They’re Here: Depopulation "Lab-Creatures" Released…California in Big Trouble...
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Jordan’s king thanks Trump helping to ease Temple Mt. crisis
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Paul Harvey's 1965 Prophecy
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Einstein and Oppenheimer Wrote Top Secret Document Confirming UFO's and Aliens (Video and Document)
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America began to transfer military equipment and tanks to Ukraine. How much is left for humanity before the outbreak of World War III?
Mark of the Beast Now - Nations New Law Bans Cash - Employees Getting Chipped 2017
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Top Unexplained

They’re Here: Depopulation "Lab-Creatures" Released…California in Big Trouble...

By Lisa Haven On July 14, Google’s bio-lab began releasing 20 million bacteria-filled fertility destroying mosquitoes in Fresno, California. The project, dubbed Debug [...]

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: The Smoking Gun in the Seth Rich Murder Case?!?

This is it for disgraced Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Detectives have linked her directly to Seth Rich, the murdered DNC staffer who leaked DNC emails to WikiLeaks. And it [...]

Disgusting Viral Video of a Brother "Coming out" to His 5-Year Old Little Brother

Thank God for BIN! If I posted this to any other social media site it would be taken down and labelled as "hate speech." This older brother (named Oliver) comes out of [...]

Einstein and Oppenheimer Wrote Top Secret Document Confirming UFO's and Aliens (Video and Document)

(N.Morgan) In June 1947, Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer together wrote a top secret six page document entitled "Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial [...]

Trump Bans Transgenders from Serving in the Military

Trump Bans Transgenders from Serving In the Military In a brilliant move, Trump took the steam of the Democratic attacks by banning Transgenders in the military. Seventy [...]

Warning: 3 Side Effects of the RFID Chip Mark of the Beast Will Shock You!

3 most important things to remember when it comes to RFID Mark of The Beast 666. 1.) The first thing I would like to discuss with regards to the Mark of the Beast, which [...]

Mark of the Beast Now - Nations New Law Bans Cash - Employees Getting Chipped 2017

In November of last year, India banned certain cash notes in a bold move to force businesses into the banking system to better harvest more taxes from its livestock. [...]

Why Are the Global Elite Terraforming the Earth? The Hidden Agenda

Why Are the Global Elite Terraforming (Destroying) the Earth? Why are the global elite terraforming the earth? From Fukushima to chemtrails to the Gulf oil conspiracy, [...]

1997 Documentary Exposes Sickening Move—Wait Until You See What's Planned

By Lisa Haven We all know that some in the US government have evil, vile tendencies and work hand and hand with the king of darkness himself, Lucifer, but today these [...]

5 Cheap Cars That Make You Look Rich! $15k-$40k

Here are some cheap cars that look more expensive than they really are. Some even look like half-million dollar supercars! So you've decided that you don't really care [...]

The Truth Behind Linkin Park's Frontman Revealed 2017 (His Last Concert)

Just days after the Linkin Park singer was discovered dead inside his home in Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County coroner's office determined Bennington's cause of death [...]

Why Economists Cannot Forecast Recessions

by Alasdair Macleod, GoldMoney: The purpose of this article is to draw the widest attention to the chronic inability of the economic establishment to forecast [...]

Gold Price Hits New 6-Week USD High as GDP Grows, Inflation Sinks, GLD Shrinks

Adrian Ash is head of research at BullionVault, the world-leading gold trading & ownership service online... GOLD PRICES jumped to breach ... [...]

House Passes Bill To Fund Trump’s Wall, Military, And Veterans

President Obama’s foreign policy agenda to make nice with the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, Iran, is slowing being ... [...]

Fed Preparing to Crash the System Again

This article was written by Graham Summers and originally published at Gains, Pains & Capital / Alt-Market Very few investors caught on to it, but a few weeks ago [...]

Gold Price Jumps Only in Dollars as 'Low-Rate Yellen' Gets Trump's Backing

Adrian Ash is head of research at BullionVault, the world-leading gold trading & ownership service online... GOLD PRICE gains continued ... [...]

The Lemon Detox Diet - A Recipe That Really Works

Sponsored Links by Aurora Geib; Natural News Ever since Beyonce Knowles was associated with the Lemon Detox diet, there has been a surge of interest in this particular [...]

