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How EFF Defends the Future: a Conversation with Rainey Reitman (Livestreamed)

Rainey Reitman, activism director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, will join CREDO for a special conversation to discuss how EFF is defending civil liberties and protecting user privacy in the digital world through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. The event will take place at Credo's offices...

Security Researcher Meetup With NTIA Rep on Botnets

The U.S. Department of Commerce is leading a new initiative to ‘identify and promote action by appropriate stakeholders’ to address the evolving threats from distributed, automated attacks. Botnets have evolved to yet again pose a real threat to stability and resilience of the Internet ecosystem. Particularly following the growth of...

Bay Area Townhall on the Use of National Security Tools for Deportation

The current state of surveillance: Bay Area Townhall on ICE's use of National Security Tools like cell site simulators ("CSSs") to locate and deport immigrants. EFF will be educating targeted communities about how CSSs work and what communities can do to try to protect themselves and their loved ones. The...


Join EFF at DEF CON 25! We're excited to have some great talks on the DEF CON schedule, and a booth in the Vendor area. Check us out and find out about the latest developments in protecting digital freedom. You can even sign up as an EFF member at our...

The First Amendment in the Age of Trump

Following a screening of the new film “Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press," EFF Civil Liberties Director David Greene will join a panel of experts, including filmmaker Brian Knappenberger, to discuss the First Amendment under the Trump administration. As the event organizers, TheWrap, describe the panel: "Panelists are not...

Fighting for the Pillars of Democracy: Independent Media and an Open Internet

Authoritarian regimes around the world are cracking down on journalists and trying to exert complete control over the flow of information. Now we too are facing a government hostile to any narratives it doesn't approve of sanction, as well as confronting giant media monopolies and online gatekeepers. How do we...

EFF at Security B-Sides Las Vegas 2017

Join EFF at BSidesLV in the Tuscany Suites & Casino! Catch some great information security talks and don't forget to stop by the EFF table to learn about the latest news in the digital freedom movement.

Senate Hearing on Section 702

The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 about Section 702, as enacted by the FISA Amendments Act. The U.S. government claims that law authorizes the warrantless Internet surveillance of millions of innocent Americans and people around the world. EFF will be liveblogging that hearing...
Black Hat Logo

EFF at Black Hat Briefings USA 2017

Join EFF at Black Hat Briefings! Be sure to stop by our information booth in the Business Hall to find out about the latest developments in protecting digital freedom. You can even sign up as an EFF member and pick up some great swag! As in past years, EFF staff...

EFA June 2017 Teleconference

Are you part of a student group, community organization, or hacker space? If not, do you know others who share your concerns about digital rights? Whether you're working to raise a voice in your community for privacy, security, creativity, access to knowledge, and free expression—or whether you're looking for ways...
EFF Cat Speaking Freely

The Future of Digital Free Speech

The National Constitution Center will be presenting a discussion involving EFF Executive Director Cindy Cohn, The Honorable Alex Kozinski of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh.


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