- published: 18 Nov 2016
- views: 6
12 gauge may refer to:
Slug, or land slug, is a common name for any apparently shell-less terrestrial gastropod mollusc. The word slug is also often used as part of the common name of any gastropod mollusc that has no shell, a very reduced shell, or only a small internal shell, particularly sea slugs and semislugs (this is in contrast to the common name snail, which applies to gastropods that have a coiled shell large enough that the animal can fully retract its soft parts into the shell).
Various taxonomic families of land slugs form part of several quite different evolutionary lineages, which also include snails. Thus, the various families of slugs are not closely related, despite a superficial similarity in the overall body form. The shell-less condition has arisen many times independently during the evolutionary past, and thus the category "slug" is emphatically a polyphyletic one.
Of the six orders of Pulmonata, two – the Onchidiacea and Soleolifera – solely comprise slugs. A third family, the Sigmurethra, contains various clades of snails, semi-slugs (i.e. snails whose shells are too small for them to retract fully into) and slugs. The taxonomy of this group is in the process of being revised in light of DNA sequencing. It appears that pulmonates are paraphyletic and basal to the opisthobranchs, which are a terminal branch of the tree. The family Ellobiidae are also polyphyletic.
A thesis or dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings. In some contexts, the word "thesis" or a cognate is used for part of a bachelor's or master's course, while "dissertation" is normally applied to a doctorate, while in other contexts, the reverse is true. The term graduate thesis is sometimes used to refer to both master's theses and doctoral dissertations. Dissertations and theses may be considered to be grey literature.
The required complexity or quality of research of a thesis or dissertation can vary by country, university, or program, and the required minimum study period may thus vary significantly in duration.
The word dissertation can at times be used to describe a treatise without relation to obtaining an academic degree. The term thesis is also used to refer to the general claim of an essay or similar work.
The term "thesis" comes from the Greek θέσις, meaning "something put forth", and refers to an intellectual proposition. "Dissertation" comes from the Latin dissertātiō, meaning "path".
Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses free of charge to the public. These licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. An easy-to-understand one-page explanation of rights, with associated visual symbols, explains the specifics of each Creative Commons license. Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright, but are based upon it. They replace individual negotiations for specific rights between copyright owner (licensor) and licensee, which are necessary under an "all rights reserved" copyright management, with a "some rights reserved" management employing standardized licenses for re-use cases where no commercial compensation is sought by the copyright owner. The result is an agile, low-overhead and low-cost copyright-management regime, profiting both copyright owners and licensees. Wikipedia uses one of these licenses.
Lock and Load or Lock 'N Load may refer to:
In television:
In music:
In games:
Fallout 4 - Taking Over The Slug With The Operators - French
WEAPONIZED Flashlight Shotgun Rounds - Ballistic Gel Test
Shooting Live 303 British Cartridge From A 12 Gauge Shotgun
FTL: Captain's Edition with Nilesy: Slug Invasion!
