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"This Is Not the Time to Sit Back": Protesters Launch Last-Ditch Effort to Save the ACA

White House, GOP Leaders Drop 'Border Tax' Idea

Ryan drops border-tax proposal as GOP unifies around principles

Beyond the Minimum Wage Debate: Let's Move Toward a System That Works for All

Bureaucratic costs at some colleges are twice what’s spent on instruction

NPR Workers Just Showed Us Why Journalists Need to Organize

Census 2020: The U.S. Needs to Get It Right

Henry Giroux on a Politics of Cruelty Without Euphemisms

Egyptian activists face mounting repression, while ‘thieves’ walk free

New Report Highlights the Role of Sharing in Promoting Urban Sustainability

Brazil’s First Indigenous Online Radio Station Uses Digital Media to Promote Native Languages and Communities

Murkowski’s committee postponed confirmation vote for Trump nominees

New onshore wind could be cheaper than gas power

Records shed new light on police who killed Charleena Lyles

Closed schools could remain vacant without public subsidy

'Women will die': Trump leaves Ugandan women in jeopardy
Doctors warn that lives will be lost if cuts to US funding for family planning, cancer screening and antenatal services go ahead

Are Senate Republicans Trying to Skirt Rule to Defund Planned Parenthood?

There Is Still Time to Ban Nuclear Weapons
-- Winslow Meyers for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Senator Backed by Rail Companies Introduces New Bill That Would De-Regulate Rail Industry

Walmart Is Quietly Developing Technology To Monitor Your Emotions While You Shop

Texas Republicans respond to San Antonio tragedy — by attacking human rights of immigrants

Fear and Trepidation in Tel Aviv: Is Israel Losing the Syria War?

Stranded in our own communities: Transit deserts make it hard for people to find jobs and stay healthy

Trump-Pence Administration Asserts Civil Rights Laws Won’t Apply to LGBTQ People

The World's Largest Humanitarian Crisis Is Basically Being Blacked Out by Western Media

How "Witnesses of the Unseen: Seven Years in Guantánamo" Opens Up the Horrors of Torture
-- Robert C. Koehler for BuzzFlash at Truthout

On The Line: The Changing Face of Work and Poverty in Yakima

What to Do When You See Science Denial at the Science Museum

The Senate Health Bill Could Fire the People Who Keep Me Alive

Human noise pollution is disrupting parks and wild places

Big Business Britain: How corporate lobbyists are dominating meetings with trade ministers

How D.C. Grocery Workers Got Their Groove Back

"Surveillance is the business model of the internet"
Under surveillance capitalism, we’ve lost control of our devices and our data – but there is a way back. Interview with Bruce Schneier by Agne Pix.

How some rich people are trying to dismantle inequality

Solar Tents Improve Nutrition in Highlands Villages in Bolivia

What Is the Fate of the World’s Plants?

In Defense of the Campus: Why the Left Must Not Write Off Universities

Senate Rejects Obamcare Repeal Without Replace

Ex-Manafort Associate Is Tied to Russian Mobsters

The Architects of American Torture Are Using an Intriguing Legal Defense Strategy
It involves Nazis.

State Department head of diplomatic security resigns

The military spends five times as much on Viagra as it would on transgender troops medical care

Oregon Ecosystem Files Lawsuit to Defend Its Rights

Michelle Obama opens up about racism she faced as first lady

Trump Finds Reason for the U.S. to Remain in Afghanistan: Mineral Extraction

GLAAD On Transgender Service Ban: Trump Goal Is to Erase LGBTQ Americans

Countering Trump's Pro-Pesticide Move, Democrats Push to Ban Chemical Harmful to Children and Bees
-- Mark Karlin for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Trump is a coward. At least it limits the damage he does
Despite all the bluster, insults and bullying, Donald Trump is too scared to fire Jeff Sessions, instead subjecting him to a dripfeed of humiliation

How Polluted Is Your Drinking Water?

Trump bans transgender individuals from military service

Senate rejects ObamaCare repeal, replacement amendment

Mississippi police kill man serving warrant at wrong house

Warren goes to Lincoln Memorial after ObamaCare repeal vote to "replenish my soul"

The Radicals Were Always Right: Now Is the Time to Decriminalize All Drugs

Boy Scouts forced to respond to Trump's wild, heavily political speech before tens of thousands of scouts

Reuters vs. UN Cancer Agency: Are Corporate Ties Influencing Science Coverage?

Trump Talks Politics. With the Boy Scouts

The Last Orca Born in Captivity at SeaWorld Dies at 3 Months

Texas Republicans ‘Subverting’ Democracy in Their Rush to Pass Anti-Transgender, Anti-Abortion Laws

Judiciary Committee subpoenas ex-Trump campaign manager Manafort

McCain To Return To Senate Tuesday For Vote To Proceed On Obamacare Repeal

Liu Xiaobo Is Gone, But Resistance Continues

Trump denounces Jeff Sessions for being 'weak' on Hillary Clinton
On Twitter Trump criticized the investigation into Russian meddling into last year’s US election and slammed the attorney general for not investigating Clinton

Standing With Immigrants in Nebraska

Hail to Our Flounder in Chief
Only half a year into the Trump administration and the narcissism, prevarication and corruption have our democracy in crisis.

