Palestine Chronicle Fundraising Appeal

The Palestine Chronicle provides honest and accurate reporting and commentary on the Palestinian people's struggle for freedom and human rights. Our team includes local writers and reporters on the ground who are not only reporting on, but living the struggle themselves. With multilingual platforms and many writers and intellectuals on board, the knowledge provided by the Chronicle is unique and unmatched.

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$10,948 Raised
54% Funded

It’s Time to Talk about Israeli Slander, Not my ‘Diseased Brain’

By Yves Engler As a researcher and writer largely focused on Canadian foreign policy I was surprised to be profiled by a right wing US…

Jul 28 2017 / Read More » /

The Israel Anti-Boycott Act: Threat to Free Speech

By Ron Forthofer There is a Senate bill, along with a companion bill in the House, working its way through Congress with strong bipartisan support,…

Jul 27 2017 / Read More » /

Transcription – A Poem

By Ramona Wadi the potent permanence of frenzied excavation in remnants of spaces between sand and stone I pause at intonations framed against books unrivalled…

Jul 27 2017 / Read More » /

Fear and Trepidation in Tel Aviv: Is Israel Losing the Syria War?

By Ramzy Baroud Israel, which has played a precarious role in the Syrian war since 2011, is furious to learn that the future of the…

Jul 27 2017 / Read More » /

‘If Israel Placed Roses Instead of Metal Detectors in Al-Aqsa, We Would Still Reject Them’

By Rima Najjar As usual, commentary on the latest stand-off between Israel’s forces and Palestinian Muslims due to the closure of Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound to…

Jul 24 2017 / Read More » /

The Gaza Labyrinth: Two Palestinian Schoolmates Seek Unity in Cairo

By James M. Wall A power-sharing Gaza leadership agreement involving two Palestinian childhood friends, Yahya Sinwar and Mohammed Dahlan may be “slowly taking shape”. What led…

Jul 22 2017 / Read More » /

‘The Ministry of Utmost Happiness’: Through Eyes of an Activist for Palestine

Reviewed by Vacy Vlazna Of the numerous novels published annually worldwide, Arundhati Roy is one of the rare maverick authors for whom justice and politics…

Jul 22 2017 / Read More » /

Ten Myths About Israel – Book Review

Reviewed by Ludwig Watzal – Bonn (Ilan Pappe, Ten Myths About Israel, Verso, London 2017.) Particularly, in the US and some European States, the Israeli and…

Jul 21 2017 / Read More » /

Al-Aqsa Has been Abandoned by Those Who Profess the Leadership of the Muslim World

By Dr. Daud Abdullah It is said that hardship often brings out the best in the human character, yet the tragic situation at Al-Aqsa Mosque has failed…

Jul 20 2017 / Read More » /

Kingdom of Olives and Ashes: Writers Confront the Occupation – Book Review

Reviewed by Jim Miles (Kingdom of Olives and Ashes – Writers Confront the Occupation. Michael Chabon, Ayelet Waldman, Ed. HarperCollins Publishers, Toronto. 2017.) A collection…

Jul 19 2017 / Read More » /

The Story behind the Jerusalem Attack: How Trump and Netanyahu Pushed the Palestinians into a Corner

By Ramzy Baroud Early October 2016, Misbah Abu Sbeih left his wife and five children at home and then drove to an Israeli police station…

Jul 19 2017 / Read More » /

The Breaking of the Middle East – Book Review

Reviewed by Jim Miles (The Six Day War – The Breaking of the Middle East.  Guy Laron.  Yale University Press, New Haven/London, 2017.) Between a…

Jul 17 2017 / Read More » /
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