7.62 x 12 Gauge Custom Shotshell Ballistic Gel Test
Shooting Live 308 x 12 Gauge Custom Shotshell Ballistic Test
8mm Mauser x 12 gauge Custom Shotshell
308 x 12 Gauge Custom Shotshell Ballistic Gel Test
Firing CLIPS From A SHOTGUN - Ballistic Gel Test
LEGO Rainbow Six Stop Motion - Thatcher Operator Video
Shooting Live Steel Case 410 shotshell from a 12 gauge shotshell
Battlefield 3: Loadout Ep.16 - DAO-12, Slugs, Mag
Spider Drone Operator - Sunday Mailbox - Rainbow Six Siege
Operator Please - A Halo 5 Machinima (Realm Runners Gag Reel)
Live 50AE DEAGLE Shotshell
Shooting Live 7.62x39mm From A 12 Gauge Shotgun
TRU-MOTION TRU-CUT - Unidirectional Feed & Operator Programmed CNC Length Control
Lego Rainbow Six Stop Motion Rook Operator Video
Metal Slug Attack: Operation Ikari Unit Showcase
Metal Slug Attack Operation Ikari Gameplay
Metal Slug Attack Operation Ikari Opening + Ending
Metal Slug - Operation Ikari Extra Ops - Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
BF3 870MCS Iron Sight Extended Mag Slugs Operation Metro HD
Fallout 4 - Taking Over The Slug With The Operators - French
Testing the custom Thrunite Ti3 x 12 gauge Weaponized flashlight shotshell in a 20% TSA / FBI spec ballistic gelatin block fomat. The Ballistic testing gel media was calibrated perfectly to match the major gains and density of an operator who lifts daily. Test gun is the Mossberg 590 A1 with 18" barrel. Filmed with three Sony HD AVCHD camcorders and two Sony Action cams. Edited with Final Cut Pro x. The title of this video is: WEAPONIZED Flashlight Shotgun Rounds - Ballistic Gel Test. This is the 12 gauge Flashlight Shotgun Slug. We take several Thrunite Ti3 flashlights and convert them into a combination wax/flashlight slug. Conceptualized as the ultimate home defense round this ammo will strike terror into home intruders. We are Shooting Flashlights from a shotgun vs bullet-proof Gummy...
Testing the custom 410x76 NAIL shotshell in a ballistic format at approximately 25 feet. Using a variety of targets including gel ballistic testing media that was calibrated perfectly to match some random specification determined by no one in particular. Test gun is the Arsenal SGL41 Saiga 410 shotgun. 18" barrel, spray painted, with red wood furniture. Filmed with three Sony HD AVCHD Camcorders. Edited in Final Cut Pro X. Thank you for watching. be sure to drop a comment and get an awesome discussion going. what else should I shoot from my Arsenal SGL41, saiga 410 shotgun? Please check out TheWoundChannel who donated the Ballistics gel https://www.youtube.com/user/wjpurnell This is the 410x76 NAIL shotgun slug. We take a handful NAILS and convert them to a combination glue / nail slug....
This is the 303 British 12 gauge wax shotgun slug. We take a handful of Herters 303 British and convert them to a combination wax / live ammo cartridge slug. Conceptualized as a 762x12 gauge wacky shotgun load we discover than this load actually has serious power, penetration and aiming capabilities. Despite all of this, the round is very dangerous and should not be built by novices or shot out of low grade equipment. Stay tuned for more vintage ammo tests. Yo Dawg we put a bullet in yo bullet so you can shoot while you shoot. The Title of this video is: Shooting Live 303 British Cartridge From A 12 Gauge Shotgun. I discussed this with and got ideas from Jeff / Taofledermaus https://www.youtube.com/user/taofledermaus You should check his channel and subscribe if you have not already. He a...
The Perasian Nebula is swarming with slugs, with the rebels on our tail, can we conquer the sector? MOBILE VIEWERS: Previous: http://youtu.be/d0gAOL6vmnM Big box: What's New with Nilesy? You Have to Win the Game! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd-OXmcuZzA Small box: Latest Smoothe Operators: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p85XDdAhBCc AWESOME T-SHIRTS! - http://nilesy.gametee.co.uk Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/twirlyswirly Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Nilesyproductions Music: Kevin MacLeod (amazing tune, serious love) Sound FX: Audiomicro Maker license.
Testing the Custom 7.62 x 12 Gauge Custom Shotshell in a ballistic gel format as approximately 30 feet. Using a donated ballistic testing media that was calibrated perfectly to match some random specification determined by no one in particular. Test gun is the Mossberg 590A1, 18" barrel - Parkerized with a 16" magazine tube. Filmed with three Sony HD AVCHD Camcorders; HDR-CX190. Edited in Final Cut Pro X. Please check out TheWoundChannel who donated the Ballistics gel https://www.youtube.com/user/wjpurnell This is the 7.62x54r 12 gauge wax shotgun slug. We take a handful of Tula 7.62x54r and convert them to a combination wax / live ammo cartridge slug. Conceptualized as a 762x12 gauge wacky shotgun load we discover than this load actually has serious power, penetration and aiming capabil...
