Jon Queally, staff writer
Update (11:11 PM EST): This bill could pass... and become law It's approaching midnight and the latest version of Trumpcare—just introduced (pdf)—is now closer than any previous version of...
Jon Queally, staff writer
In a profanity-laced and on-the-record conversation with New Yorker political...
Julia Conley, staff writer
The ranking Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee is demanding an...


Our clusterf#ck of a government by tweet, whim and petty grievance has descended into more chaos with the move by Our Glorious If Wildly Erratic Leader to ban trans people from the military. His act has been roundly blasted, and his alleged reason -"tremendous" medical cost - is nonsense: The $2 to $8 million entailed pales before the obscene costs of his golf trips ($29 million), Viagra for the Pentagon ($84 million) and the military's reported $125 billion of preventable waste.

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Eugene Robinson
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