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Once upon a time, President Trump was capable of sublimating his rage and bluster into actions that seemed presidential, at least occasionally.

Paul Ryan laments Obamacare repeal failure by reciting ‘Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald’

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) recited the lyrics to a mournful Gordon Lightfoot song about a shipwreck to lament the failure of Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

‘Trump is a clown show — evangelicals supplied the tent’: Conservative scorches religious right frauds

The morning after the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza released a stunning and profoundly obscene interview with White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, one of the Washington Post’s resident conservatives trashed evangelicals for remaining silent.

Italian-Americans worried Scaramucci has revived every negative stereotype of them in one week of work

Anthony Scaramucci hasn’t even officially started his White House job, but he’s already captured a lot of attention — and helped perpetuate negative stereotypes about Italian-Americans.

White woman who lied about being raped by three black men indicted on felony charges

Breana Harmon Talbott—who was 18 at the time—ran into a Texas church in just her bra, a T-shirt and underwear, and claimed she had been raped by two masked men while a third held her down.

‘Our kids are upstairs, please take care of them’: NYC couple leap to their deaths over health care costs

Leaving a note asking that their children be taken care off, a New York City couple jumped to their death early Friday after pointing out they could no longer afford their health care costs.

Trump whines about filibuster rule after Obamacare repeal goes down in flames

President Donald Trump complained about Senate rules after the Obamacare repeal failed to pass hours earlier.

Scaramucci’s ‘dudebro popped-collar chest bumping’ against leakers ‘could be a felony’

The incoming White House communications director told the magazine that FBI agents and federal prosecutors may have been revealing to him the identities of White House leakers — which is a violation of protocols and possibly illegal.

‘I’ll drink the juice’: Star in ‘Girls Trip’ sorry for saying she’d let Bill Cosby drug and rape her unconscious body

Comedian and actress Tiffany Haddish is walking back her comments that she would be willing to endure a sexual assault by Bill Cosby because she is such a big fan of the disgraced comedian.

‘Move over Trump — you’re yesterday’s news’: Breitbart goes to war against ‘The Scaramucci Show’

Breitbart News went to war against Anthony Scaramucci after the new communications director attacked Steve Bannon in a profane interview.

Internal talking points from Trump’s spy chief reveal tensions between president and the intel community

American spies do not like having their work dismissed by the president. Nor do they appreciate comparisons to Nazi Germany.

‘Your sexism is showing’: The internet smacks media reports celebrating McCain instead of GOP women

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) dramatically cast the deciding vote that sank Obamacare repeal — but social media users pointed out that two Republican women had been against the measure all along.