Not For Profit - For Global Justice - Since 2001

"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President - 1797 - 1801


Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801

Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,487

Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan

Click for Spanish, German, Dutch, Danish, French, translation- Note- Translation may take a moment to load.


"If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall. We see further into the future." - Madeleine K. Albright, 64th Secretary of State of the United States and Ambassador to the United Nations 

"I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it." - Madeleine K. Albright [In response to a question from Leslie Stahl, "We have heard that a half million children have died (as a result of Clinton's sanctions against Iraq). I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima. ... is the price worth it? 
"... man's capacity to forget is unlimited."- Jacques Ellul

"Whatever it is that the government does, sensible Americans would prefer that the government does it to somebody else. This is the idea behind foreign policy." -  P. J. O'Rourke


Mosul's Bloodbath: 'We Killed Everyone - IS, Men, Women, Children'
By MEE Contributor
A cat steals across a ruined street with a piece of fresh meat hanging from its jaws. It is inevitably human. - Continue


“Beauty of Our Weapons” in the War on Yemen
By George Capaccio
O Lord our God, help us to remain silent in the face of so much suffering.- Continue


Trump Faces Down the CIA and Co-Opts the Pentagon on Syria
By Glen Ford
Which makes him less dangerous to the human species than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. - Continue


In Case You Missed It
Hasan Nasrallah: Trump Must Be Thanked For His Stupidity
We should thank Trump for revealing the true face of the racist, cruel, criminal and murderous U.S. government. - Continue


Empire of Whiners
By Pepe Escobar
If this is the best US military “intelligence” can come up with, Russia and China might as well grab a gin and tonic and relax by the pool. - Continue


The Myth of American Exceptionalism
By Melvin Goodman
Putin’s intervention in Syria was designed to make sure that the U.S. history of regime change didn’t included Syria. - Continue


A Ray of Hope
By Paul Craig Roberts
Washington’s extraordinary arrogance and hubris has resulted in overreach. - Continue


Ray McGovern: The Deep State Assault on Elected Government Must Be Stopped
Must Watch - Video
You may not like everything Donald Trump does, but will you let the CIA and GCHQ remove him from office? - Continue


Making America Great, Again?
By Kim Petersen
When was America great? - Continue


Watch; Wasserman Schultz Scandal Is Media's Russian Dream
Tucker Carlson - Video
Scandal surrounding an IT staffer for former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, arrested while trying to leave the country. - Continue


Philippine: Western Media is Distorting Reality, People and Army Unite to Battle “ISIS”
By Andre Vltchek
The West is regularly using ‘jihad,’to destabilize socialist, anti-imperialist, countries and governments. - Continue


The German People Cannot Ignore the Crimes Committed by Israel?
By William Hanna
The German People Cannot Repeat Their Claim of "Not Having Known About What Was Happening". - Continue


NYT, Reuters, Economist Journalists Self-censor Reports From Israel
By Philip Weiss
If you write the truth of what you see in Israel and the West Bank, you will be savagely targeted. - Continue


Newly Declassified Memos Detail Improper Obama-era NSA Spying
By John Solomon
“Americans should be alarmed that the NSA is vacuuming up their emails and phone calls without a warrant” - Continue


At least 29 civilians killed in US airstrikes on Syria’s Raqqah

US-backed Syrian fighters control almost half of Raqqa

Media Mourn End of CIA Killing Syrians and Strengthening Al Qaeda

Robert Fisk: Syrians aren't just rebuilding an ancient mosque in Aleppo – they are rebuilding their community

The Secrets of the Syrian War: the Israeli Factor: Op-Ed

Putin signs Syria base deal, cementing Russia's presence there for 50 years

Arsal: Hezbollah, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham agree ceasefire

Watch: Hasan Nasrallah: Trump Must Be Thanked For His Stupidity

Iraq: Ten Islamic State members killed in airstrike, west of Mosul

US-trained Iraqi army division allegedly executed dozens of men in Mosul's Old City: Human Rights Watch

80% of all kids in Yemen are in need

Jordan's king calls on Israel to put in trial guard who killed two Jordanians

Israelis fire tear gas at Palestinians in al-Aqsa

Watch: Israeli security removes Palestinian flag from atop Temple Mount

Israeli squatters raid Palestinian home, move in

Al Jazeera slams Netanyahu's threat to shut J'lem bureau as 'vicious attack'

Saudi court upholds death sentences of 14 Shia protesters

Iran claims successful rocket test, move likely to anger U.S.