7 Ways We’ve Lost Control Of What We Eat

My great-grandfather lived to be ninety-nine years old and he grew up on a farm. He was born on a farm, and that’s what he did his entire ... [...]

If Your Kidney Is In Danger, The Body WillI Give You These 6 Signs!

Sponsored Linksby New Daily RecipesOur kidneys represent one of the most important organs in our body. They are located just below the ribs ... [...]

The Delicious Edible Weed That Doesn’t Get Bitter, Is Packed With Vitamins, And Grows EVERYWHERE

Image source: We tend to take weeds for granted. We spray them, pull them out and either compost them or simply toss them in ... [...]

Is Whole Wheat Better Than White? Well it Depends....on This! Whole-wheat bread is better for you than white bread, right? Maybe. According to a study published today in the journal Cell Metabolism, the answer [...]

Whoa! Game Changer! Subterranean Water on Moon How Many Others Have H20? (Video)

7-28-17 Scientists who retested mineral samples collected during the Apollo moon missions now believe there’s a massive amount of water under the lunar surface – a [...]

Crushing Hail Destroys Front End of Airplane! Monster Sunspot Erupts with Second Kill Shot! (Videos)

7-28-17 July 27, 2017: #climate #chaos | Report #1 for July 27, 2017 as more insane weather sends shockwaves through the atmosphere! This is a continuum of the weather [...]

Forced Evacuations! 10,000 Tourists Under Mandatory Evacuation Ocracoke Island in the Outer Banks (Video)

7-28-17 Mandatory Evacuation 10,000 Tourist On NC Outer Banks, Power Outage Source Mary Greeley 10,000 tourists forced to evacuate Ocracoke Island in the Outer Banks [...]

Nibiru, Shmibiru!!

SOURCE People should take the time to read their Bibles before listening to stupid Youtube videos regarding end time prophecies! Today’s teaching is that God is going [...]

Mysterious Levitating Rocks caught on Game Cam at Board Camp Crystal Mine, Arkansas (Video)

The board Camp Crystal Mine near Mena, Arkansas, discovered in 2008 and opened as a day camp in 2012, seems a nice place to visit until February 2017 when strange things [...]

Just a Single Question

There are any number of religions that celebrate Human Life. I am not an advocate for any religion nor am I trying to create my own following. I have said I am a church [...]

Bible Verse of the Day: Philippians 3:14

Bible Verse of the Day Philippians 3:14 “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” We press ... [...]

Goyim are Animals- The Talmudic NWO

A constant feature of the New World Order is that human beings are animalsand we are defined by our animal desires.There is a consistent ... [...]

Paul Harvey's 1965 Prophecy

Worth the less-than-three minutes needed to watch this video (homily published in 1964 and broadcast on ABC Radio on April 3, 1965):The ... [...]

What the Holy See told the UN about Middle East Christians

New York City, N.Y., Jul 28, 2017 / 06:04 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Middle East needs peace, human rights, and the continued presence of ... [...]

Buttermilk Brownies 白脱牛奶布朗尼 

Since I still have some leftover buttermilk from the blueberry crumble cake that I shared in my previous post, I didn’t hesitate to ... [...]

What To Do When Your Tomato Leaves Turn Yellow (And The Plant Starts Dying)

Image source: Flickr / Scot Nelson / Creative Commons A quick look at the leaves on your tomato plants will tell you if your plants need a ... [...]

Pico de Gallo

Chef Tom Cooks -- This simple and fresh pico de gallo recipe is great for putting on tacos, nachos and just about anything. Pico de Gallo [...]

Elite Prepping for a Cataclysmic Event? 'They May Have Information We Don’t' +Video

By Amber William / My Daily Informer Okay…we are seeing some strange activity among the elite. What do they know that we don’t? Based on a flurry of reports, we know [...]

Survival Planning on a Budget

I’ve seen so many great DIY articles on survival topics lately which I find very inspiring. The only thing holding me back at any given time is usually finances more [...]

Friday Music: Nordic Night, by JD

And now, a selection of music for listeners-in to the northern light programme, from JD... [...]

Cop’s Bodycam Shows Him Luring ‘Playful’ Dog Before Opening Fire, Killing It

For years, TFTP has been reporting on the disturbing practice of police shooting people’s pets and claiming they ‘feared for their lives.’ However, the following [...]

