8 August 2017

No Country Safe for Labor Rights

Union protest

[Photo: Wisconsin unions fight Walker’s efforts to destroy collective bargaining. (CUNY]

By Pete Dolack
Source: Systemic Disorder.

Editor's Note
The latest workers rights report from the International Trade Union Conference (ITUC) is stunning and depressing. It is also hopefully eye opening for the people of “western” nations that even they are directly impacted by systematic labor rights violations. In the United states, for example, there are whole labor groups which are denied full worker protections, and whole states where collective bargaining is either banned or highly discouraged (“Right to Work” states). Look at the worker resistance that has occurred as formerly middle class workers have been forced into the low wage labor market (fast food, Wal-Mart, etc.) Suddenly there are highly visible demonstrations of workers lobbying for their “rights.” It is not as if the former holders of those jobs did not have similar complaints. However, they had never had the ‘protections’ of unionization or white collar occupations, and frankly, ‘the public’ didn’t care if “they” were abused. The continued destruction of the labor market had made ‘walk a mile in my shoes’ much more than an intellectual exercise.

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7 August 2017

RExxon Tillerson

Nicolas Maduro

[Photo: Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro]

By Paul Street
Source:  CounterPunch.

Editor's Note
With Russian oil temporarily out of reach, the US (via its Exxon CEO Secretary of State) sets its sights on extracting Venezuela’s oil wealth. So goes the long attempt to bring down the democratically elected socialist government. It is situations like the the policy parroting against first Chavez and now Maduro that demonstrates the bias of the corporate media. In this time when there is a real threat from a demagogic administration in Washington — one that calls the part of the corporate media that does not sing its praises “fake news” — that pointing out the corporate bias of the mainstream media (MSM) has fallen out of sight. This loss of a critical perspective of the MSM is as serious a long term threat to the claiming of true American democracy as Trump’s maniacal white nationalism is in the short term. When we most need nuanced navigation through troubled waters, we are faced with a public which has seemingly largely lost the capacity for critical thought, and a “progressive” media that is either unwilling or unable to take a stand. I admit that I feel daunted by trying to shine a light through this morass.

Let me digress slightly to give one example, out of many possible, of the dilemma we face. I do believe that Russia intervened in the 2016 election with the aim of first, destabilizing the US government, and second, bringing Trump to the presidency. However, I also know that the US (and NATO under guidance of same) have been provocative and a true threat to the sovereignty and stability of Russia. I fully support the right of Russia and its people to stand as full partners in the league of nations. However, they are not (currently) friends of the United States. So when FBI Director James Comey showed exceedingly bad judgement in his role in destabilizing those same elections, it would be warranted (in my opinion) to ask him to step down from his position. However, Trump fired him to disrupt (and hopefully end) the FBI investigation into the Russian intervention and the possible Trump campaign cooperation, in those elections. Hence, one ends up supporting Comey. Similarly with AG Jeff Sessions, who anyone who supports civil rights would fight (and did fight) to keep out of that office, ends up being supported to stay in office against Trump’s efforts to remove him to stop the same investigation. It is diabolical. Which brings us back to the MSM that on one hand is doing a semi-credible job on keeping Trump’s world threatening actions in front of the public, yet is no less corporate-interested and anti-liberty when dealing with all matters international. With all that said, it is a relief to share Paul Street’s excellent discussion of the events in Venezuela as the MSM has taken its position to assist in overthrowing the Venezuelan government.

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7 August 2017

Power to the People: Why Palestinian Victory in Jerusalem is a Pivotal Moment

Al-Aqssa mosque

[Photo: A teen raising the flag of Palestine in Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound. (Photo: Quds Press, file)]

Ramzy Baroud, PhD

Editor's Note
The Al-Aqsa mosque is of immense symbolic and spiritual importance to Palestinians. The Palestinian success in thwarting the expansionist Israeli plans is more than a much needed lift in what seems like an eternal struggle. It is a moral victory as well – something that is also rare and precious.

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6 August 2017

The Memory Theives

past memory

[Graphic: Past Memories (Piri Tanyay]

By Barbara Millar

Editor's Note
Whether it is a ‘natural’ part of aging, or it is wildly exacerbated by what we are pumping into our environment, a growing number of people are dealing with one form or other of significant memory loss – dementia, Alzheimers, stroke related, brain injury related, etc. In a society where we see our very selves as written and living in our memories, and in our minds, this erasure of self evokes both fear and loss. Barbara Millar captures this painfully and beautifully in the following poem.

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6 August 2017

Forced sterilization in exchange for freedom

[Photo: Sheriff Oddie J. Shoupe of the White County.”]

By Southern Poverty Law Center

Editor's Note
This piece is from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Weekend Reads.” I had hoped that this ugly part of U.S. history had been laid to rest, but I guess that it is joining the atrocity parade that has become contemporary America. White County is predominantly white (95%), and significantly poorer than the state as a whole. The average family income in Sparta, the main city in the county, is $28, 562 compared to $47, 275 for the state as a whole (City Data Sparta, TN.). However, the per capita income is $16,108 which would lead me to believe that there are a few “rich” folks in the area and quite a few not doing so well. In fact, the poverty level in the area varies from a low of 9.5% to an high of 25.5% (2015 figures). I imagine that the majority of those in the county jail are lower income and white. One might say that the jail’s sterilization program is a form of “class cleansing.”

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