Testing the Custom 308 x 12 Gauge Custom Shotshell at approximately 30 feet. Using a our Snake Hound Machine pro targets and 2 litres inside terra cotta pots. Test gun is the Mossberg 590A1, 18" barrel - Parkerized with a 16" magazine tube. Filmed with three Sony HD AVCHD Camcorders; HDR-CX190. Edited in Final Cut Pro X. Check out Buffman's channel! He hooked us up with a bunch of interesting ammo including the 308 used in this video! https://www.youtube.com/user/BuffmanLT1 This is the 308 12 gauge wax shotgun slug. We take a handful of m80 ball 308 cartridges and convert them to a combination wax / live ammo cartridge slug. Conceptualized as a 762x12 gauge wacky shotgun load we discover than this load actually has serious power, penetration and aiming capabilities. Despite all of this, ...
This is the 8mm Mauser shotshell. We start by creating a 8mm 12 gauge wax shotgun slug. Starting out with a brass stripper clip full of 5 vintage 1940 german mauser rounds then creating the 8mm mauser shotshell. Conceptualized as the 762x12 gauge wacky shotgun load we discovered that this load actually has serious power, penetration and aiming capabilities. Branching out into other calibers such as 8mm mauser, 30-06, 303 british among others will give us more useful data points to draw conclusions from. Despite all of this, the round can be dangerous if created and operated by a novice or shot using low grade equipment. mattv2099 has extensive experience designing and constructing shotgun ammo and uses top of the line equipment capable of forces that entry level firearms may not withstand....
Testing the Custom 308 x 12 Gauge Custom Shotshell in a ballistic gel format as approximately 30 feet. Using a donated ballistic testing media that was calibrated perfectly to match some random specification determined by no one in particular. Test gun is the Mossberg 590A1, 18" barrel - Parkerized with a 16" magazine tube. Filmed with three Sony HD AVCHD Camcorders; HDR-CX190. Edited in Final Cut Pro X. Check out Buffman's channel! He hooked us up with a bunch of interesting ammo including the 308 used in this video! https://www.youtube.com/user/BuffmanLT1 Please check out TheWoundChannel who donated the Ballistics gel https://www.youtube.com/user/wjpurnell This is the 308 12 gauge wax shotgun slug. We take a handful of m80 ball 308 cartridges and convert them to a combination wax / li...
Testing the CLIP shotgun shell. We use a Mosin Nagant Clip in the place of a lead slug. Mosin Nagant was the original Assault Weapon - invented in the 1880's. We test this clip in a ballistic gel format at approximately 30 feet. Using ballistic testing media that was calibrated perfectly with my pellet rifle and chicken thermometer.. Test gun is the Mossberg 590a1, 18" barrel - parkerized, smooth bore with a 16" magazine tube. Filmed with three sony HD AVCHD camcorders; HDR-CX190. And a Sony Action Cam. Edited in Final Cut Pro X. Check out Mountain Storm's Youtube Channel. He invented the "Shell Prepper" https://www.youtube.com/user/CyberDruidtheModGod This is the Mosin Nagant CLIP wax shotgun slug. Some guy told me that M1 Garrands Fire clips. I told him that My shotgun fires clips. We ...
We discuss combine setting and operating techniques with two talented CaseIH operators. See what tricks they use to maximize grain quality.
Be Sure to Subscribe, Leave a Like below and A Comment! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA ► My Twitter ► https://twitter.com/AdeptTrystan My Instagram ► https://instagram.com/Adept_Trystan/ My Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/adeptgrimlock/profile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbGl8Ai23u7f0UxsCIHx3-A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WANNA CHECK OUT SOMETHING AMAZING? Click here - https://soundcloud.com/gemini_13101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Homies: Swoop123...