Pay to play - Qatar hires firm founded by Trump aides amid crisis

10 Nigerian soldiers killed in battle with Boko Haram

Two Moroccan UN Peacekeepers Killed in C. Africa Attack

France's Macron Eyes Special Centers in Libya to Handle Asylum Requests

Official: 26 Afghan Soldiers Killed in Taliban Assault

War between US and North Korea is 'not unimaginable': Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff

Putin: We'll have to retaliate against 'illegal' U.S. sanctions

France says U.S. sanctions on Iran, Russia look illegal

EU must retaliate if hurt by U.S. sanctions on Russia: German business group

US Russia sanctions ‘absolutely unacceptable,’ come at expense of EU jobs – Austrian chancellor

Watch: "Russian Hacking" Exposed as Inside Job

No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists

Ukraine strips Saakashvili of his only citizenship

Venezuelans Rally as Constituent Assembly Campaign Closes

Uruguay Tells US Drug War to Take a Hike

US House Committee Passes Sanctions Against Nicaragua

Just 5 pct approve of Brazilian leader Temer's gov't: poll

Pentagon Report Declares US Empire ‘Collapsing’

Former CIA Director Calls For A Coup

Saving 1,400 Iraqi Nationals From ‘Grisly Fate,’ Court Blocks Deportations

McCain just sealed his legacy as the Senate’s biggest asshole

Trump Slams Debbie Wasserman Schultz Over Arrest Of Office Tech Worker

How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately “elevated” Donald Trump with its “pied piper” strategy


July 26, 2017

Say Goodbye to Regime Change in Syria
By Scott Ritter
The CIA’s train-and-equip program, was responsible for the crisis currently underway in Syria.- Continue


Are America's Wars Just and Moral?
By Patrick Buchanan
What justifies America’s participation in this slaughter? - Continue


What Divides America From the World (and Each Other)
By William Hawes
The US elite are not simply anti-intellectual: they are unhinged, mentally ill, and represent a clear and present danger to the world. - Continue


Trump Is Being Moved Aside So That Conflict with Russia Can Proceed
By Paul Craig Roberts
Russia, China, and Iran are in the way, and, thus, they are on Washington’s hit list. - Continue


Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence
The purported “hack” of the DNC - was not a hack by Russia or anyone else. - Continue


CIA Chief Hints Agency Is Working To Change Venezuelan Government
By Andrew Buncombe
The US has a long and bloody history of meddling in Latin America's affairs. - Continue


Ten Myths About Israel
By Dr. Ludwig Watzal
The claim of being the “only democracy in the Middle East” is put in the right perspective. - Continue


America's Militarized Police - Made in Israel?
By Philip Giraldi
There have been hundreds of all-expenses-paid trips including officers from every major American city . - Continue


Policing for Profit: Jeff Sessions & Co.’s Thinly Veiled Plot to Rob Us Blind
By John W. Whitehead
It’s time for what Martin Luther King Jr. called for: “militant nonviolent resistance.” - Continue


The Killing Fields Of Australia - A Matter Of Routine
By Chris Graham
Daniel probably died in the back of a police wagon, like some cattle do on their way to a slaughterhouse. - Continue


Working Toward Tripartite Racial Disunity: Maybe Not a Really Great Idea
By Fred Reed
Constantly attacking forty million American citizens as stupid, dirty, criminals, given to rape, will not make for domestic tranquility. - Continue


