The Answers review: Catherine Lacey's stinging novel of ideas

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This was published 7 years ago

The Answers review: Catherine Lacey's stinging novel of ideas

By Kerryn Goldsworthy

The Answers

Catherine Lacey

The Answers, by Catherine Lacey.

The Answers, by Catherine Lacey.

Granta, $27.99

This original, accomplished and strange novel appears to have found some of the inspiration for its plot in the bizarre stories that appear about Tom Cruise and the way Scientology people supposedly run auditions to find him a suitable partner in life. Here Mary, a young woman born and brought up in extreme social isolation by fundamentalist Christian parents before being rescued by an aunt, is involved in some expensive, oddball alternative therapies when she is recruited to take part in the GX: the Girlfriend Experiment. It is being run for the benefit of uber-famous actor-director Kurt Sky, all of whose previous "normal" relationships have come to grief, so instead his people have recruited a team of women to fulfil the various functions of a heterosexual female partner. This is a novel of ideas, a gripping read, and a stinging yet subtle critique of contemporary American society.

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