This is the 410x70 12 gauge wax shotgun slug. We take a handful of Russian steel hull 410x70 cartridges and convert them to a combination wax / live ammo slug. Conceptualized as a 762x12 gauge wacky shotgun load we discover than this load actually has serious power, penetration and aiming capabilities. Despite all of this, the round is very dangerous and should not be built by novices or shot out of low grade equipment. Yo Dawg we put a bullet in yo bullet so you can shoot while you shoot. The title of this video is: Shooting Live Steel Case 410 shotshell from a 12 gauge shotshell I discussed this with and got ideas from Jeff / Taofledermaus https://www.youtube.com/user/taofledermaus You should check his channel and subscribe if you have not already. He also created a video like this. He ...
Loadout Ep.15 http://youtu.be/0yjh8VVP8NM Hey guys. It's time for episode 16 of Loadout. Today I'm going to be using the DAO-12 with extended mags and slug rounds. Lets see if it's any good and make sure to leave your custom kit request in the comments for next Monday's show. LevelCap's Computer Hardware: http://astore.amazon.com/leve0f-20 Gunnar Gaming Glasses: http://gunnars.ojrq.net/c/32343/7247/455 Twitter: http://twitter.com/levelcapgaming Facebook: http://facebook.com/levelcapgaming Youtube: http://youtube.com/levelcapgaming Platoon: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241102903937/
Today's Mailbox I discuss the idea of adding a spider drone into Rainbow Six Siege. Twitch Streaming: https://www.twitch.tv/matimi0 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Matimi0 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Matimi0 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/Matimi0 Music: CanCan - Offenbach
Making a Machinima in Halo 5 is a lot of fun and with the Realm Runners crew its even better!! During filming of the last episode our mate bob the slug aka lord bananatron aka isaac was doing the voice acting role for the operator that had to talk to Cole. it seemed simple enough XD If you enjoyed this video then please don't forget to like and share, thank you! Check out my other videos Realm Runners s1 ep5: The Final Warning (A Halo 5 Machinima) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bkr5qXZBLHE&t;=318s Realm Runners Episode 5 Trailer : The Final Warning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kztAIWKHbDk All filmed on an Elgato game capture and edited on an iMac UNSCaustralia's intro Logo was created by Masterj2001 Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/unscaustralia/ Follow me on ...
Testing the Custom 50Ae Deagle Shotshell in a ballistic format at approximately 30 feet. Using a donated 50AE slug media that was calibrated perfectly to match some random specification determined by no one in particular. Test gun is the Mossberg 590A1, 18" barrel - Parkerized with a 16" magazine tube. Filmed with three Sony HD AVCHD Camcorders; HDR-CX190. Edited in Final Cut Pro X. Check out Buffman's channel! He hooked us up with a bunch of interesting ammo including the 50AE used in this video! https://www.youtube.com/user/BuffmanLT1 This is the 50AE Deagle 12 gauge wax shotgun slug. We take a handful of 50AEand convert them to a combination wax / live ammo cartridge slug. Conceptualized as a 762x12 gauge wacky shotgun load we discover than this load actually has serious power, penetr...
This is the 7.62x39 12 gauge wax shotgun slug. We take a handful of Tula 7.62x39mm cartridges and convert them to a combination wax / live ammo slug. Conceptualized as a 762x12 gauge wacky shotgun load we discover than this load actually has serious power, penetration and aiming capabilities. Despite all of this, the round is very dangerous and should not be built by novices or shot out of low grade equipment. Yo Dawg we put a bullet in yo bullet so you can shoot while you shoot. The title of this video is: Shooting Live 7.62x39mm From A 12 Gauge Shotgun I discussed this with and got ideas from Jeff / Taofledermaus https://www.youtube.com/user/taofledermaus You should check his channel and subscribe if you have not already. He also created a video like this. He put 5.56 rounds in 12 gaug...
High speed, short length, stainless steel tube cutting on a TRU-MOTION TRU-CUT RECUT. Automatic crop cut separation. Elliptical, single shear cutting motion. Commercially burr free cut end. Dimple free, chip free and no slug. Unidirectional feed minimizes scratching and time loss. Target free, operator programmed, CNC controlled part length.