Trump and the Christian Fascists
By Chris Hedges
The Christian right has been organizing and preparing to take power for decades. - Continue


US-backed forces have killed at least 18 civilians in Syria's Raqqa

Russia deploys forces to police Syria safe zones

Gabbard: Media misses point of CIA program Trump ended

Iraq: Iraqi jets kill 21 Islamic State fighters in airstrikes in Anbar

IS burns 10 militants to death over fleeing attempt, west of Mosul

US airstrikes have devastated Mosul

'60000 to 70000' ISIS fighters have been killed

Suspected Qaeda gunmen kill 3 Yemeni soldiers: army

U.N. report accuses Saudi coalition of deadly migrant boat attack off Yemen

UN says 80 percent of Yemeni children need humanitarian aid

Jordan: Video Shows Shooting of US Soldiers

Israel removes metal detectors from al-Aqsa compound

Why Israel censored reporting on the Jordan embassy shooting

Amnesty: Saudi should stop 'bloody execution spree'

Iran will ‘strengthen defensive weapons’ in response to US sanctions – Rouhani

UAE Documentary Claims Qatar Complicit in 9/11 Attacks

Qatar's links with 9/11 mastermind revealed in Sky News Arabia documentary

Saudi lobby pays $138,000 for anti-Qatar ads in the US

At least 40 killed in C.Africa day after ceasefire agreed: aid source

2 Moroccan peacekeepers killed in Central African Republic

Libyan Rivals Agree to a Cease-Fire and Elections After Talks in France

26 Afghan soldiers killed as Taliban storms Kandahar base

US weapons complicate Afghan war

Trump Finds Reason for the U.S. to Remain in Afghanistan: Minerals

Pakistan blast: Taliban bomb kills 26 in Lahore

North Korea threatens U.S. with ‘nuclear hammer’ after CIA chief appears to hint at regime change

CIA chief: China tops Russia & Iran as biggest long-term threat to US

US votes to sanction EU firms in Russia project

House decisively passes sanctions bill curbing Trump’s power

Russia says new US sanctions leave relations in uncharted territory : Ryabkov made clear Moscow was growing tired of showing restraint.

Russia sanctions: EU vows to retaliate over US measures

EU warns U.S. it could swiftly counter new sanctions on Russia

German Islamist preacher sentenced to 5-1/2 years in prison

HRW: French police routinely abuse Calais refugees

Venezuela accuses Rubio, CIA of plotting to topple Caracas government

7 Pictures That Prove Venezuela’s Opposition ‘Strike’ Is a Flop

Honduran Police Fire Tear Gas, Water Cannon at Student Protest

Police shoot, kill man while serving warrant at wrong home

52% Say US Would Lie About Foreign Chemical Weapons

Trump: US military will 'not accept' transgender people

Sessions to announce investigations into intelligence leaks: source

Don’t Be Fooled by This Senate Vote: The Road to Repealing Obamacare Is Just as Long as It Was Yesterday


July 25/24, 2017

Assange: 'CIA Not Only Armed Syrian Terrorists -It Paid Their Salaries'
By Chris Menahan
The Financial Times noted how many Syrian rebels are getting salaries from the CIA. - Continue


CIA-backed Fighters Killed Or Wounded 100,000 Syrian Soldiers
By David Ignatius
Run from secret operations centers in Turkey and Jordan, the CIA pumped hundreds of millions $ to militia groups. - Continue


Watch: Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (Full Interview)
By NBC News
Lavrov sat down with NBC News to discuss the relationship between President Putin and President Trump. - Continue


Syria Summary - Consolidating The West - Marching East
By Moon Of Alabama
Russia warned against any thoughts of establishing permanent U.S. bases in Syria. - Continue


The al-Aqsa Metal Detectors Aren't A Security Measure
By Diana Buttu
Israel has been using the pretext of security to quietly continue the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their land. - Continue