Myths, Dangers, and Powers of the Presidential Pardon

Key senator backs 'skinny' ObamaCare repeal

US Joint Chiefs blindsided by Trump's transgender ban

Trump Gives a New Meaning to the Presidential "Bully Pulpit"
-- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout

A North Carolina clinic under siege
Dayna Long reviews a documentary about the fight for access at North Carolina abortion clinics--and asks what it will take to safeguard reproductive freedom.

The US Is Unprepared to Clean Up Arctic Oil Spill

Chlorinated chicken? Yes, we really can have too much trade

Billionaire In Panic Over Dems’ Self-Destruct

US anti-abortion group quietly fights bid to end El Salvador's draconian ban

Can we count on the courts to stop DAPL?

Congressional Democrats Get Serious About Antitrust

Transgender Liberation Won't Be Found in the Military

Republican healthcare debate: what is a 'skinny repeal' of Obamacare?
The latest Republican healthcare plan, whose details remain unclear, would eliminate the ACA’s individual mandate, employee mandate and ‘Cadillac tax’

Policy Watch: Spring Regulatory Agenda puts corporations first

How wealthy donors fund the national party by giving to the states

50% Rise in Renewable Energy Needed to Meet Ambitious State Standards

Senate Republicans plan to defund Planned Parenthood in 'skinny' repeal

Media Mourn End of CIA Killing Syrians and Strengthening Al Qaeda

Who's guilty of murder in San Antonio?
The political leaders and law enforcement officials giving pious lectures about trafficking are responsible for policies that lead to misery and suffering, writes Danny Katch.

Coalition paves way for Palestinian homecoming after 20-year displacement

Koch Brothers Orchestrate Grassroots Effort to Lower Corporate Taxes, Documents Show

As Summer Recess Approaches, Budget Blues for Federal Indian Funding

New York Subsidy To Lure Aetna Benefits A Cuomo Donor

House Appropriations Bills Fall Far Short of Meeting National Needs

In Our America: Community Building 101

Crossing the U.S. Border? Here’s How to Securely Wipe Your Computer

Massive Wind Farm in Oklahoma Set to Become Nation's Largest, Second Biggest in the World

Utility Industry Set To Get Another Ally Inside The Trump Administration

Harsh sentencing of Aymara leader reveals the politics of criminalization in Peru

Pacific NorthWest LNG is Dead: 5 Things You Need to Know

Beyond their caricature of the working class

Fulfilling the promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act

In the Depths of the Ecuadorian Amazon, Digital Communications Aid the Process of Self-Determination

Catching the buzz: acoustic monitoring of bees could determine pollination services

Amazon cashes in on war crimes and mass surveillance

How the Share Shed in the UK is Building Community

Cities can go completely renewable — and here’s how

The real costs of cheap surveillance

'Skinny' Obamacare repeal still lacks votes to pass

Many Republicans Favor Shutting Down Media Outlets

Senate delays vote on healthcare repeal

William Rivers Pitt | No Hero Here: John McCain and the Doom of Empathy

Tennessee Judge Pushes Sterilization on Those Incarcerated for Drugs

Skyrocketing Rents in California Signal a Broader US Housing Crisis

The Stain of Adelanto: Suffering and Solidarity for Detained Immigrants
-- Andrew Moss for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Justice Department puts funding restrictions on sanctuary cities

Why the Scariest Nuclear Threat May Be Coming From Inside the White House

Why Consumers Need to Force Ben & Jerry's to Go Organic
-- Ronnie Cummins of EcoWatch on BuzzFlash at Truthout

Charles P. Pierce | The Price of John McCain's Republican Loyalty

Rick Perry duped by Russian pranksters impersonating Ukraine leader

Former CIA Director: Trump's Boy Scout speech was like "third world authoritarian's youth rally"

Senate won't let Trump make recess appointments (like a new Attorney General, for example)

Britain will ban new petrol and diesel cars from 2040: minister

Trump’s No Boy Scout, But Evangelicals Couldn’t Care Less

World oil demand could peak in 2024 on higher vehicle efficiency

Senate GOP floats scaled-down healthcare bill

A New Environmental Movement Wants to Eliminate Plastic Straw Use
-- Dr. David Suzuki for BuzzFlash at Truthout

US Navy ship fired warning shots at an Iranian boat in the Persian Gulf

Wisconsin company wants to implant microchips in employees' hands

How Trump signed a global death warrant for women
With one devastating flourish of the presidential pen, worldwide progress on family planning, population growth and reproductive rights was swept away. Now some of the world’s poorest women must count the cost

Attacking Black Lives Matter and Selling Fear: Guns and Racism on NRATV
-- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout

A Trump-Run CDC Could Mean ‘Sham Science’ as Government Policy

Vatican turns off fountains as Rome gasps in drought

WaPo Worships Principled, Humanitarian McCain That’s Never Existed

GOP-controlled Congress nears legislative triumph — on Russia

Morford: You’re pardoned. I’m pardoned. Everybody’s pardoned.

‘I won't stop’: Jailed activist blasts US crackdown on anti-Trump protesters
Yvette Felarca, who faces riot charges after participating in an anti-fascist demonstration, joins lawyers in warning over prosecutions nationwide