
Centre for Research on Globalization / Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation

The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) is an independent research and media organization based in Montreal.  The CRG is a registered non-profit organization in the province of Quebec, Canada.

In addition to the Global Research websites, the Centre is involved in book publishing, support to humanitarian projects as well as educational outreach activities including the organization of public conferences and lectures. The Centre also acts as a think tank on crucial  economic and geopolitical issues.

The Global Research website at www.globalresearch.ca publishes news articles, commentary, background research and analysis on a broad range of issues, focusing on social, economic, strategic and environmental issues.

The Global Research website was established on the 9th of September 2001, two days before the tragic events of September 11. Barely a few days later, Global Research had become a major news source on the New World Order and Washington’s “war on terrorism”.

Since September 2001, we have established an extensive archive of news articles, in-depth reports and analysis on issues which are barely covered by the mainstream media.

In an era of media disinformation, our focus has essentially been to center on the “unspoken truth”.

During the invasion of Iraq (March-April 2003), Global Research published, on a daily basis, independent reports from the Middle East, which provided an alternative to the news emanating from the “embedded” journalists reporting from the war theater.

Since 2004, Global Research has provided detailed analysis and coverage of US-NATO-Israel preparations to wage a pre-emptive nuclear attack on Iran.

Starting in 2011, GR has developed dossiers on the US-NATO led wars on Libya and Syria, the Arab Protest movement, the environmental impacts of the Fukushima disaster, the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, the Saudi-US led war on Yemen, the militarization of the African continent, the development of the police state in North America and Western Europe, the devastating impacts of biotechnology and GMO among other important topics.

In early 2006, Global Research established a separate French language website:


In 2007, we launched Spanish (Español), Portuguese (Português), and German (Deutsch) language pages, which contain translations of Global Research articles. Arabic العربية, Italian, (Italiano) and Serbian (srpski) language pages were launched in 2008.

Global Research TV (GRTV)

In June 2010, we launched The Global Research TV (GRTV) website, which features selected videos as well as commentary, analysis and news coverage

The articles in French are contained in a separate www.Mondialisation.ca  archive. Those in other languages are contained in the main Globalresearch.ca archive.

Global Research articles are used as source material by college and university students. Moreover, numerous universities, libraries and research institutions have established a link to Global Research on their respective web sites.

Global Research has also become a source of specialized information and analysis for journalists, senior government officials, financial analysts and non-governmental organizations.

In September 2012, we inaugurated the template of our new website.

Global Research Online Store

GR Radio: The Global Research News Hour (GRNH)

In November 2012, we launched our Radio program: produced by Michael Welch in collaboration with CKUW 95.9 FM (University of Winnipeg, Manitoba).

The Global Research News Hour also airs on university campus, college and community radio stations in Canada and the US. Click here for details

Click Here To Consult the Complete Archive of Global Research News Hour Radio Program 

In Canada, the GRNH is broadcast by nine partner radio stations in B.C. Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick including Simon Fraser University (BC), University of Victoria (BC), campus and community radio stations in Ontario, University of New Brunswick St Johns.

In the US, the GRNH airs out of Boston College, Mass. and Progressive Radio. prn.fm. The programme is also podcast at globalresearch.ca.

Asia-Pacific-Research (APR)

In May 2015, the Centre for Research on Globalization established the Asia-Pacific Research (APR) website. APR is an independent media and research initiative with an editorial team based in Asia, the EU and North America, with correspondents in several countries of the region.

The Asia-Pacific Research website at asia-pacificresearch.com publishes news articles, commentary, background research and analysis with a specific focus on the dynamics of the Asia-Pacific region. APR combines Asia-Pacific country level news with a broader regional and international perspective of World events.


Global Research’s Spanish language site Globalizacíon.ca was launched in Mexico City on April 1st, 2017

Global Research Authors

Since 2001, Global Research has established an international network of authors, scholars and investigative journalists. Global Research counts among its regular contributors prominent writers, researchers  and academics as well as several promising young authors.  The underlying concept is the “democratization” of research and media reporting, while maintaining high standards of investigation and analysis.

Many Global Research authors have developed their own blog sites. Our focus has been to acknowledge and support our authors’ blog sites, while also promoting several partner alternative and independent media websites. In turn, Global Research articles are widely cross-posted by the independent online media.

Emphasis has been placed on establishing a comprehensive archive of Global Research articles and audio-visual material.

The original source and an author’s copyright note are indicated at the foot of each article.

The Global Research archive (2001-2016) includes more than 50,000 articles and news reports. The Mondialisation.ca archive contains more than 15,000 articles in French.

More than 10,000 authors have contributed to Global Research.

Since the launching of GRTV, we  have developed an archive of videos, classified by theme and geographic region.

In 2008, Global Research and Professor Chossudovsky were awarded The First National Prize of the Mexican Press Club, for the “Best Research Website” at the international level.

In the course of the last few years, several Global Research authors have received awards for their writings.

Media and University Cooperation Agreements

In 2008, The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) established a Cooperation Agreement with the Mexican Press Club (Mexico City) representing 12,000 Mexican Journalists.

In 2015 The Centre for Research on Globalization established a Cooperation Agreement with the University of the Philippines, Cebu (UP-Cebu).

In 2016, an agreement –focussing specifically on research and outreach education to rural areas– was signed with the Autonomous National University of Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN).