Donald Trump and the Coming Fall of American Empire
By Jeremy Scahill & Alfred McCoy
We’re about to be eclipsed by 2030, by China, and become the world’s number two economic power. - Continue


19 Hezbollah fighters, 143 militants killed so far in Arsal offensive

Hezbollah claims to have killed 46 Sunni militants near Lebanon-Syria border

Over 20 Takfiri Militants Killed in Syria’s Qalamoun

Explosion kills 11 in Syria’s militant-held city of Idlib

Al Qaeda affiliate now controls Syria's Idlib city after rebel pull-out:

The End is Near: Syrian Army Intensifies Its Grip of Steel on Daesh

Russian Military Could Force The U.S. Out of Syria, Army Official Says

Syria requests compensation from US over destruction wrought by war

Watch: Hassan Nasrallah : the Liberation of Mosul is an Opportunity to Eradicate Daesh

Egypt kills 8 from Hams , nabs others in anti-militant operations

Iraq: Five civilians killed, nine wounded in bomb blast northwestern Baqubah

Yemen: Saudi forces kill 15 Houthi militias

Mine blast kills Saudi soldier near Yemen border

Yemen Hits Saudi Oil Refinery with Long-Range Ballistic Missile

UK approved £283m of arms sales to Saudis after airstrike on Yemen funeral

Yemen cholera epidemic worst on record at 360,000 victims

US dishes dirt on Saudis to flush Gulf blockade on Qatar

One killed in shooting incident at Israeli embassy in Jordan: security source

Israel installs security cameras at al-Aqsa compound

London protest urges Israel to end Al-Aqsa aggression

Every Israeli Should Read the Palestinian Assailant’s Last Will and Testament

U.S. State Department says Israeli settlements, ‘lack of hope’ drive Palestinian resistance

Israeli filmmaker uncovers horrific new evidence of the Deir Yassin Massacre

Sudan clashes kill up to 10 in Darfur: tribal chiefs

Somalia: Roadside blast kills 4 soldiers

9 soldiers, 2 civilians killed in India-Pakistan LoC skirmishes in July

Taliban fighters attack police, capturing two districts

U.S. Lawmakers herald agreement on sweeping Russia sanctions bill

EU sounds alarm on Russia sanctions,warning of unintended consequences.

Popularity tumbles for France's Macron: poll

Britons travelling to Europe offered just 88 euro cents for £1

Bolivia's Morales Declares 'Total Independence' from World Bank and IMF

WikiLeaks Release Documents on How CIA Uses 5 Different Malware

Police: 8 dead in truck, 20 in dire condition in Texas immigrant smuggling case

Connecting McCain's Tragic Diagnosis to Trumpcare 'Is the Goddamn Point'

Schumer: Dems, not Russia, are to blame for loss to Trump


July 22, 2017

Trump: End The Syria War Now
By Eric Margolis
Expect the media war against Trump to intensify. - Continue


John McCain and The Cancer of Conflict
By Patrick Henningsen
John McCain has in fact lost his mind – and is no longer fit to serve in public office. - Continue


Is Iran in Our Gun Sights Now?
By Patrick Buchanan
Who else wants a U.S. war with Iran, besides ISIS?. - Continue


Wake Up! 45 Senators and 237 Congress Members Support Bill That Makes Boycotting Israel a Crime
By Emily Shugerman
The American Civil Liberties Union calls the bill a 'direct violation of the First Amendment'. - Continue


Saudi Arabia is 'The Kingdom Whose Name We Dare Not Speak At All'
By Robert Fisk
Saudi Arabia is now as sacred as Israel used to be; that is, largely inoculated from all criticism. - Continue


Debunking Fake News With Scott Ritter
By Ron Paul
Scott Ritter, explains why in his vast intelligence and WMD experience he believes the "Russia hacking" US Intel Report is bogus. - Continue


Brennan, Rice, Power -- Lock Them Up!
By David Stockman
The violent coup on the streets of Kiev was organized by agents and organs of the US government. - Continue


