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Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnbull make different promises, but all are empty

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How can a leader lead his or her party in this climate of voter disenchantment, ideological culture wars, fake news and relentless news cycles?

Strategies are emerging, as evidenced by the two recent scene-setting speeches by Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten at the Melbourne Institute – the differences were stark, but the substance of each was minimal.

Turnbull concentrated on the "big picture" issues of trade deals, innovation, corporate tax cuts, infrastructure and the like. Voters find this difficult, if not impossible, to relate to.

Shorten attempted to define a class war, pay-as-you-go taxpayers v "the rich" on the premise of "inequality".

Interesting and challenging initial forays, but nothing more.

Turnbull's message seems too elitist and well beyond the capacity of the average voter to comprehend the detail, and to extract a believable benefit.


Shorten was much more focused on particular voter groups, much more benefit-oriented. His message was distorted through a "blue-collar worker" lens, but was much more effectively targeted overall.

It is hard for both of them to learn, but voters are just not interested in fake ideological differences, or class conflicts. They are searching for real outcomes that are significant to them in their daily financial struggles.

Shorten came much closer to this, but failed to create the essential confidence that he was really serious, could go beyond opportunistic point-scoring, and that he could actually deliver.

For example, Shorten tries to create a divide between the "rich" and the "poor", but he ignores the really poor, those locked into the unemployment benefit and the base pension, who are, by most estimates, still well below the poverty line.

If Shorten is to be believable, his policy response must include a meaningful increase in these basic benefits.

He also defines "rich" as those with an income of $180,000, which most would consider as middle class. Surely he must raise this limit if he is to be credible.

And then there is the taxation of trusts – easy to call for and promise reform, but I am yet to hear from anybody who claims to be able to separate the tax dodge from the protection of family assets.

Unfortunately, we are now politically immersed in a world of slogans and fake short-term fixes. None of what was pledged in these speeches can be delivered in the time frames promised.

So, you might reasonably ask: "Where to from here?"

Shorten now needs, as a matter of urgency, to specify the detail of his alternative. The days for political posturing are over.

It is all so easy to run issues designed to "wedge" the government, but quite a different thing to identify realistic policy alternatives that voters will accept as reasonable and deliverable.

Turnbull needs to take a risk. If he really believes in the benefits of his overarching strategy, then he should be out there explaining it, and selling it!

The big issue for both is electricity prices. After years of neglect and short-term, opportunistic politicking, both side are to blame, and neither side has a realistic solution. Voters are all too willing to blame. Indeed, voters struggle daily with trying to get even an explanation of their power bills, suspecting full well that they are being ripped off.

Voters are cutting through the rhetoric. They seek real outcomes. If you cut through the promises of last week's speeches, by both Turnbull and Shorten, you are still left wondering just what it will mean to each of us.

Voters are annoyed with the self-indulgent behaviour of the Liberal Party, seemingly more concerned about what an anachronistic Menzies might have thought of today's issues than with delivering good government.

In an attempt to present as a sharp contrast, Shorten is desperate to achieve the mantle of a responsible alternative, but is seriously constrained by his union, populist roots.

Neither side is prepared to concede a realistic assessment of the magnitude and severity of the risks we face as a nation, and to offer a believable policy strategy for moving forward.

So we are left with the hollow rhetoric, and undeliverable promises.

Voters desperately want somebody, yes, just somebody, to cut through the "fake news", and to deliver them a better, sustainable improvement in their standard of living. No more bullshit. No more lies.

We may be at least a year or so from the next federal election, but it seems that every day has become an election contest, full of empty words. Please give me evidence-based, policy substance to believe in and vote for.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.