This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Dr. Francisco Dominguez
  • TOPICS: Crisis in Venezuela

The Deep State, Now and Then

One of the first things an authoritarian governing elite must do is to convince people that they are not free.  This has been going on for at least forty years, ever since the Church Committee’s revelations about the CIA in the mid-seventies, including its mind-control programs.  Everyone was appalled at the epiphany, so a different tactic was employed.  Just have “experts,” social, psychological, and biological “scientists,” repeat ad infinitum that there is no longer any mind control since we now know there is no mind; it is an illusion, and it all comes down to the brain.  Biology is destiny, except in culturally diversionary ways in which freedom to choose is extolled – e.g. the latest fashions, gender identity, the best hair style, etc.  Create and lavishly fund programs for the study of the brain, while supporting and promoting a vast expansion of pharmaceutical drugs to control people.  Do this in the name of helping people with their emotional and behavioral problems that are rooted in their biology and are beyond their control.  And create criteria to convince people that they are sick. More

The Myth of American Exceptionalism

Like too many nations, the United States likes to think of itself as a chosen nation and a chosen people.  Presidential inauguration statements are typically an exercise in proclaiming American exceptionalism, and this mentality has far too much influence in the United States.  It’s particularly regrettable when individuals who should no better indulge the kind More

Policing for Profit: Jeff Sessions & Co.’s Thinly Veiled Plot to Rob Us Blind

Let’s not mince words. Jeff Sessions, the nation’s top law enforcement official, would not recognize the Constitution if he ran right smack into it. Whether the head of the Trump Administration’s Justice Department enjoys being the architect of a police state or is just painfully, criminally clueless, Sessions has done a great job thus far of sidestepping the Constitution at every turn.
Most recently, under the guise of “fighting crime,” Sessions gave police the green light to rob, pilfer, steal, thieve, swipe, purloin, filch and liberate American taxpayers of even more of their hard-earned valuables (especially if it happens to be significant amounts of cash) using any means, fair or foul. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

21st Century Fascism

In this issue: Dan Glazebrook charts the global rise of the new right; Laura Carlsen explores how NAFTA should be renegotiated to insure living wages across borders; the FBI in Hollywood: David Price details the feds’ decades long pursuit of radical film-maker Haskell Wexler; Myths and Madness: Matthew Stevenson’s pursuit of the truth about the Kennedys; Fog Machines: David Swanson details how war propaganda works; Money Trails: David Macaray on the financial conflicts of interest inside the Trump Empire. PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair on the death penalty in American politics; Yvette Carnell on race, crime and punishment; Mike Whitney on Trump voters; Lee Ballinger on the new poverty. And much more.

Hunter Thompson – Amazing Documentary Up Close