Hundreds Died in Rohingya Camps on Thai-Malaysia Border
By Asia Times
Those in good enough physical condition, young, male and strong, were sold to be militants for the opposition party of Malaysia. - Continue


How the Opioid and Heroin Epidemic Was Created by Big Pharma
By Sally Painter
Scott Ritter, explains why in his vast intelligence and WMD experience he believes the "Russia hacking" US Intel Report is bogus. - Continue


6 killed, 20 injured in rocket attacks in Homs and Hama:

FSA action retreats from front lines near Arsal as Hezbollah advance: security source

VIDEO: Hezbollah gives no quarter to Al-Qaeda with Qalamoun offensive in full throttle

Syria army announces halt in fighting in parts of Eastern Ghouta region outside Damascus.

US allies hammer the Syrian Army, Hezbollah with GRAD rockets

US-led coalition refusing to hit Nusra terrorists in Syria: Russia

Moscow warns of political and military consequences of US “manipulation” of “militants” in Syria

Turkey Reveals Extent of Illegal US Base Building in Syria

Syria demands reparation from US, allies for destroying Syria infrastructure

While the US drops bombs, China invests $2 billion in rebuilding Syria

Ten IS members killed as paramilitary troops foil attack near Iraqi-Syrian borders

US contributed to ISIS creation, now tries to claim victory over it – Iraqi VP talks tough

Moscow, Baghdad Sign Huge Arms Deal

9 Turkish soldiers shot dead after Kurdish insurgents lay an ambush

Turkey: 6 Kurdish militants killed in drone attack

Germany Freezes Arms Shipments to Turkey after Warning Its Citizens against Travel to Turkey

4 killed as Iranian troops clash with 'terrorists' on border with Iraq: statement

Murder Of Green Berets In Jordan Exposed Secretive CIA Syria Program Details

Israeli occupation forces kill 3 Palestinians protesters

UN 'deplores' Israel killings of Palestinian protesters

Three Israelis squatters, killed in occupied West Bank attack

WHO: 5,000 suspected cholera cases recorded per day in Yemen

The United States is culpable for war crimes in Yemen: UN

Egypt says 30 suspected militants killed in Sinai raids

20 Taliban militants were killed in Afghanistan's north

U.S. Kills 16 Afghan Policemen

Philippine Congress agrees to extend Mindanao martial law to end of year

350 diplomatic Silk Way Airlines flights transported weapons for war conflicts across the world

UK Arms Dozens of Nations on Its Human Rights Watch List

Protesters SHUT DOWN Minneapolis Mayor Hodges Press Conference

Jury recommends 132 years in prison for man who stole tires and rims

U.S. lawmakers reach deal on new sanctions bill for Iran, N.Korea, Russia

Watch; CNN host shocked to learn US meddled in 81 elections in 47 countries

A History of John McCain’s Calls for War

WikiLeaks wants to ‘take down America any way they can,’ says CIA chief

Trump claims a president's 'complete power to pardon'

Can the president pardon himself? 4 questions about the presidential pardon

Donald Trump attacks 'illegal' report on Sessions Russian meeting

U.S. investigators seek to turn Manafort in Russia probe: sources

Gingrich: Mueller's Law Firm Gave 99.81% of Its Donations to Hillary Clinton Last Year

Florida inmates denied toilet paper, toothbrushes

Man sentenced to jail time for passing out pamphlets outside courthouse


July 21, 2017

White House Admits Defeat in Syria
By Finian Cunningham
American involvement in Syria has been a criminal enterprise from the get-go. - Continue


Trump Finally Stops Arming Terrorists in Syria
By Matt Agorist
Although this move was sought by Russia, it doesn’t make it a pro-Russian move. - Continue


Media Largely Silent on Trump’s Killing Of 3,700 Civilians In Mosul
By Adam Johnson
Amnesty issued a report accusing US-backed forces of “repeated violations, some of which may amount to war crimes,” - Continue