5 Cheap Cars That Make You Look Rich! $15k-$40k

Here are some cheap cars that look more expensive than they really are. Some even look like half-million dollar supercars! So you've decided that you don't really care [...]

Husband of the Year Fishes Wife’s Gun From Portable Toilet (Video)

An Alaska man won his wife’s affection after retrieving the handgun she dropped in the worst place imaginable: Inside the toilet of a PortaPotty. According to the [...]

Police Try to Arrest Teen for Not Having His ID, Mowing People’s Grass (Video)

Acknowledging that this is a snapshot of a situation, I’m getting a real bullying vibe here. [...]

Trump in Grave Danger! Deep State Conducting Soft Coup! CIA Will Resort to Violent Overthrow!

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today Deep State Determined to Take Out Trump, Only the American People Can Stop It This [...]

Assassination Plot Against Trump Confirmed We Must Act Now to Stop Civil War

Assassination Plot Against Trump Confirmed We Must Act Now To Stop Civil War Written by JayWill7497 President Trump isn’t exactly popular with the establishment and [...]

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: The Smoking Gun in the Seth Rich Murder Case?!?

This is it for disgraced Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Detectives have linked her directly to Seth Rich, the murdered DNC staffer who leaked DNC emails to WikiLeaks. And it [...]

Anonymous: Deep State Preparing to Remove Trump... (and Declare on Russia Exposed)

Anonymous is the most famous ‘hacktivist’ group in the world. The informal nature of the group makes its mechanics difficult to define. Subsequently, without a [...]

Greg Hunter: McCain Kills Skinny, Congress Curtails President, Sessions Drama - Video

By Greg Hunter’s The Senate and House have just passed a veto-proof bill that will increase Russian sanctions. The Russians vow to retaliate, but that [...]

Paul Harvey's 1965 Prophecy

Worth the less-than-three minutes needed to watch this video (homily published in 1964 and broadcast on ABC Radio on April 3, 1965):The ... [...]

Trump Is Determined to Blow up the Iran Deal

John Glaser What many observers have been nervously suspecting for months is now clear: President Donald Trump is intent on eviscerating ... [...]

Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/28/2017"

"Weekly News Wrap-Up 7//28/2017" by Greg Hunter "The Senate and House have just passed a veto-proof bill that will increase Russian sanctions. The Russians vow to [...]

Einstein and Oppenheimer Wrote Top Secret Document Confirming UFO's and Aliens (Video and Document)

(N.Morgan) In June 1947, Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer together wrote a top secret six page document entitled "Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial [...]

Is Trump Entering a Kill Box?

Every enemy of Trump is going to be dropping the dime on him to Mueller. Moreover, there is no history of special counsels being appointed ... [...]

America began to transfer military equipment and tanks to Ukraine. How much is left for humanity before the outbreak of World War III?

Military analyst John Greig: So, the Zionists of the Neocons decided to plunge mankind into nuclear Hell. They think that nuclear fire will not touch them. But they are [...]

Mark of the Beast Now - Nations New Law Bans Cash - Employees Getting Chipped 2017

In November of last year, India banned certain cash notes in a bold move to force businesses into the banking system to better harvest more taxes from its livestock. [...]

Bill Cooper Tells All About the JFK Assassination, Aliens and the Illuminati Conspiracy

Philosophers stone - selected views from the boat [...]

Military Industrial Complex Undermining US National Security

BY FEDERICO PIERACCINI / STRATEGIC CULTURE The ongoing problems with the F-35 and other military programs, stemming from virtually unlimited budgets, underline the [...]

The Case for Saul Alinsky (A Champion of Liberty?)

I recently saw a ‘debate’ that pitted conservative apologist Dinesh D’Souza against the President of the Alinsky Center and Saul Alinsky’s son David. James [...]

Endgame Begins in America as Final Takedown of Trump Begins.

Endgame Begins In America As Final Takedown Of Trump Begins. Written by JayWill7497 The “militarization of relations” between the Federation and the United States is [...]

Firing Sessions is a Terrible Idea

By Bruce Walker / American Thinker Donald Trump is a naturally polarizing figure. His bread and butter is brazen attacks on those who challenge him. As a media figure [...]

N Korea Threatens 'Nuclear Hammer' After CIA Proposes 'Regime Change'

By Tyler Durden / ZeroHedge Less than a week after C.I.A. chief Mike Pompeo suggested that regime change in North Korea would be a good thing for the Trump [...]