Be Sure to Subscribe, Leave a Like below and A Comment! Sub to my homies: Swoop: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF5ESz6AYik_TbgCe4dPyrA FNH SLUG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn1J0lt1dscTvFcl_f8p_Qw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA ► My Twitter ► https://twitter.com/LostAdept My Instagram ► https://instagram.com/Adept_Trystan/ My Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/adeptgrimlock/profile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTRO SONG: https://www.youtube....
The Perasian Nebula is swarming with slugs, with the rebels on our tail, can we conquer the sector? MOBILE VIEWERS: Previous: http://youtu.be/d0gAOL6vmnM Big box: What's New with Nilesy? You Have to Win the Game! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd-OXmcuZzA Small box: Latest Smoothe Operators: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p85XDdAhBCc AWESOME T-SHIRTS! - http://nilesy.gametee.co.uk Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/twirlyswirly Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Nilesyproductions Music: Kevin MacLeod (amazing tune, serious love) Sound FX: Audiomicro Maker license.
Mantis Defense – Test and Review of Safeguard by Frangible Technologies, INC (Frantec) Do not attempt to recreate or test anything as seen in this video – we are not held liable for the viewers. Frangible ammunition has been around for quite some time, it is essentially a “soft” round designed to break apart on contact with a hard surface preventing ricochets. We’re using the term “soft” loosely because it can only be so soft. Note with frangible ammunition the harder the target the smaller the fragments will become. To know more and the science behind Frantec ammo check out this link http://www.frantecusa.com/technology Let’s ease our way into this – There is a whole line of 12 gauge ammo offered at this time, with other calibers in the works. We had our hands on the Tactical Veloc...
Gaming system from CyberPowerPC - Save 5% with code "H2O" on orders over $1,299. http://goo.gl/HmUPE0 Want some Delirious Loot? http://h2odelirious.spreadshirt.com My Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1wjyGOd My Twitter: https://twitter.com/H2ODelirious Friends in this video - CaRtOoNz - http://bit.ly/1hb64Nw OHM: https://www.youtube.com/MaskedGamer Bryce: https://www.youtube.com/BryceGamesYT Outtro song: By SpacemanChaos! https://www.youtube.com/user/MrTOOCHIEF https://twitter.com/SPACEMANCHAOS https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/the-spaceman-chaos/id904688257
Journalism, Mass Communications, Publishing... playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9B382292A2AB6718 more at http://news.quickfound.net/journalism_news_and_links.html "Salesian Vocational and Technical Schools, Italy. How mechanical typesetting works." Reupload of a previously uploaded film with improved video & sound. Public domain film from the Library of Congress Prelinger Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and one-pass brightness-contrast-color correction & mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original). http://creativecommons.org/licens...
Best adventure EU. MOBILE LINKS: Big box: What's New with Nilesy? Transistor! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsmmdPiawT0 Small box: The Last Door #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vvc2A9vbZk ♥ T-shirts and other cool stuff: http://nilesy.gametee.co.uk ♥ Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/NilesyRocks?sub_confirmation=1 Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is a free-to-play multiplayer FPS game with cartoony style animated characters. You can play it for free on Steam. ● Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Nilesy ● Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/twirliest ● Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Nilesyproductions ● Mailbox: Nilesy @ The Yogscast, PO Box 3125 Bristol BS2 2DG
Speakers: Petr Lapukhov, Microsoft Design choices, such as protocols & topology, for large scale (100k+ services) Web data centers have significant impact on scalability and operations of underlying networks. Such networks often host Hadoop-like compute clusters, which calls for topology providing large amount of bisection bandwidth. Consequently, to satisfy the requirement for intense east-west traffic, operators commonly choose some of Clos/Fat-tree topology variants. Another prominent property of such environments is reliance on fixed form-factor, cheap commodity 1G/10G Ethernet switches to reduce capital expenditures. Both of these properties combined result in a network topology with very high link density and large number of switches – on the order of 10’s of thousands and thous...