Empire of Destruction
By Tom Engelhardt
Precision Warfare? Don’t Make Me Laugh. - Continue


Palestinians Have a Legal Right to Armed Struggle
By Stanley L Cohen
As an occupied people, Palestinians have a right to resist - in every way possible. - Continue


The Reign of Propaganda
By Paul Craig Roberts
Israel intends to use the US military to put Syria and Iran in the same state of chaos as Iraq and Libya. - Continue


Armies of Cyber-Troops Manipulating Public Opinion
By TruePublica
This monetary system cannot be reformed. It is privately owned and rotten to the core. - Continue


A Tale of Two Nations: Russia vs USA Economic Prospects
By F. William Engdahl
Russia’s economic outlook looks excellent going forward while that of Trump’s America looks bleak. - Continue


Are We Becoming Western Money Slaves?
By Peter Koenig
This monetary system cannot be reformed. It is privately owned and rotten to the core. - Continue


When We Can No Longer Tell the Truth...
By Charles Hugh Smith
Because the truth will bring the whole rotten, fragile status quo down in a heap of broken promises and lies - Continue


Ambush near Syrian capital kills 28 government troops

Terrorists battle terrorists for control of key Syria province

Russia approves deal to deploy forces to Syria for up to 49 years :

War criminal: McCain: Cutting Syria train-and-equip 'irresponsible'

Thierry Meyssan: Billions of dollars’ worth of arms against Syria

Iraq: 13 killed, injured as 2 booby-trapped houses exploded in western Mosul

Eight children, women killed, wounded by IED fleeing Kirkuk

Suicide bomber kills 3 army soldiers west of Mosul

250 families still besieged in Mosul’s Old City: Army officer

ISIL families lament harsh treatment in Iraq

UN blames Saudi-led coalition for deadly Yemen strike that killed 20 civilians

Three displaced families (18 civilians) killed in airstrike in south-west Yemen – UN rights

Cholera Is Slaughtering Yemen and We’re Letting It Happen

Yemen's cholera epidemic is worst on record: Oxfam

Our Relationship with Saudi Arabia Is an Embarrassment

Houthis kill 3 soldiers inside Saudi Arabia

Qatar crisis strains Saudi-led Arab alliance in Yemen war

Qatar says UAE hacked its websites to start rift

UAE says changes to Qatar anti-terror law 'positive'

Israeli occupation forces kill 3 Palestinians as Jerusalem protests rage

Israel bars Muslim men under 50 from Al-Aqsa Mosque

The First Amendment Protects the Right to Boycott Israel

Irish president meets leader of Israel boycott movement:

Listen: Snippets from the Netanyahu hot-mic remarks: EU behavior toward Israel is crazy

Israel Escalates Threats Against Iran: Will prevent Iranian infrastructure in Syria

Number of dead Egyptians found in Libyan desert rises to 25

Cameroonian Troops Tortured and Killed Prisoners at Base Used for U.S. Drone Surveillance

U.S. Kills Afghan Forces in Friendly-Fire Incident

Afghan military kills 98 "insurgents" in one day: government

Pakistan: 14 killed near Afghan border

North Korea tourism: US to ban Americans from visiting

‘I’ve seen America, it’s lousy’: Duterte vows never to visit US

Russia’s Lavrov Says Trump May Have Met Putin More Times

More than 20 million people in four countriesare at risk of starving to death

Watch: Noam Chomsky (2017) "The Future of Humanity"

House Democrat accuses Paul Ryan of stripping war authorization repeal in "dead of night"

South Texas School District Allows Teachers to Hit Students with Paddles

There are more renters than any time since 1965

Sean Spicer resigns as Trump press secretary after six months

Trump: I Wouldn’t Have Appointed Sessions If I’d Known About Russia Recusal

Attorney General Sessions says he will stay in job despite Trump's rebuke

Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions

Trump says Mueller could cross a 'red line' by digging into his finances



Headlines Continued