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  • Western Australia

Western Australia

7,563 jobs available in Western Australia

Western Australia occupies the whole western third of Australia. The capital is Perth and the state has a population of around 2.4 million. Western Australia's economy is largely based on mining, agriculture and tourism and it is the world's second biggest generator of iron ore.

The state boasts 58% of Australia's Mineral and Energy Exports and the mining industry has contributed to the fact that, on average, people earn around 15,000 more than the national average per year. It has also contributed to other significant social and environmental issues currently being debated in Australian discourse.

Although Western Australia only produces less than 5% of Australia's wines, they are often ranked and acknowledged as being up the top end in regards to quality. Many notable musicians have come from Western Australia such as Tame Impala, Bon Scott (ACDC) and Birds of Tokyo. As well as world-renowned actors Hugh Jackman and the late Heath Ledger.

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