Trump Faces Down the CIA and Co-Opts the Pentagon on Syria (for the time being)

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

The crazed, racist, stupid, boorish man in the White House “this summer defied the War Party and its corporate media mouthpieces, negotiating a cease-fire with the Russians in several regions of Syria, and possibly ending the CIA’s not-so-covert role as Grandmaster of Islamic Jihad.” Which makes him less dangerous to the human species than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Freedom Rider: Democrats Smear Jill Stein

by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley

The Democratic Party’s Grand Inquisition has move leftward, targeting 2016 Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, whose political crime was to attend an RT dinner in Russia, the year before. The Democrats are trying to yoke her into their fake “Russiagate” conspiracy. Stein is “the perfect foil. She can simultaneously be blamed for Clinton’s loss while feeding the anti-Russia frenzy.”

The Unraveling of the US State

by BAR contributor Danny Haiphong

Born in genocide and slavery, the U.S. state “can neither reform itself out of economic crisis without attacking the poor, nor manage the exploitation of the oppressed without intensifying state repression.” U.S. imperialism has devolved to a permanent state of war -- and war fatigue. The population is pauperized as “capitalist competition and consolidation lead to the permanent replacement of large sections of the workers and uncontrollable under-consumption.”

Will the CIA Obey a Trump Order to Stop Funding Terrorists? An Interview with Rick Sterling

by BAR contributor Ann Garrison

President Trump seems so afraid of the War Party, he almost whispered his recent cancellation of CIA sponsorship of jihadist fighters in Syria. Whatever Trump’s intentions, progressives should support Tulsi Gabbard’s ‘Stop Arming Terrorists’ bill. The corporate media’s true goals are “to continue US ‘regime change’ foreign policy and specifically to attack Syria no matter the cost in blood and treasure,” says investigative reporter Rick Sterling.

Black Agenda Radio for Week of July 24, 2017

Black Elites, and Many Black Voters, Supported Mass Black Incarceration

Historian, author and activist Paul Street has high praise for James Forman Jr.’s new book, Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America. Forman is a professor at Yale Law School and a former public defender in Washington, DC. His book “fills a giant hole in the literature,” illuminating the role played by “Black elites in the rise of the mass incarceration system,” said Street, himself an expert on race and the U.S. penal system. “Many ordinary, working class Black voters in the 70s and 80s have actively supported the racially disparate war on crime and drugs that ended up producing racist mass incarceration,” said Street, whose latest book is titled They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy.

Slavery Was an Illegal Conspiracy of Criminal European Nations

A leading reparations activist says there is merit in pursuing a variety of legal strategies that might convince U.S. courts that Black people deserve damages for past treatment in the United States. However, Kamm Howard, of the legislative commission of NCOBRA, the national Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, doesn’t believe there is anything “novel” about the proposal by Dr. Jahi Issa and Reggie Mabry, that reparations activists recognize that slavery was legal in the U.S., and adjust their legal strategy, according. “Slavery was never legal under international norms,” said Howard. “Only a small number of nations in Europe colluded together and created some rules among themselves on how to engage in these international crimes. Those were rules amongst criminals.”

Every Black Community on Earth has Sell-Outs

Speaking on the Dead Pundits Society podcast, Haitian American political analyst Pascal Robert, a contributor to Black Agenda Report, unleashed a withering broadside against the Black Misleadership Class. “There is not a place in the world that Black people have not been sold out by class traitors in the Black community,” said Robert. Black Americans have a deep interest in wealth and income redistribution. “If you are anti-union, then you are anti-Black, because more Black people are involved in unions, per capita, than there are Black people in college.”

MOVE 9 Event in Brooklyn

In 1978, nine members of the MOVE organization were sentenced to life in prison in the death of a Philadelphia policeman. Seven years later, police bombed the MOVE residence, killing 11 members, including 5 children. On Saturday, August 5, Brooklyn’s House of the Lord church hosts a day-long event, “39 Years is Too Long: Free the MOVE 9.” MOVE Minister of Communications Ramona Africa says parole board members are the biggest obstacles to freeing the surviving members. “You will find that most of them have backgrounds in law enforcement or as prosecutors,” she told Black Agenda Radio producer Kyle Fraser. “That is definitely a conflict of interest when the issue at hand” is the death of a police officer.

Apartheid and Mass Black Incarceration Go Hand In Hand

“The question should be asked,” said Pennsylvania prison inmate Charles Diggs: “Why is America imprisoning more people than any country in the world?” -- a status once held by white ruled South Africa. The apartheid system is directly connected to mass incarceration in both countries, said Diggs, in an essay for Prison Radio.

