

Three men found guilty of raping teenager with bottle on Australia Day

Three men have been jailed for the rape of an unconscious teenager with a glass bottle at an Australia Day party.

Bailey Hayes-Gordon, Jacob Watson and Nicholas Jackson were on Friday found guilty by a Brisbane District Court jury of assaulting a 19-year-old friend in 2015.

Hayes-Gordon, the principal offender, and accomplices Watson and Jackson were sentenced to two years' jail, all suspended after six months spent in custody.

Family and friends shouted "I love you" and "be strong" as the teary trio were led away to begin their time behind bars.

Supporters in the public gallery had earlier broken down when the jury delivered the guilty verdicts, with people sobbing and crying including one woman who shouted: "I'm going to kill myself".

Their trial had heard the men were heavily intoxicated when Jackson, 19, rolled the teenager over and restrained him by the feet.


Watson, 18, then filmed with his phone as Hayes-Gordon, 18, inserted the bottle.

The video was shared on Snapchat and Facebook, with Hayes-Gordon writing in a chat: "(The complainant) passed out so we stuck a bottle up his arse and he just took it ... Funniest thing I've ever seen, legit."

A fourth man, 21-year-old Frazer Eaton, was given a wholly suspended 18-month jail sentence in February after he pleaded guilty to holding the young man's shoulders and spreading his buttocks during the incident.

Eaton testified against the the other men and denied he gave evidence in exchange for a lighter penalty.

After a week-long trial it took the jury only a few hours to convict the three men of rape.

Hayes-Gordon's lawyer said it was "extremely unusual" for there to be a rape with no aspect of sexual gratification.

But Judge Anthony Rafter said that was cold comfort to the victim who had been penetrated by the bottle.

"It's still a violation of the victim's body," Judge Rafter said.

He said the men had committed a very serious offence that was anything but a "harmless prank".

He was not confident the men had fully appreciated the effect their actions had had on the victim, despite apologising to him through their lawyer in November last year.