Non-fiction review: Wellmania. Misadventures in the search for wellness

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This was published 7 years ago

Non-fiction review: Wellmania. Misadventures in the search for wellness

By Fiona Capp

Wellmania. Misadventures in the search for wellness

Brigid Delaney

Wellmania by Brigid Delaney

Wellmania by Brigid Delaney

Nero, $32.99

This entertaining romp through the "wellness industrial complex" is full of contradictions, some of which Brigid Delaney consciously explores, others of which she unwittingly enacts. Too much food, drink and living it up had left her feeling physically low, mentally confused and spiritually numb. And so she dived head first into a detox through fasting, hot yoga and a smorgasbord of meditation retreats in search of leanness, cleanness and serenity. While troubled by the way genuine spiritual practices have been corrupted by market forces, she often simply replaces one extreme lifestyle with another, sampling everything on offer as if peace of mind is something that can be bought without addressing fundamental questions about how one lives and what one values. Eventually Delaney finds real benefit in the daily discipline of meditation but it don't come easy.

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