In 2017, a media cooperation agreement was signed between the Centre for Research on Globalization and South Korea’s Media Cooperative IVY, which constitutes a powerful online independent media voice in the ROK.

Global Research Outreach

According to Alexa, the web ranking agency, Global Research is ranked among the top 15,000 most popular websites Worldwide (all categories) out of a Worldwide total of over 850 million active websites Worldwide (2014).  It is among the top 8000 websites (all categories) in the US.

While Global Research operates on a shoe string budget compared to the well-endowed establishment think tanks, it is more popular –in terms of its “Global Rank”– with substantially more readers than the powerful Council on Foreign Relations (CFR at cfr.org).

It is crucial that the articles published on Global Research reach a broad readership.

We encourage our readers to cross-post and/or forward Global Research articles, post them on Facebook and Twitter, submit them to internet discussion groups, send them to your friends on your e-mail lists, etc. This will help Global Research in its endeavors.

Global Research sends selected articles by email at no charge in the form of an electronic newsletter.

To Subscribe to our E-Newsletter and/or become a Member of Global Research, Click Here

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How to Use this Site

Global Research publishes news and feature articles. The latter consist of opinion articles, analytical articles as well as detailed research reports on important topics.

Both news and feature articles are categorized by Geoographic RegionMajor Theme  and Indepth Reports.

The Global Research collection of over 50,000 articles (2001-2016) constitutes an invaluable source of information and analysis for the conduct of research on economic, political, strategic, social,  cultural and environmental issues.

Articles in our archive are also categorized by author. An internal Google search by key word is also available.


Global Research welcomes submissions of news and feature articles. The latter consist of opinion articles, analytical articles as well as detailed research reports on important topics.  Longer articles should not normally exceed 1500 words.

Sources and references should be indicated where applicable with a view to ensuring a high degree of accuracy. For web based references, hyperlink text of main sources should also be indicated where applicable to enable readers to access key online documents. Kindly avoid long url addresses in the text and/or in the notes.

Texts must be carefully edited prior to submission. Contributors are requested to submit a final draft. Revisions and/or updates to the text of the article will not be added once the article is published.

Global Research has the discretion to edit articles and undertake minor modifications prior to publication.

While Global Research welcomes broad political critique and analysis, we do not publish polemics directed against individual authors.

Articles should be sent in the body of your email message, an attached word document and/or a url linking to the article.

With regard to style and format: single space default font, same size default font throughout, no paragraph indentation, indentation of quotes with “quotation marks”, line space between paragraphs and paragraph headings, paragraph headings in lower case bold left justified.

Notes at the end of the article. Please do not use CAPS (in text or title) or underline.

End notes should be entered under the heading Notes.

The notes should conform to a recognized style format pertaining to books, articles, new reports, etc.: author, title, source of publication, date.

Endnote numbering should be entered as text to allow for easy conversion, rather than encrypted (with a hyperlink) as in a word document.

Do not, however attach hyperlinks to endnote numerals. For endnote numbering, use Arabic numerals ( rather than Roman (i, ii, iii…).  The text of the submission should appear in text form in the body of the email message.

Text as well as sources/references can be hyperlinked  in the body of the article.

Kindly do not display long url addresses in the text. Hyperlinked references should be embedded in the text as well as in relation to titles and name of journals, reviews, in the notes at the foot of the article

The article should include a short biographical blurb (1-3 sentences) on the author at the foot of the article in italics, with the author’s name in bold.

While shorter articles, including news items, are often published on the same day, following their submission, for longer detailed feature articles, the editorial review may take several days. Longer articles should not normally exceed 1500 words.

Photos and images in articles must be carefully checked for copyright. Credits and source of images (where applicable) must be indicated.

Due to the high volume of emails, we are not able to acknowledge individual submissions or communicate editorial decisions. All articles published by Global Research will include an author’s copyright note, with a link where applicable to the author’s blog and/or original source.


The views expressed in Global Research articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be held responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in Global Research articles. Global Research reserves the right to remove articles from the website.

Global Research Stats

Global Research has become one of the leading alternative news media in North America. According to Alexa, the web ranking agency, Global Research is ranked among the top 14,000 most popular websites Worldwide, out of a Worldwide total of more than 850 million active websites.  It is among the top 8000 websites (all categories) in the US.

Moreover, Global Research articles are also published on more than fifty alternative media sites and blog sites.

The French language website mondialisation.ca is ranked among the 20000 most popular websites in France.

GlobalResearch.ca is ranked by Alexa as the Number Two Site in the Globalization category. It is among the top thirty in the Politics category

Increase in GR Readership (2011-2015)

More than 6 million page views, 1.2 million visits and over 700,000 “unique visitors” per month on globalresearch.ca (Google Diagnostics, November 2011).

More than 4.75 million page views, 1.4 million visits and  934,000 “unique visitors” per month on globalresearch.ca (Google Analytics, January 2013)

More than 6.92 million page views, 2.3 million visits and  2.7  million “unique visitors” per month on globalresearch.ca (Google Analytics, December 2015)


More than 277,000 people visited mondialisation.ca, 212,147 unique visits and 434,000 page views (April 2013)

The CRG E-Newsletter is sent to more than 50,000 individual subscribers. The number of subscribers is increasing at about 500 a month.

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