Shooting and discussing the Russian VEPR 12 shotgun. And yes, sorry, but every time I say "SBR" in the video, what I should say and what I mean to say is " SBS," for short barrel shotgun. Please direct people to the description when they point this out, which will likely be pretty often. Good thing I'm so handsome, because I sure "ain't" too smart! :-) ------------------- ------------------------ Please visit the Hickok45.com website and check out what the great folks who support us have to offer: BUD’s GUN SHOP, THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION, FEDERAL PREMIUM, SONORAN DESERT INSTITUTE, and SHOOT SOME STEEL: http://www.hickok45.com/supporters/ JOIN THE NRA at the Hickok45 page and get a nice discount: https://membership.nra.org/Hickok45/Join Hickok45 Store: http://shop.missingink.c...
Safety film for heavy equipment operators that was commissioned by the construction equipment manufacturer. Reminding workers to follow procedures and stay alert, Shake Hands with Danger features simulated accidents and a memorable title song. NOTE: "Herk" Harvey directed the independent horror film Carnival of Souls. Buy this film on DVD: http://www.avgeeks.com/wp2/store/products/on-the-job-dvd/
Quarta parte da gameplay de Rainbow Six: Lockdown no PS2.
In this new series, What's New with Nilesy, I check out newly released games and see what they're like! Tonight we play You Have to Win the Game by Minor Key Games, an awesome retro 80s style platformer, with YOLO Mode and Playable Cat DLC! You can check the game out here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/286100/ Developer is Minor Key Games, @PirateHearts on Twitter. MOBILE VIEWERS: Big box: Latest Smoothe Operators: http://youtu.be/p85XDdAhBCc Small box: Latest FTL Captain's Mode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0gAOL6vmnM AWESOME T-SHIRTS! - http://nilesy.gametee.co.uk Music: Kevin MacLeod (amazing tune, serious love) Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/twirlyswirly Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Nilesyproductions
Want to play Fiasco with your friends at home? Visit your Friendly Local Game Shop to purchase it! Or buy it online at: http://amzn.to/18yKpLK Buy The Fiasco RPG Companion! http://amzn.to/gs-FiascoCompanion Download the Saturday Night '78 scenario! http://bit.ly/OGeFqX Subscribe to Geek and Sundry: http://full.sc/GTVYfM Join our community at: http://geekandsundry.com/community Buy the official TableTop mug! http://www.jinx.com/p/geek_and_sundry_tabletop_mug.html?catid=&s;=Geek_Sundry More Geek & Sundry merchandise available at http://www.cafepress.com/geekandsundry and http://www.jinx.com/shop/partner/geek_sundry/ CLICK "SHOW MORE" FOR CREDITS AND MORE INFO! Wil Wheaton and guests Alison Haislip (Actress - Battleground), Bonnie Burton (Writer - The Star Wars Craft Book, Girls Against Girl...
I've wanted to play this game for ages and felt it was finally time! Smooth Operators: Call Center Chaos has you control your own call center, so I figured with my wealth of knowledge of call center workings I'd be great at it! Right?! MOBILE VIEWERS: Previous vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TIJj-FOT98&index;=7&list;=PLa5hjV_1LF3RMDcR4ZSfDSwx7DPs4Wku3 Big box: What's New with Nilesy? Transistor! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsmmdPiawT0&index;=3&list;=PLa5hjV_1LF3TBY2uJz5WLbExqlSAjQjvf Small box: Latest TF2 Vid! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUOSPcq808A&list;=PLa5hjV_1LF3SqTbebOewwe6gi7FURFAao&index;=78 AWESOME T-SHIRTS! - http://nilesy.gametee.co.uk Music: Kevin MacLeod (amazing tune, serious love) Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/twirlyswirly Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Ni...
