4Players.de's Scores

  • Games
For 2,059 reviews, this publication has graded:
  • 50% higher than the average critic
  • 7% same as the average critic
  • 43% lower than the average critic
On average, this publication grades 2.7 points lower than other critics. (0-100 point scale)
Average Game review score: 71
Highest review score: 100 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
Lowest review score: 1 Dungeon Keeper
Score distribution:
2059 game reviews
    • 91 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    In times of knickknack DLC and overpriced mappacks Blood & Wine succeeds all expectations. This is nothing but the most complete add-on experience I have ever played. This doesn’t feel like artificially held back and “added”, but like matured and grown. Mechanically and dramatically a beautiful addition respectively continuation of an already rich RPG.
    • 88 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Blizzard learned from past mistakes. Legion has a plethora of content and stronger story elements on offer, but would benefit from more depth within the classes.
    • 75 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    From all expansions to Fallout 4 this is the content richest. A cursed island with some well executed scary moments, an atmosphere that reminds me of Alan Wake and greatly constructed quests with big decisions. This is a very good addition to the Fallout 4 core.
    • 89 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Zen Studios are not afraid to take a risk. I can appreciate that. Because even though they went a tad too far with the roleplaying elements with the Skyrim table, these are well thought through unrealistic pinball machines that only Zen can create. And Doom ranks among the best table they have ever made.
    • 82 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Rivals is a great expansion for the Rock Band 4 platform. Rockumentary and even more so the Rivals mode will keep you coming back. Together with the content patches that arrived in the last months, Rock Band Rivals is the game that Rock Band 4 should have been to start with.
    • 89 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    Even after ten years the campaign is as engrossing as ever while the multiplayer focuses on classic gun battles on huge maps. Unfortunately this is not yet available as a stand-alone.
    • 80 Metascore
    • 100 Critic Score
    While the games in their entirety truly stand the test of time, still show that they got “it” and (at least on consoles) have never looked this good, the bonus content could be more plentiful.
    • 95 Metascore
    • 93 Critic Score
    The Last of Us remains a masterpiece. And on PS4 you get the complete story experience on one disc.
    • 95 Metascore
    • 92 Critic Score
    Quotation forthcoming.
    • 85 Metascore
    • 92 Critic Score
    Despite problems like the resolution limitation and the missing PC optimization this game is still excellent. Courageous heroes can delve into a mysterious and dangerous world where greed and impatience are bad companions.
    • 91 Metascore
    • 92 Critic Score
    Tricky dungeon design, intense boss battles and more open than expected: You have to fall in love with Link’s latest adventure.
    • 94 Metascore
    • 92 Critic Score
    Ken Levine manages to combine difficult topics like guilt, atonement and racism while creating truly remarkable characters, best of all the equally charming and dangerous Elizabeth. Add to this the breathtaking visuals and tactical action (at least on the more difficult levels) and you get an extraordinary action experience.
    • 90 Metascore
    • 92 Critic Score
    It took a long time for the Umbra Witch to climax on PC but after seven years she finally arrived. And she didn’t miss a beat. This was and still is a first class action-adventure full of creativity, adrenaline fueled battles and sassiness beyond belief. And unlike Nier Automata this is a decent, albeit option lacking PC port.
    • 92 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    This is legendary entertainment. Design, visuals, the plethora of things to do, the cool music levels: Every inch of the way you feel that people with bucket loads of passion are behind this living their dream.
    • 76 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    This is it. The final compilation of the enormous storytelling universe that is Kingdom Hearts. And it delivers. Especially in terms of filling some gaps in the early story while convincingly bridging games from Birth by Sleep up to Dream Drop Distance while preparing for Kingdom Hearts 3.
    • 86 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    Gone Home toys with suspense, thriller and adventure. It grabs me by the throat with its tense atmosphere. It seduces me with its side stories and touches me with its intimacy.
    • 93 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    For the 20th anniversary of their role-playing saga, Atlus delivered a true masterpiece. All the elements, big or small or as trivial as they might seem sometimes, are well put together and interconnect in an almost unnoticeable manner. Plus: The presentation is plainly beautiful with a coherent colorful manga/anime art design that is a perfect fit for one of the best JRPGs out there.
    • 86 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    Call me an adventure romantic, call me crazy, but I love Day of the Tentacle and still think it is one of the best adventures ever made. Modernized in exactly the right spots and with an added developer commentary and alternative controls this is a masterpiece with beautifully crafted puzzles.
    • 85 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    Not much has changed in the console versions of this extraordinary storytelling experience: The added audio commentary is nice while the visuals are a little more defined.
    • 82 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    Too often pioneering in the games industry is based on technical achievements: bigger, faster, more polygons. But true magic begins behind the obvious – when the artistic vision starts taking shape in a virtual creation. Trico for me is the most fascinating creature in video game history. The Last Guardian is the counterpoint to the loud and hectic game design that tries to show off its bling on every corner.
    • 90 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    Trials Evolution is pure addiction on two wheels with loads of improvements on the already highly motivating predecessor.
    • 84 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    Even with all the visual enhancements like 60 frames you can feel the age, although the timeless art design still works its magic. But that aside this is an impressive package of action roleplaying classics.
    • 82 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    This is a beautiful expansion, visually spectacular and challenging – on par with Bloodborne’s “The Old Hunters”.
    • 83 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    What an experience! This little gem transports you right into a mysterious and charmingly designed world.
    • 97 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    This is the best Legend of Zelda since Ocarina of Time. While Nintendo might not be the ingenious pioneer of the 80s and 90s, they prove, that they are willing to evolve and are still able to set a creative mark. With its towers, the loot and the collecting appeal it can’t deny its ingratiation to the zeitgeist, but most of the time Nintendo does it better and more subtle than the competition.
    • 84 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    This is like chess in open terrain. Turn based tacticians: Get ready to celebrate. Shenandoah Studios reached a level that reminds me of the quality of Ensemble Studios on PC.
    • 93 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    Visually Uncharted 4 is a benchmark for this generation. But it is so much more. Within the franchise's constraints the characters show tremendous depth while the action is varied as never before. And while not everything is perfect (too easy puzzles and AI faults come to mind) this is one gorgeous action-adventure.
    • 86 Metascore
    • 91 Critic Score
    If you have the originals on PS3, you might not need this. But if you are new to the series, this collection gives you some of the best games for Sony systems.
    • 91 Metascore
    • 90 Critic Score
    Four years after its initial release Flower didn’t lose one iota of its fascination and still captures you from the very beginning.
    • 90 Metascore
    • 90 Critic Score
    It worked on 360 a few years back and it still is a masterpiece: Fez is a puzzling journey through time and space – charming, fascinating and very unique.

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