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Sensors & Processing

U.S. forces and sensors are increasingly networked across service, location, domain (land, sea and air), echelon, and platform. This trend increases responsiveness, flexibility and combat effectiveness, but also increases the inherent complexity of sensor and information management. IPTO is creating systems that can derive high-level information from sensor data streams (from both manned and unmanned systems), produce meaningful summaries of complex dynamic situations, and scale to thousands of sources. Future battlefields will continue to be populated with targets that use mobility and concealment as key survival tactics, and high-value targets will range from quiet submarines, to mobile missile/artillery, to specific individual insurgents. IPTO develops and demonstrates system concepts that combine novel approaches to sensing, sensor processing, sensor fusion, and information management to enable pervasive and persistent surveillance of the battlespace and detection, identification, tracking, engagement and battle damage assessment for high-value targets in all weather conditions and in all possible combat environments. Finally, warfighters in the field must concentrate on observing their immediate environment but at the same time must maintain awareness of the larger battlespace picture, and as a result they are susceptible to being swamped by too much detail. IPTO is creating system approaches that can exploit context and advanced information display/presentation techniques to overcome these challenges.


bullet Affordable Adaptive Conformal ESA Radar (AACER)

bullet Autonomous Real-time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance - Imaging System (ARGUS-IS)

bullet Camouflaged Long Endurance Nano Sensors (CLENS)

bullet Close Combat Lethal Recon (CCLR)

bullet Exploitation of 3-D Data (E3D)

bullet FOPEN Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Tracking and Engagement Radar (FORESTER)

bullet Jigsaw

bullet Multispectral Adaptive Networked Tactical Imaging System (MANTIS)

bullet NetTrack (NT)

bullet Quint Networking Technology (QNT)

bullet Standoff Precision ID in 3-D (SPI-3D)

bullet Urban Reasoning and Geospatial Exploitation Technology (URGENT)

bullet UrbanScape (US)

bullet Vehicle and Dismount Exploitation Radar (VADER)

bullet Video and Image Retrieval and Analysis Tool (VIRAT)

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