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There is something “insidious” transpiring between the Donald Trump administration and the Department of Justice, former DOJ officials warn.

Police chiefs association refutes Trump’s speech that endorsed officer brutality

President Donald Trump on Friday told a cheering crowd of police officers that they shouldn’t be afraid to rough up suspects during arrests.

‘Reince — you should, uh, check your Twitter’: The internet reacts after chief of staff ‘thrown under priebus’

President Donald Trump announced the hiring of a new White House chief of staff — and social media users were somehow still shocked by the seemingly inevitable ouster of Reince Priebus.

Trump replaces Reince Priebus through Twitter — and names DHS chief Kelly as chief of staff

President Donald Trump on Friday afternoon announced that he was replacing White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.

‘Deidre is not a fan of Trump’: Scaramucci’s wife reportedly files for divorce over his ‘naked political ambition’

Anthony Scaramucci, the controversial new White House communications director, will soon be dealing with a divorce.

‘Problem isn’t a few bad apples’: The internet recoils in horror as Trump asks cheering cops for brutality

Police officers cheered as President Donald Trump urged them to use petty violence against suspected criminals — and social media users reacted in outrage and horror.

‘Trial’s over b*tches’: Pharma bro Martin Shkreli threatens to ‘f*ck’ journalist he stalked if he’s not convicted

In a rambling rant posted to Facebook after closing arguments in his securities case, former Turing Pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkreli threatened to sexually assault a journalist he had previously stalked on Twitter.

Trump is constantly in an angry frenzy — and he can no longer control it

Once upon a time, President Trump was capable of sublimating his rage and bluster into actions that seemed presidential, at least occasionally.

‘Trump is a clown show — evangelicals supplied the tent’: Conservative scorches religious right frauds

The morning after the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza released a stunning and profoundly obscene interview with White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, one of the Washington Post’s resident conservatives trashed evangelicals for remaining silent.

Paul Ryan laments Obamacare repeal failure by reciting ‘Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald’

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) recited the lyrics to a mournful Gordon Lightfoot song about a shipwreck to lament the failure of Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Italian-Americans worried Scaramucci has revived every negative stereotype of them in one week of work

Anthony Scaramucci hasn’t even officially started his White House job, but he’s already captured a lot of attention — and helped perpetuate negative stereotypes about Italian-Americans.

White woman who lied about being raped by three black men indicted on felony charges

Breana Harmon Talbott—who was 18 at the time—ran into a Texas church in just her bra, a T-shirt and underwear, and claimed she had been raped by two masked men while a third held her down.