercise. On the contrary, what's so great here is how well Palmer walks the line between romantic slow-jam R&B; and harmonically challenging modal jazz improvisation.

- Matt Collar