Photos from winter.

Original Photos from summer and fall. Photos from winter. Editable
version 3 of 3

All of these pictures were taken with a broken camera I found in the garbage. The macro photos were shot using a homemade lens, build from the guts of an old Kodak disk film camera, and tuned to focus at 45 millimeters. Most of the macro shots make up my desktop rotation. The panoramic shots were stitched together using Hugin.


The camera was in the trash for a reason, as it was an HP photosmart. It has zero features, but the price was right. There are no moving parts at all, (boo fixed focus, boo fixed aperture) which gives it one redeeming quality: the best battery live of any camera I have ever seen. On the order of four to six months. It will run on batteries other cameras consider completely dead. And power hungry cameras will run fine on its month old batteries. Swapping batteries like this has already saved one vacation, so I won't complain about the camera too much.

"best battery life"





Guardians of the Raspberry Patch




City and Botanical Gardens




If you aren't kidding about your caption: "Never did find out wha...


Random Things in the Yard




Right now, just a Northern Brown snake. He's almost 15 inches long, which is at the upper end of full grown. Probably the most harmless and docile reptile I've ever handled.