New Content
Are We Doomed? Let’s Have a Talk.
Richard Heinberg
War, Profiteering Push Over 2 Billion to Lack Safe Drinking Water
Whitney Webb
How Seattle Voted to Tax the Rich
Adam Ziemkowski and Rebekah Liebermann
Pentagon Study Declares American Empire Is ‘Collapsing’
Nafeez Ahmed
Surviving the Holocaust to Saving Refugee Children - The Incredible Story of Lord Dubs
4 min
The EU and Euroscepticism Explained
7 min
How My Prejudice Redeemed Me From Believing I Was Essentially Good
Adebayo Akomolafe
Radical Municipalism: The Future We Deserve
Debbie Bookchin
Accidental Anarchist
12 min
Month of Rolling Resistance Reclaims Power From Dirty Frackers
10 min
America’s Trump, Not Trump’s America
Frank Scott
87 Deeply Subversive Documentaries That Challenge the Status Quo
Films For Action
Study Calls for Rapid "Negative Emissions" as Scientist Warns "Shit's Hitting the Fan"
Andrea Germanos
Neoliberalism Has Conned Us Into Fighting Climate Change as Individuals
Martin Lukacs
How Modern Imperialism Creates Famine Around the World
Eric Draitser
The Invisible Vegan
5 min
Carl Sagan and Annie Druyan's Love Letter to the Universe
16 min
People in Denmark Are Much Happier Than People in the United States. Here's Why.
6 min
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Film offers us a powerful tool to raise awareness of important issues not covered by the corporate news. Our goal is to provide citizens of the world with the information and perspectives essential to creating a more just, sustainable, and democratic society.

Our website has cataloged over 3000 of the best documentaries, short films and videos that can be watched free online, sorted into 40 subjects related to changing the world. And, since there's still so much to learn about that isn't featured in a film, we've also cataloged a fair amount of articles, too.



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Our list of top 100 activist documentaries, rated by our site members, is also super quality. We also made a list of the "top 100 documentaries we can use to change the world" in 2015. 

Looking to be inspired and see more beauty in the world? Check out this visionary list of 90 films

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Our general guideline is: only add the best of the best, and filter out the rest.

For instance, we may add 1 video for every five videos we review. 


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  • Has a long shelf-life, aka "evergreen" content - containing information and ideas that will remain relevant and useful for people browsing the subject tag(s) that the content was filed under (months or ideally years later)
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  • Cover stories of people living and building the world they want, now
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Our Mission and Vision

We're here to support all of the global movements working to change the present system. We believe many hands make light work, and we need all of us helping our 'movement of movements' in whatever way feels right for each other. We need both a diversity of tactics and a diversity of efforts, so the more we can support each other and see how our efforts complement each other, the stronger we'll be.

We're loving for a world that's just, democratic, egalitarian, and ecologically healing in ways that the present system cannot offer. Our fire burns for a vision of a global paradigm based on trust and cooperation rather than fear and competition. So long as there is suffering in the world, our work is not done.

This idea that "I am because you are" - that your happiness is my happiness - this is the guiding principle of love, of ubuntu that is what keeps our feet moving and our hearts in action. We are all one human family in relationship with each other and the rest of the community of life on Earth. We seek power with, not power over.

We celebrate the diversity of peaceful cultures that exists across the globe while recognizing our underlying unity. We stand against the homogenization of the world in all it's various forms - this toxic belief in the 'one right way' which has been responsible for all of the colonialization and conquest and subjugation we have seen in the past.

We believe that the old way should not be replaced with a new best way (which would be a repeat of the old way) - but rather 10,000 new and ancient ways of living. There is no one solution to the world's problems. There are 10,000 solutions, 10,000 ways of life - and we need them all. 

We are everyone who dreams of a more beautiful world and is finding ways to put their values into action.

We aren't here to fix the old media. We're here to be the new media - a diverse and decentralized network of tens of thousands of indy media efforts working towards our common dreams.

As more and more of us become the new media, sharing, broadcasting and mircocasting media across the internet, we will eventually dwarf the impact of the old media. Eventually, our alternative models will make the old media obsolete.

Films For Action is one contribution to this network among thousands. But it's going to take all of us to hit the tipping point. 

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