Wordplay: A cryptic-shaped hole

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This was published 7 years ago

Wordplay: A cryptic-shaped hole

By David Astle

Apply some simple mentoring (9). The clue belongs to the hidden category, a principal recipe in the cryptic cookbook where solutions occupy their clues. The formula's proviso is simple: if you can focus, you will see.

For that reason alone, solving a hidden clue may take a heartbeat or an afternoon. Qaos in The Guardian, say, composed this treat: Scary figure in gym on steroids (7). MONSTER, the answer, leapt out promptly, the scary figure embedded in the clue's closing words. Yet I needed a coffee to crack Arachne's chicanery from the same stable: A bunch of pseudos of the art editor kind (4-7).

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon Letch

Knowing the clue holds the answer makes life easier. Yet it's still tough to spot SOFT-HEARTED (meaning kind), despite the word lying in plain sight. Take a second look at the key phrase: "pseudos of the art editor". See the answer now?

Helpfully, both clues flag their formula. Qaos went for the simple word of "in", while Arachne preferred "a bunch of". Both phrasings announce the hidden category, as does "some" in my example: Apply some simple mentoring (9). Sample some simple mentoring and you'll reveal IMPLEMENT, meaning apply.

The hidden recipe is one of six regular ruses a setter will pull, and last week I presented the shebang in a radio tutorial for ABC Melbourne, some simple mentoring on a Saturday morning. Later a summary was uploaded on Facebook, the posting going feverish across the weekend. Seems there's a cryptic-shaped hole in the lives of many.

But not everyone. Aside from people sharing the posting among friends, the prominent response was a bid for the lol. Stuff like 'my brain just melted', or 'still don't get it'. We know the shtick. It's funnier to shrug novelty than attempt to learn a new skill. It's human nature 2.0, the tribal anthem of the multi-distracted.

Because if cryptic clues do nothing else, they dispel distraction. There's a paradox hiding in that claim, since Qaos's monster is determined to sidetrack. His clue whispers steroid junkies, a story to divert your gaze from the smuggled answer. The clue distracts, but then you see through the distraction, the solution your reward for sharpening the focus

Professor Gloria Mark knows all about distraction. In 2015, working with her team at the Department of Informatics, based in the Uni of California, Mark studied how often our focus is compromised. Subjects were observed over three dozen offices, their working days vulnerable to phones or colleagues, emails or rival chores.

The study was a sequel to Mark's matching study in 2000, where the average attention span had been 12 seconds. This time round? Try eight seconds, roughly the duration of a goldfish, minus the benefit of a sunken castle.


Mindfulness is one familiar tonic – the call to live in the present. Digital detox is another stopgap cure. While a further option is the challenge of a puzzle, be that Sudoku or learning to see the implement hiding in simple mentoring. Training your brain to unmask Qaos's monster almost feels monstrous, but it's not. The answer's there after all. One small step for a future solver is a giant relief for the neurons.

Rather than steroids, our DNA is besieged by a social strain of ADHD, plus the forum's LOL reflex. In the course of writing this column I was steadily derailed by rival tasks, emails and kettle o'clock. Hence I mentored for ABC last week: my philanthropic gesture for mental repair. Despite its bad press, cryptic skulduggery can prove an implement for good.

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