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The dissenting argument from a former governor-general that could save Matt Canavan's skin

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Former resources minister Matt Canavan's legal bid to remain in Parliament will rely heavily on key statements made in the Sykes v Cleary High Court case nearly 25 years ago.

Since announcing his resignation from the cabinet on Tuesday, Senator Canavan has insisted he did not know until his mother recently informed him that she had registered him as an Italian citizen in 2006.

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Nationals senator Matt Canavan has rejected calls to quit after revelations he's a dual Australian-Italian citizen, vowing to fight for his right to remain in politics.

"The legal advice that we have, it leads us to conclude I am not in breach of section 44 [of the constitution], and for that reason the government will refer it to the court of disputed returns, the High Court," he said on Thursday.

"I think it's important we let that process run now and let the court make its decision. It's obviously important for me but it's now a decision which is not just about my circumstances, it's going to establish principles which go to the heart of eligibility of many Australians to stand for Australian parliament. It's an important legal question."

Legal experts have told Fairfax Media that more dual citizenship cases could take down other MPs, threatening the government's majority.

He refused to say whether his father's fraud conviction had anything to do with his family's citizenship application at around the same time, and insisted he had never seen copies of ballot papers that would have allowed him to vote in Italian elections, which had on three separate occasions been sent to his mother's house.


Government sources told Fairfax Media that officials at the Italian consulate in Brisbane had told them that, back in 2006, it was the "internal practice" of that consulate that a signature was not required when a parent applied for an over-18 years of age descendant to become an Italian citizen - but that practice had now ceased.

It's also understood the Queensland senator has asked for legal advice on how to renounce his Italian citizenship, though he is not convinced he was validly registered in the first place.

The 1992 Sykes v Cleary case found independent MP Phil Cleary was not eligible to be elected as he held an office of profit under the Crown when elected.

But section 44 also forbids people who are dual citizens from being elected and in their judgement High Court Justices Mason, Toohey and McHugh stated a person should not be disbarred from parliament if they had "taken all reasonable steps to divest himself or herself of any conflicting allegiance".

"What is reasonable will turn on the situation of the individual, the requirements of the foreign law and the extent of the connection between the individual and the foreign State of which he or she is alleged to be a subject or citizen."

Senator Canavan's legal team is also expected to rely on a statement from former governor-general Justice Deane, who in the same case argued that "the first limb of the sub-section (i.e. "is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power") involves an element of acceptance or at least acquiescence on the part of the relevant person".

Constitutional law professor George Williams said the "reasonable steps" argument would likely be the central claim of Senator Canavan's lawyers in the High Court test case.

" What did he know, when did he find out, was there anything that should have prompted him to make inquiries at any point sooner?...We may well see examination of him and his mother, either via affidavits or they could be cross-examined. The level of his ignorance and the reasonableness of that ignorance will be critical," Professor Williams said.

The LNP senator has not specified what was said when he had a conversation with his mother about her initiating the process for him to become an Italian citizen.

In addition, Professor Williams said former Greens senator Larissa Waters - who resigned after she found out that a law change in Canada had made her a citizen, despite her declining to take up citizenship when she was 21 - "may regret her resignation".

" The Greens should be looking very carefully at their options in the light of the Canavan situation," he said, as the High Court could redefine "reasonable steps" in the Canavan case.

Barbara Cova, an immigration and citizenship law expert at Italian law firm Mazzeschi, said it was not possible for someone to become an Italian citizen without signing any forms.

However Donald McLean, who runs Italian Citizenship and Genealogy Services said: "Mr Canavan could indeed have acquired Italian citizenship without any action on his part and possibly even without his knowledge.

with Matthew Knott

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