I've wanted to play this game for ages and felt it was finally time! Smooth Operators: Call Center Chaos has you control your own call center, so I figured with my wealth of knowledge of call center workings I'd be great at it! Right?! MOBILE VIEWERS: Previous vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p85XDdAhBCc&list;=PLa5hjV_1LF3RMDcR4ZSfDSwx7DPs4Wku3&index;=6 Big box: What's New with Nilesy? You Have to Win the Game! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd-OXmcuZzA Small box: Latest FTL Captain's Mode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9EJc24x1m8 AWESOME T-SHIRTS! - http://nilesy.gametee.co.uk Music: Kevin MacLeod (amazing tune, serious love) Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/twirlyswirly Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Nilesyproductions
The next sector is upon us, but will it spell disaster for the HMS Snoop Dogg? MOBILE VIEWERS: Previous: http://youtu.be/0an-32pN7Ws Big box: Smooth Operators #3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8htWnDv2aHM Small box: Cook Serve Delicious Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DQxm6QX3as AWESOME T-SHIRTS! - http://nilesy.gametee.co.uk Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/twirlyswirly Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Nilesyproductions Music: Kevin MacLeod (amazing tune, serious love) Sound FX: Audiomicro Maker license.
バツグン / Batsugun (Special Ver.) Toaplan 1993 B-type ノーミス ノーボムALL 連付き Player A.K上越 収録Ver ThunderMAME32+ Always thank you for writing the comment!!! ( There might be an erratum because it uses the translation software ) ※収録エミュレータが古い為、サウンドはサンプルを使用しています。 mame replay site http://replayburners.web.fc2.com/ バツグン 発売年:1993.02 開発/発売元:東亜プラン ジャンル:シューティング コントローラ:8方向レバー+2ボタン システムボード:専用基板 CPU構成[68000] 音源チップ[YM2151, OKI6295] 東亜プラン末期、同社最後の縦スクロールシューティングゲームとして登場したのが「バツグン」。プレイヤーは3種類の異なる能力を持ったファイターの中から選択、8方向レバーで自機を操作しながら2つのボタンを駆使し、全5ステージクリアを目指す。2人同時プレイ時には同時にボンバーボタンを押すと、より強力なボンバーを使うことができる。また敵を倒した経験値によってゲージが上がりパワーアップするレベルアップシステムがあるのも特徴的である。これまでのシューティングと大きな違いこそないが、そのゲームバランスの良さから、一般プレイヤーからマニア層まで幅広くプレイされたロングヒット作品となった。ちなみにAOUショーでのみで出典されていた非売品のスペシャルバージョンは東亜プラン倒産後、一般向けに売り出されている。 Batsugun (c) 1993 Toaplan. ...
Google Tech Talk December 5, 2011 A Chinese Typewriter in Silicon Valley: What 150 Years of Chinese Information Technology can Teach the Alphabetic World Presented by Thomas S. Mullaney. ABSTRACT In 1862, an eccentric Frenchman published two essays about telegraphy: the first, a proposal for a Chinese telegraph code, and the second, a critique of Morse Code. Inspired by his study of Chinese, he argued that symbolic languages like Morse and other telegraph codes failed to measure up to the brilliance and power of the physical technology of the telegraph. Whereas the telegraph-as-machine was an immense achievement that granted humans a power bordering on the god-like, the semiotic architecture of telegraph codes remained crude and bounded to the languages out of which they were de...
We venture into UI Prime, a sector known for it's danger. With pirate warnings at every beacon, will we survive the sector? Or will this be end the for the HMS Snoop Dogg? MOBILE VIEWERS: Previous: http://youtu.be/lCrVKeJyx0Y Big box: Tonight's Cook Serve Delish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKKHCmh_swU Small box: Saturday's LEVEL 22 #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDsd62fITMk AWESOME T-SHIRTS! - http://nilesy.gametee.co.uk Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/twirlyswirly Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Nilesyproductions Music: Kevin MacLeod (amazing tune, serious love) Sound FX: Audiomicro Maker license.
Today, I'm starting a new FTL: Advanced Edition run, using the Captain's Mode community mod! We name our ship, name our crew, and set a course into the first sector! MOBILE VIEWERS: Big box: Smooth Operators #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYnEa8sx70s Small box: Cook Serve Delicious Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqSeL9DN9IE AWESOME T-SHIRTS! - http://nilesy.gametee.co.uk Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/twirlyswirly Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Nilesyproductions Music: Kevin MacLeod (amazing tune, serious love) Sound FX: Audiomicro Maker license.