Trump Bans Transgenders from Serving In the Military
Mark of the Beast Now - Nations New Law Bans Cash - Employees Getting Chipped 2017
Bill Cooper Tells All About the JFK Assassination, Aliens and the Illuminati Conspiracy
Military Industrial Complex Undermining US National Security
The Case for Saul Alinsky (A Champion of Liberty?)
Endgame Begins in America as Final Takedown of Trump Begins.
Firing Sessions is a Terrible Idea
N Korea Threatens 'Nuclear Hammer' After CIA Proposes 'Regime Change'
Opening Day Ohio State Fair Fatality: 1 Dead, 7 Injured After Ride Malfunctions - Stunning Footage as it Happened (Video)
How the Government “Works” – A Visual Model
The Most Precious Metals Bullish I’ve Ever Been
NASA Confirms: Sea Levels Have Been Falling Across the Planet for Two Years … Media Silent
Yellowstone Volcano Emergency Evacuation
How You're Told to Remember That Horrible Day in September!
N. Carolina Church Caught Keeping Slaves - Another CIA Operation?
Mr. President, Investigate this Immediately, It Blows Up the Entire Coup Against You!
A Hefty Warning for Every American: What You’re Not Being Told About What Just Happened
X22Report Fed Delays Raising Rates as it Waits Patiently for the Economy to Collapse - Episode 1342a
Shocking: Why the Queen Is Bankrolling the Clinton Foundation
Top Alternative
Peru Snake-Man Aliens
Trump Is a Genius – But That's Just His IQ
Justin Bieber Caught On Camera Hitting Cameraman With Car (Videos)
Is the US Trying to Start a Hot War with Russia?
7 “Weird” Things We All Do (But Won’t Admit)
Get a Rope! Scaramucci: Treasonous Leakers Would Have Been Hung Centuries Ago (Videos)
The Conclusion of Humanity as We Know it Is ‘Coming in 2045’ and Google Is Getting Ready for It
WTH is Going on With MSNBC? This is Very Bizarre!
Horrifying Live Video Reveals What Really Happened In Controversial Crash! Warning! Graphic Content!
The Truth Behind Linkin Park's Frontman Revealed 2017 (His Last Concert)
Cops in Maine Arrest Creepy Clown Wielding a Machete! (Video)
Milky Way's Origins Are Not What They Seem
300 toxic “inert” ingredients used in pesticide products, but not listed on the label
Tesla’s “World’s biggest battery” in Southern Australia is raising questions
Biological Annihilation on Earth Accelerating
Violent hailstorms hit Italy, covering beaches in white
Infowars Nightly News - Wednesday (7-26-17)
Alex Jones - HD Commercial Free - Wed (7-26-17) Pastor Rodney Howard Browne and Mike Cernovich
Village council orders ‘revenge rape’ of girl in Pakistan
Elderly Sandy Hook Parents....Why Were They All So Old?
Police Try to Arrest Teen for Not Having His ID, Mowing People’s Grass (Video)
Countdown to Human Extinction Accelerating, Scientists Warn
NASA Confirms: Sea Levels Falling Across the Planet for Two Years …Media Silent +Video
9/11 Deathbed Confession + Linkin Park- Bennington’s Death (VIDEO)

Top Unexplained

Trump Bans Transgenders from Serving In the Military

Trump Bans Transgenders from Serving In the Military In a brilliant move, Trump took the steam of the Democratic attacks by banning Transgenders in the military. Seventy [...]

Einstein & Oppenheimer Wrote Top Secret Document Confirming UFO's and Aliens (Video and Document)

(N.Morgan) In June 1947, Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer together wrote a top secret six page document entitled "Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial [...]

Warning: 3 Side Effects of the RFID Chip Mark of the Beast Will Shock You!

3 most important things to remember when it comes to RFID Mark of The Beast 666. 1.) The first thing I would like to discuss with regards to the Mark of the Beast, which [...]

