Bromance celebrated in wedding pics

 Photo: Facebook/Country Roads Photography

Bromances are real and in this case a groom's best mate is well and truly the third wheel.

The strong bond of friendship was evidenced in hilarious photos shared by US photographer Lindsey Berger, from Country Roads Photography.

In the first of two photographs, the friend Mitch is shown to be trying to get in on a kiss between the just engaged couple – the soles of their three pairs of shoes spell out the words "I don't". 

In the second image, the bride and groom are kissing. On the sole of the bride's shoes the words "I won". Mitch is sitting beside them, staring sadly into the distance, on his shoes the words "Shut up".

The photographer captioned the image shared on the company's Facebook page – "Well, we all know Mitch wasn't easily letting his best friend go…..but, I think he handled it rather well".

Lindsey said the couple were long-time friends with Mitch (and his girlfriend who was also a member of the wedding party) and thought it would be a funny idea to include him in their engagement and wedding photographs.

"They have such a fun, funny, crazy awesome friendship," she told Scary Mommy.

"I thought, you know what, I've never seen a follow up photo to that first picture (a popular Pinterest idea)."


She said the photographs have been such a hit the three of them were planning on taking more photographs documenting other life milestones.

"We are planning on doing a series with these three," Lindsey said.

"If the bride gets pregnant, we will do a follow-up or when Mitch gets engaged to his adorable girlfriend, that will be a picture."

Wonder what the shoe captions will be for those moments?