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In passing

Michael Nyqvist​, a Swedish actor who starred in the original The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and the 2004 cult hit As It Is In Heaven has died of lung cancer at the age of 56. Raised in a Stockholm orphanage, he  discovered acting while an exchange student in the US. He studied theatre but fame in Swedish film and television did not come until he was 39 when he starred in Together, a movie about a leftist commune in suburban Stockholm in the 1970s. Nyqvist tracked down his biological parents after he became a star. He spoke with his Swedish mother just once and found his pharmacist father in Venice. He also discovered two half-sisters.

Ketumile​ Masire​, a former president of Botswana who helped transform his arid and destitute country into the envy of other African nations after it gained independence from Great Britain, has died aged 91. The De Beers company made a mining discovery on the eastern edge of the Kalahari Desert that gave the new nation the glittering hope it needed in 1967: diamonds. Masire with Seretse​ Khama​, the country's first president, saw to it that De Beers did not plunder Botswana's resources. Instead, De Beers entered into a 50-50 joint venture with the government. Masire and Khama leveraged the newfound wealth to add schools, improve health care, build infrastructure and modernise farming. Botswana achieved the highest annual economic growth rate in the world and reached middle-income status among nations globally.

Californian-born anthropologist Ben Finney proved the settlement of Polynesia came about through deliberate exploration, rather than aimless drifting when the Hokulea, a double-hulled sailing canoe of ancient design, sailed into Tahiti's Papeete Harbour after a 34-day voyage from Hawaii in 1976. A former Australian National University lecturer, Finney has died in Hawaii from complications following a stroke at 83. He oversaw the construction of the 20-metre canoe based on 18th-century illustrations made by Captain James Cook's crew. Finney used a Polynesian sailor who could navigate in the age-old way to reach Tahiti. The Hokulea epic poured water on Thor Heyerdahl's conjecture that settlers had come from South America, a theory he claimed proved in his famous 1947 Kon-Tiki voyage.