Mark of the Beast Now - Nations New Law Bans Cash - Employees Getting Chipped 2017

In November of last year, India banned certain cash notes in a bold move to force businesses into the banking system to better harvest more taxes from its livestock. [...]

Why Are the Global Elite Terraforming the Earth? The Hidden Agenda

Why Are the Global Elite Terraforming (Destroying) the Earth? Why are the global elite terraforming the earth? From Fukushima to chemtrails to the Gulf oil conspiracy, [...]

1997 Documentary Exposes Sickening Move—Wait Until You See What's Planned

By Lisa Haven We all know that some in the US government have evil, vile tendencies and work hand and hand with the king of darkness himself, Lucifer, but today these [...]

5 Cheap Cars That Make You Look Rich! $15k-$40k

Here are some cheap cars that look more expensive than they really are. Some even look like half-million dollar supercars! So you've decided that you don't really care [...]

The Truth Behind Linkin Park's Frontman Revealed 2017 (His Last Concert)

Just days after the Linkin Park singer was discovered dead inside his home in Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County coroner's office determined Bennington's cause of death [...]

Horrifying Live Video Reveals What Really Happened In Controversial Crash! Warning! Graphic Content!

This video is being censored by other media outlets. You're going to see the raw footage right here on Before It's News!! Girl kills sister on live stream accident A [...]

WTH is Going on With MSNBC? This is Very Bizarre!

Something strange is happening to MSNBC. The information they present as news is just pure fiction, or social justice warrior insanity. Have a look, and you'll see some [...]

How You're Told to Remember That Horrible Day in September!

This video encapsulates the ridiculous assertions of the "official" story for those who believe the Government’s version about what happened on (you know...THAT day). [...]

Fed Preparing to Crash the System Again

This article was written by Graham Summers and originally published at Gains, Pains & Capital / Alt-Market Very few investors caught on to it, but a few weeks ago [...]

Gold Price Jumps Only in Dollars as 'Low-Rate Yellen' Gets Trump's Backing

Adrian Ash is head of research at BullionVault, the world-leading gold trading & ownership service online... GOLD PRICE gains continued ... [...]

The Economy: "Our Doom Index Is Heating Up…"

"Our Doom Index Is Heating Up…"by Bill Bonner"The Dow Jones rose another 100 points yesterday. Can anything stop this bull ... [...]

Almost All Bankrupt Governments Will Eventually Realize This - And it’s Great for Us

Eighteen centuries ago in the year 212 AD, the Roman Empire was in dire financial straits. Emperor Caracalla had nearly bankrupted the treasury spending lavishly on his [...]

Total Govt, Personal Debt Hits $41 Trillion in US ($329,961.34 Per Household)

By Michael Synder We are living in the greatest debt bubble in the history of the world. In 1980, total government and personal debt in the United States was just over [...]

Is Whole Wheat Better Than White? Well it Depends....on This! Whole-wheat bread is better for you than white bread, right? Maybe. According to a study published today in the journal Cell Metabolism, the answer [...]

Your Digital Screen Is Slowly Killing You

Your digital screen is slowly killing you and that's a fact! Learn all about the harmful effects of blue light from this infographic! [...]

Time Is Key To Happiness, New Study Claims

Sponsored Linksby Helen Briggs; BBC News Using money to free-up time is linked to increased happiness, a study says.In an experiment, ... [...]

Agenda 21 is Working: Sperm Counts Have Halved in the Last 40 Years (Video)

Hebrew University of Jerusalem has conducted the largest ever study into sperm counts, taking in data from 1973 to 2011. The researchers ... [...]

High dose vitamin D significantly reduces sunburn redness and inflammation, study reveals

(NaturalHealth365) Although direct sunlight is an important source of beneficial vitamin D, excessive exposure can result in painful ... [...]

Firing Massive Guns in the Desert _Tim Pool

FIRING MASSIVE GUNS IN THE DESERT - YouTube SUPPORT JOURNALISM. DONATE AT This is DEFCON Shoot where hackers from DEFCON head out to the [...]

