
Overnight in London

London is a huge metropolis, not the sort of city that can be seen in a day. Indeed, you could live there your entire life and not see the half of it. But in lieu of residency, I’d recommend a hotel stay. Perhaps Hotels In Acton like Holiday Inn London West would suit you, or maybe a Hyde Park Boutique Hotel Like The Westbourne London is more up your street. Alternatively, you could Book Hotels in Paddington London and see if you can track down the area’s most famous bear.

Lymington Italia Festival

Lymington is a lovely little town. It sits by the sea with a little harbour and has got plenty of history. It’s a place where rich folk come to retire. It’s Brexitlandia. But we must forgive them that at least once a year, when they permit an influx of immigrant automobiles that have come to the UK to seek a forever home. What is not to like about a parade of several dozen Ferraris. Just Ferraris, mind you. Lymington is rather picky when it comes to what type of immigrants settle here. There are no bad hombres here. Continue reading “Lymington Italia Festival”

The Retro Reader

Retro is all the fashion. VSCO takes my photos and adds film simulations from the heyday of analogue photography. Whenever that actually was. We could debate it, but I’m going to put a shout out for the 70s. My Fuji camera itself, like most Fuji X series cameras is designed with an eye to popular cameras of the 60s and 70s. Music from the 70s and 80s is back in fashion, and Hollywood remakes have now moved onto 90s ‘classics’. My oh my, films from my teens are now classics.  Continue reading “The Retro Reader”

The Definition of Jealousy

The legendary Ferrari F40 is, and has been for decades, my favourite Ferrari. Nay, my favourite car, full stop. I owned one once. A Burago scale replica, of course. Not the real thing. A few cars have pushed it close at the top of my automotive rankings. Jaguar’s XJ220 is a beaut. Ferrari’s Testarossa is the most classic  Pininfarina design of my lifetime. I also had a real soft spot for Alfa Romeo’ SZ. Continue reading “The Definition of Jealousy”

Hand it to Trump

For the last year or two, I have been known to make use of these virtual pages to protest political developments, deviants and disaster. There’s much to protest about at the moment. Although, perhaps, if you are a Trump loving Brexiteer, you might think I doth protest too much. But regardless, I do protest. I’m not, however, a protester. I have never actually attended a protest march, gathering, sit in, commune or other type of mass event that actually requires my physical presence. In part it’s because I’m lazy. It’s also often Continue reading “Hand it to Trump”

Fishing Boats

I regularly way over-process photos. I shouldn’t, because I really know better. But I do it anyway. Sometimes, it’s because the screen I’m using isn’t calibrated properly, and whilst the image looks great now, it won’t on any other device. Sometimes, it’s because the image is just a poor image, and a bit of over-processing seems at the time a great way to save it. Instead of delete it, which is what I probably should do. Sometimes, I’m just over enthusiastic, Sometimes, it’s just because I’m lazy and applying a not entirely appropriate preset is just quicker and Continue reading “Fishing Boats”

#TBT The Forever Traveller

I’m looking forward to our trip to India later this year. But today I’m looking back on my trip to Sri Lanka. I spent two fabulous weeks there in the spring of 2003. Whenever I look at travel photos, books or programs, I become a little wistful. I’d usually rather be there than here. But one can’t easily be a permanent traveller.

Except, some actually do manage it. On the day this photo was taken, at an elephant sanctuary Continue reading “#TBT The Forever Traveller”

Punting in Cambridge

We picked up a punt from Scudamore’s that we’d pre-booked online for 90 mins the day before. You save a little money that way. About a fiver. And 90 minutes is plenty enough time. Or so says I, the punter in chief. The puntees might have liked a little longer to quaff a bit more prosecco and binge on a few more strawberries. Continue reading “Punting in Cambridge”

The Wrong Camera

I’ve not been using my Fuji camera over the last year as much as I might have. There have been quite a number of occasions I’ve left it at home and used my iPhone instead. And why not? The iPhone easily fits in my pocket, which makes it a lot easier to carry around. And it takes a reasonable photo too. Nothing that matches the Fuji’s capabilities, but the Continue reading “The Wrong Camera”

Opening Up India

I’ve been lucky on my travels so far in life. I’ve never had a holiday from hell. I’ve met a few people who have, and more than one has come from India. Most of them seem to involve the vacationers digestive system. But the saddest horror story I’ve heard of happened about three years ago. I used to chat to a Portuguese lady employed as a cleaner at the insurance company I worked for prior to jumping aboard the Continue reading “Opening Up India”

A Year of Stupid

A year ago today, we Brits awoke to hear the results of the big referendum. And 48% of us were mighty disappointed to hear that 51% of the population were indeed, as feared, Stupid. The campaigners for Stupid had worked tirelessly for 40 years for this and credit must be given where it is due. To induce Continue reading “A Year of Stupid”

The Alt-Vacation

It would be lovely to be able to jet off to Mexico City for short breaks on a regular basis. Alas, it’s too far and fares too expensive for that to be feasible. The next best thing? For those of us who call Bournemouth home, it’s Andalucia. Specifically, Malaga. A place Picasso once called home. With return flights between Continue reading “The Alt-Vacation”