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A Blueprint for New Sanctions on North Korea

Edward Fishman, Peter Harrell, Elizabeth Rosenberg | July 27, 2017

Defense Strategies & Assessments

Michèle Flournoy on CBS This Morning on U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan

Former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy and co-founder of the Center for a New American Security Michèle Flournoy joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss why the U.S. is still...

Defense Strategies & Assessments

Dr. Jerry Hendrix before the Senate Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower

Chairman Wicker, Senator Hirono, and distinguished members of the Seapower Subcommittee, thank you for extending the honor of addressing the topic of how the Navy might reach ...

Technology & National Security

Connect the Dots to Stop Terror Plots

Why didn’t intelligence agencies prevent 9/11? According to the 9/11 Commission, before the attacks, information from intelligence agencies “often failed to make its way to cr...

Most Read

  • Reports
    • May 15, 2017
    Beyond the San Hai

    The United States has enjoyed largely uncontested naval supremacy across the blue waters, or open oceans, for decades. The rapid emergence of an increasingly global People’s L...

    By Dr. Patrick M. Cronin, Dr. Mira Rapp-Hooper, Harry Krejsa, Alexander Sullivan & Rush Doshi

  • Reports
    • May 16, 2016
    Extending American Power

    Foreword by Robert Kagan and James P. Rubin Over the past year, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) brought together an extraordinary group of scholars, practitione...

    By Amb. Eric S. Edelman, James B. Steinberg, Julianne Smith, Kurt Campbell, Michèle Flournoy, Richard Fontaine, James P. Rubin, Stephen J. Hadley, Dr. Robert Kagan & Robert Zoellick

  • Reports
    • January 12, 2017
    #Virtual Caliphate

    Many policymakers, intelligence analysts, and academics believe expelling the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) from Mosul and Raqqah is the key to t...

    By General Joseph L. Votel, LTC Christina Bembenek, Charles Hans, Jeffery Mouton & Amanda Spencer

  • Reports
    • January 11, 2017
    The Future of U.S.-Russia Relations

    The next president will inherit a relationship with Russia fraught with more tension than at any point since the Cold War. Russia’s 2014 invasion of Ukraine sparked fear that ...

    By Julianne Smith & Adam Twardowski

  • Reports
    • November 10, 2016
    Power and Order in the South China Sea

    Despite numerous calls for a more cooperative relationship, U.S.-China ties appear to be on an increasingly competitive trajectory.1 Nowhere has this seemed more apparent than...

    By Dr. Patrick M. Cronin

Audio & Video

  1. Lauren Fish on the NDAA and Defense Policy
  2. Drones Podcast Series: Drones and the MTCR
  3. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg Debate the Future of AI: Who's Right?
  4. Admiral Gary Roughead and Amy Schafer on the Rise of the Warrior Caste

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