Cloud Is Intentionally Insecure

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker: Recently there have been claims made on Reddit from a person who says he was a former Amazon IT employee. He alleged that there are [...]

West Coast USA Earthquake Update: California, Oregon, Washington Stay Alert (Videos)

7-27-17 Geologists are out with a startling warning that Southern California is overdue for a major and possibly catastrophic earthquake. A new study says it's expected [...]

William Cooper Moon Landing Hoax

Philosophers stone - selected views from the boat [...]

Pssst...Hercolubus Returns-Nibiru in the sky. Images from Mexico, USA and China, July 27, 2017

What if the mainstream has been lying to us fro decades? Well we know that already. They lied about the end of WW2. About admiral Byrd's expedition. They lied about [...]

What No One Told You About the Copper Blue Bloods | Hebrew Word "Copper" Same as Word "Serpent"! (video)

We know that there are organisms on this planet that have copper based blood versus iron based. Many of these organisms have blueish features, including blue- black ink, [...]

Exposing the Wolves in Sheeps Clothing: Matthew 24:11 And Many False Prophets Shall Rise, and Shall Deceive Many. (Videos)

7-27-17 Are we majoring in minors? A look at the false prophets out there. The great apostasy is here! This should not be happening in the church of God! Please help [...]

Muslims Return to Temple Mount, Riot, ATTACK POLICE, Dozens Wounded

Hey, it’s what they do. Riot, kill, maim, hate and demand we respect it. BREAKING: Arabs Attack Israeli Police on Temple Mount By ... [...]

Bible Verse of the Day: Hebrews 12:1

Bible Verse of the Day Hebrews 12:1 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside ... [...]

Soon Coming Signs In the Heavens - Hidden From The Unsuspecting Public

Since 1983, as reported in the Washington Post on December 30th, 1983, the world became aware of a foreign celestial object that was moving into our solar system. [...]

Buttermilk Brownies 白脱牛奶布朗尼 

Since I still have some leftover buttermilk from the blueberry crumble cake that I shared in my previous post, I didn’t hesitate to ... [...]

What To Do When Your Tomato Leaves Turn Yellow (And The Plant Starts Dying)

Image source: Flickr / Scot Nelson / Creative Commons A quick look at the leaves on your tomato plants will tell you if your plants need a ... [...]

Pico de Gallo

Chef Tom Cooks -- This simple and fresh pico de gallo recipe is great for putting on tacos, nachos and just about anything. Pico de Gallo [...]

Elite Prepping for a Cataclysmic Event? 'They May Have Information We Don’t' +Video

By Amber William / My Daily Informer Okay…we are seeing some strange activity among the elite. What do they know that we don’t? Based on a flurry of reports, we know [...]

Survival Planning on a Budget

I’ve seen so many great DIY articles on survival topics lately which I find very inspiring. The only thing holding me back at any given time is usually finances more [...]

Cop’s Bodycam Shows Him Luring ‘Playful’ Dog Before Opening Fire, Killing It

For years, TFTP has been reporting on the disturbing practice of police shooting people’s pets and claiming they ‘feared for their lives.’ However, the following [...]

5 Cheap Cars That Make You Look Rich! $15k-$40k

Here are some cheap cars that look more expensive than they really are. Some even look like half-million dollar supercars! So you've decided that you don't really care [...]

Husband of the Year Fishes Wife’s Gun From Portable Toilet (Video)

An Alaska man won his wife’s affection after retrieving the handgun she dropped in the worst place imaginable: Inside the toilet of a PortaPotty. According to the [...]

Police Try to Arrest Teen for Not Having His ID, Mowing People’s Grass (Video)

Acknowledging that this is a snapshot of a situation, I’m getting a real bullying vibe here. [...]

How to Be An Awesome Solo Traveler

Traveling alone doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be lonely. There are travelers and friendly people all over and if you want to meet ... [...]