Black Agenda Radio on the Progressive Radio Network is hosted by Glen Ford and Nellie Bailey. A new edition of the program airs every Monday at 11:00am ET on PRN. Length: one hour.

Intel Vets Challenge “Russia Hack” Evidence

by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

A group of former U.S. intelligence officers have informed President Trump that the “purported ‘hack’ of the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 was not a hack by Russia or anyone else, but was rather a copy of DNC data onto an external storage device.” Moreover, more recent leaks of CIA “troves” show the whole affair could have been a “false flag” operation. Why did the FBI fail to perform its own forensic examination? The world deserves an answer.

Free Speech or Terror TV? Al Jazeera’s Support for ISIS and Al Qaida

by Thomas C. Mountain

People calling themselves “progressives” defend Al Jazeera as a beacon of “freedom of speech” in the Middle East, ignoring its service as a mouthpiece for the genocidal aims of Al Qaida. Untold numbers of Africans were lynched as rapists based on the lies spread by Al Jazeera Arabic – lies echoed by Hillary Clinton. Libya was destroyed, and Syria devastated, with the connivance of Al Jazeera – a tool of Al Qaida and U.S. terror.

Hiding US Lies About Libyan Invasion

by Joe Lauria

The author seemed surprised that the U.S. corporate media ignored a story “that undermined the U.S. government’s entire rationale for its unjustified attack” on Libya, in 2011. The basis for the one-sided war against Libya was entirely false, yet the corporate press repeated each lie like it was gospel truth, and never corrected the record. Clearly, the “mainstream” media’s real mission “is to push an agenda supporting U.S. interests abroad.”

US Occupation Has Already Begun and Is Being Conducted by ExxonMobil

by Mision Verdad

The U.S. and the world’s largest corporation, ExxonMobil, have prioritized the overthrow of Venezuela’s socialist government. Venezuela and neighboring Guyana claim sovereignty over “one of the biggest oil discoveries of the last decade.” ExxonMobil already finances much of the Venezuelan opposition. The company is now trying “to maneuver into Guyana and politically and economically reconfigure the Caribbean Basin to serve it purposes.”

G20: The Second Berlin War Against Africa

by Yash Tandon

With German bankers in the lead, the West is waging economic war against Africa, as was evident at the latest G20 meeting. “The conference’s real effect is to deepen Europe’s colonization of Africa.” Africans must demand that the continent’s resources be used to develop the people of Africa. Africans should “play the West against China, and vice versa,” and not hesitate to take advantage of Donald Trump’s challenge to globalization.”

White Liberal Guilt, Black Opportunism and the Green Party

by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon

Building a new kind of left party isn't easy, or it would have been done a long time ago. The Green party's annual meeting in Newark last week revealed some of the deep problems caused by liberals whose goal is "diversity."  Diversity creates token blacks, browns, women and queers and pretends they are leaders, instead of nurturing and developing leadership from below. Liberal diversity creates phantom and undemocratic bodies responsible to nobody which are easily manipulated by cynical opportunists.

Black Women in the Killing Fields

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

A white woman from Australia was gunned down by militarized police in Minneapolis – part of the collateral damage that flows from the U.S. mass Black incarceration regime. The intended targets are Black women like Charleena Lyles, killed by Seattle cops, last month. “Although Black women and girls make up only 13 percent of the U.S. female population, they account for 33 percent of all women killed by police.”

Freedom Rider: Kamala Harris and America’s Oligarchs

by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley

California’s new senator is actively being vetted as the “next Obama, “ or “Obama 2.0” -- a youngish, biracial corporate Democrat and a woman. Democratic honchos are betting that “white people will consider her exotic enough to be acceptable and black voters will rally around her.” The oligarchic George Soros likes Harris, who did him a favor by refusing to indict one of his banks. Most importantly, Harris is all about “form” -- not “reform.”

Jay-Z and the Rest of his Class Belong in the Dustbin of History

by BAR contributor Danny Haiphong

Jay-Z’s album 4:44 confirms his deep loyalty to the capitalist system and profound disdain for the people that buy his records. He is a parasitic preacher of I-gotta-get-mine politics, like other celebrities whose existence does “nothing to alleviate the wealth disparity between White America and Black America.” His lyrical talent is superb, but his social analysis is worse than useless.

The Abandonment: Reflections on James Foreman’s "Locking Up Our Own"

by Paul Street

James Forman’s new book is indispensable “for those who want to get the whole story on the rise of the “the New Jim Crow.” The Black middle and upper classes, which have been largely exempt from the mass Black incarceration regime, “actively participated in the rise of the racist mass incarceration and felony-branding system.” Blacks demanded both crackdowns on crime and a Marshall Plan for Black America – but got only tough crime laws.


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