Good Weekend

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Kada Southwell and Barney Miller: 'He knew what he wanted out of life'

Keen surfer Barney Miller, 38, became a quadriplegic after a car accident near his home in Sawtell, NSW, in 1999. Eight years later, he met Kate "Kada" Southwell, 27, whom he encouraged to sing.

KADA: I met Barney at a bar in Sawtell, on the NSW North Coast, in 2007. I had only just moved there to start a new life, because I'd had a difficult time during my teen years growing up in Cowra, in inland NSW. My parents thought a change would help me. I was waiting for some friends when Barney came over and introduced himself. We started chatting and when I asked him what happened, he said he'd broken his neck in a car accident.

I knew something was special about him when I asked if his situation was a "forever thing". He said, "No, I'm going to find a way to walk." His certainty was something I'd been searching for: he knew what he wanted out of life. There was a spark between us. We started hanging out and became inseparable. I thought, "What is this?' " We fell in love pretty quickly.

I can be myself with Barney. I never have my guard up pretending to be someone else. Having that raw honesty from the start eased us into liking each other. He has a beautiful appreciation of life. We watch birds sitting on the window sill, he loves animals – including our dogs Nitro and Jäger – and he's fascinated by satellites.

It was hard at the start because Barney had a carer, and if we wanted to be alone I had to step into that role. Once, when I was pushing him in his wheelchair on LA's Hollywood Boulevard, the front wheel hit a hole. Instead of trying to save himself, he went to save his pretzel. He was lying on the Hollywood Walk of Fame holding his pretzel. We were laughing so much … seriously, who saves a pretzel over themselves?

I never told Barney my dream was to sing because I was nervous about sharing a part of my soul with the world, but he taught me to let go of that fear of judgment. He said his mother always said to him, "The power to win comes from the power within." He told me I had a gift and it was my duty to share it with the world.


We were in California for Barney's treatment when I was asked to sing The Star Spangled Banner at a US Major League Baseball game. I wasn't sure if I should, but it was more my fear. He said, "You know this, you've been practising, you can do it." It turned out to be the best night of my life because he proposed to me, on one knee, which had been one of his life goals.

A few years ago, some New York student filmmakers came to make a short film about Barney. It turned into a much longer documentary called You and Me, which shows our courtship and Barney's attempts to walk and surf.

This year it won the Nikon Video of the Year at the Surfing Australia Awards. We now use the film as a platform to tour schools to talk about self-awareness, self-empowerment and overcoming adversity through finding your passion.

For the next few years we'll be focusing on getting our health to optimum level, and starting a family. We've been so blessed to work with so many amazing therapists and healers that our goal is to share that with as many people as we can. I never realised how going on his journey was also going to heal me in so many ways. It has been amazing. I'm so grateful.

BARNEY: Sawtell is small, so you know when a new beautiful girl is in town. Out at the pub one night, I noticed Kada straight away. I thought, "I have to have a crack before anyone else does." When we started talking I realised not only was she amazing looking, she was confident and really nice – the whole package. As our relationship evolved, I knew Kada was the one I wanted to be with. She is outgoing, wants to do stuff and is never worried about my "no limits" attitude. Surfing is my passion, so she has learnt to come out into the ocean with me. Being able to experience this with someone I love is amazing.

At the start of our relationship I was in my party phase, drinking on weekends, and was in a bit of a low. We both did the party scene but I started getting too sick from the hangovers. We moved into a more holistic lifestyle, and we're now on that train full-speed, from physical therapy to healthy eating to practising gratitude.

I never realised how going on Barney’s journey was also going to heal me in so many ways.

Because Kada had to take over from my carer, we had to learn how to do things like getting in and out of a car, which made me push myself to get stronger. She has made me want to do more work in my recovery process, just so people around me can do less.

We always see the humour in things. Kada and I had just started working out with my new trainer when, after they went to lift me up, a pair of Kada's bright pink undies fell out of my pant leg, stuck with the static from the dryer. It was the first time I had seen her turn bright red with embarrassment and laughter.

I never knew much about Kada's past, unless she talked about it in passing. I let her know I was there for her, that I understood she had been through a rough time and that she didn't have to hide it. From there she opened up, which took our relationship to a whole new level.

I didn't know Kada sang, until I heard her using my cousin's keyboard. I thought, "What the hell was that?" I thought she'd put on a CD. She'd lost confidence because, coming from a small country town, no one supported her; people just thought it was her being stupid and a dreamer. I told her she had to do something with this amazing talent. Our goals became about her singing and me in therapy recovering.

If I had not met Kada I would not be as far in my recovery and with self-learning. She has made me get so far in life, physically, mentally and emotionally. I don't even want to imagine where I would be without her.