Mark of the Beast Now - Nations New Law Bans Cash - Employees Getting Chipped 2017

In November of last year, India banned certain cash notes in a bold move to force businesses into the banking system to better harvest more taxes from its livestock. [...]

Bill Cooper Tells All About the JFK Assassination, Aliens and the Illuminati Conspiracy

Philosophers stone - selected views from the boat [...]

Military Industrial Complex Undermining US National Security

BY FEDERICO PIERACCINI / STRATEGIC CULTURE The ongoing problems with the F-35 and other military programs, stemming from virtually unlimited budgets, underline the [...]

The Case for Saul Alinsky (A Champion of Liberty?)

I recently saw a ‘debate’ that pitted conservative apologist Dinesh D’Souza against the President of the Alinsky Center and Saul Alinsky’s son David. James [...]

Endgame Begins in America as Final Takedown of Trump Begins.

Endgame Begins In America As Final Takedown Of Trump Begins. Written by JayWill7497 The “militarization of relations” between the Federation and the United States is [...]

Firing Sessions is a Terrible Idea

By Bruce Walker / American Thinker Donald Trump is a naturally polarizing figure. His bread and butter is brazen attacks on those who challenge him. As a media figure [...]

N Korea Threatens 'Nuclear Hammer' After CIA Proposes 'Regime Change'

By Tyler Durden / ZeroHedge Less than a week after C.I.A. chief Mike Pompeo suggested that regime change in North Korea would be a good thing for the Trump [...]

Opening Day Ohio State Fair Fatality: 1 Dead, 7 Injured After Ride Malfunctions - Stunning Footage as it Happened (Video)

7-27-17 Horrific malfunction. You will not believe how many times this ride was inspected! The ride broke apart 30 feet in the air. Chilling videos, viewer discretion [...]

How the Government “Works” – A Visual Model

How does the government actually “work?” In conversations about economics or politics, it is only a matter of time before this ... [...]

The Most Precious Metals Bullish I’ve Ever Been

Today is a very big day for me – at least, in my mind.  As, at five years, nine months, my employment with Miles Franklin has officially ... [...]

NASA Confirms: Sea Levels Have Been Falling Across the Planet for Two Years … Media Silent

NASA confirms: Sea levels have been FALLING across the planet for two years … media SILENT Wednesday, July 26, 2017 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) As the global warming [...]

Yellowstone Volcano Emergency Evacuation

Click above for Yellowstone Volcano Emergency Evacuation. [...]

How You're Told to Remember That Horrible Day in September!

This video encapsulates the ridiculous assertions of the "official" story for those who believe the Government’s version about what happened on (you know...THAT day). [...]

N. Carolina Church Caught Keeping Slaves - Another CIA Operation?

N. Carolina Church Caught Keeping Slaves-Another CIA Operation? IS THERE ANY ORGANIZATION THAT IS NOT TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS? Brazilian Immigrants Brought Over as [...]

Mr. President, Investigate this Immediately, It Blows Up the Entire Coup Against You!

from LaRouche PAC: We seldom interrupt our regular intelligence flow on this website. We are doing this now because the extraordinary memorandum produced by the Veteran [...]

A Hefty Warning for Every American: What You’re Not Being Told About What Just Happened

By Lisa Haven Have you ever pondered the idea that the America you live in, is just not the America you once knew? Well, there is a reason for that, and it starts with [...]

X22Report Fed Delays Raising Rates as it Waits Patiently for the Economy to Collapse - Episode 1342a

The Fed Delays Raising Rates As It Waits Patiently For The Economy To Collapse - Episode 1342a - YouTube Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – [...]

Shocking: Why the Queen Is Bankrolling the Clinton Foundation

Shocking: Why the Queen Is Bankrolling the Clinton Foundation Why is the Queen bankrolling the Clinton Foundation? The real reason will shock you. Please make this go [...]
