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His Honour Paul Murray finds Malcolm Roberts is not an alien

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Malcolm Roberts, currently a senator, has thrown himself on the mercy of the court of Sky to prove he is not a dual citizen.

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Senator's eligibility concerns

One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts won't release the documents proving when his British citizenship ceased, putting his eligibility to be in Parliament under a cloud.

And the verdict, brought down by His Honour Paul Murray of pay TV, is in.

Senator Roberts has nothing to worry about. He's not, so far as Murray of the small screen has ascertained, an alien.

Murray, sitting as anchor of Sky News' evening show Paul Murray Live, billed as "a must-see for the political set", did all the questioning and almost all the talking, leaving the One Nation senator for Queensland to do little more for nine minutes than agree with everything that was put to him by his inquisitor.

The legally pedantic might consider this a textbook display of leading questioning, but hey, this was TV.


Anyway, Murray had the drop on his audience, and on everyone else who has been trying to discover whether the senator is a solo Australian citizen or an alien. (Lest anyone leap to any sci-fi alarm, the Oxford dictionary defines an "alien" as a person belonging to another country.)

Murray told his audience he had seen all the documentation upon which Roberts relies for his plea of not guilty.

And he declared it all stacked up.

The documents, said Murray at the very start, were "a million per cent correct" and their chronology "I believe very clearly, proves you are not a dual citizen."

The small difficulty for those who might consider themselves jurors, which is to say, the audience, is that the documentation wasn't produced, though some pieces of paper were shuffled around the studio desk.

Indeed, Roberts reiterated that he wasn't going to display the documentary proof of his argument because he knows what "the twitterati" could do with it. He didn't say what that might be.

So what did we learn? Nothing that had not already been made public, it turns out, though Murray, a master at putting words into a witness's mouth, drew a handy time-line from the senator.

Born in India to an Australian mother and Welsh father, raised in Australia from about age seven, Roberts became an Australian citizen in 1974. Since then, he'd only ever travelled on his Australian passport.

"The first and most important thing here is your only allegiance has only ever been to Australia," Murray led.

"Correct," Roberts said.

"In cheering for sport, politics and everything," Murray prompted.

Roberts said he knew he wasn't an Indian citizen because a few years ago he had to get a work visa when he went there to undertake a consulting job, and it had taken him two months to get the visa.

But when he'd been about to nominate as a One Nation candidate for the 2016 election, he'd noticed a question about whether he was a dual citizen. On May 1, just to be sure, he'd written to the British consulate asking if he was a British citizen because of his Welsh father.

Roberts said he wrote again and again and again without response and, with nominations drawing close, stated in writing on June 6, "I believe I am not a British citizen, and just in case, though, if I am, then I renounce it effective immediately."

"Now," said Murray, helpfully. "I've seen that document, it's in bold and there's no question that that is the document that was put in place."

And the document itself? No appearance, your worship, at least on Sky.

Murray continued the narrative.

"Malcolm Roberts and your wife persisted. You seek formal registration of [your] renunciation from the British Home office, which was finally received on December 5th, 2016," he asserted.

"After a lot of badgering," Roberts chipped in.

"Now this is the bit I want to talk about," said Murray, having talked almost non-stop for four minutes and 15 seconds.

There are all these reporters, said Murray, particularly Adam Gartrell from Fairfax ("Fairfax," said Roberts, a trifle archly), who wanted to pin down the "smoking gun" - that the official receipt of the renunciation didn't arrival until December 5, well after nominations had closed and indeed, well after the election itself.

Then, having repeated the whole timeline, Murray put the big question.

"I have to ask you very cleanly and very clearly," he said.

"I'm very confident in everything that I've seen. Are you very confident if anyone wanted to challenge you …?"

"Very confident," Senator Roberts declared. "And I've received legal advice legally to that effect."

Should this saga reach the High Court, Senator Roberts could do worse than ask that Paul Murray, who's already made his judgment, be allowed to sit on the bench.

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