

New debate on antibiotics: Do you really need to take the full course?

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The one rule about antibiotics that has been drilled into our heads for generations is that you absolutely must take the full course - or else something very bad might happen.

Is it time to reconsider that advice?

In an opinion piece published in the BMJ on Wednesday, a group of practising physicians argues that the idea that stopping antibiotics early might be dangerous to the patient and society as a whole is not grounded in strong science and that policymakers, educators, and doctors should drop this message.

The question of how people use antibiotics is one of the most critical issues facing modern medicine.

Whenever bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, they have the potential to evolve new strains that can withstand the drugs. Failing to take a full course of antibiotics leaves behind bacteria that have developed some resistance, the logic goes.

The rise of resistant "superbugs" could lead to a global pandemic if we cannot figure out how better to control our use of the drugs, public health officials warn.


In June, the World Health Organisation took the unprecedented step of creating a controversial "reserve" list of antibiotics that should be restricted and only used in the most dire of circumstances.

Professor of infectious diseases Martin Llewelyn, from the Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Tim Peto, from the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre and their co-authors argue in the new article that the advice to finish all your antibiotics contradicts the unambiguous fact that it's not underuse but overuse that's creating the resistance problem.

Peto explained in an interview that, as far as they could tell, the "full course" idea originated with a speech in 1945 given by Nobel Prize winner Alexander Fleming. Fleming recounted a moving story involving a patient with a streptococcal throat infection who didn't take enough penicillin, passed it on to his wife, leading to her death from the newly antibiotic-resistant strain.

"The comments were emotional but not based on evidence," Peto said. "We want the world to do more research so that we have a plan that's more substantiated."

Several infectious disease experts agreed these are questions worth asking, but that it's premature to drop the decades-old advice.

Lauri Hicks, director of office that focuses on antibiotics for the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, pointed out that there are a number of studies regarding the ideal duration of therapy for specific issues.

Regarding ear infections, for example, one study showed that patients taking an antibiotic for five days were more likely to fail treatment than those taking it for the full 10 days.

Hicks said there was also evidence that if you don't complete a course of antibiotics, that makes it more likely that bacteria on your body may develop antibiotic resistance and cause a more serious infection down the road.

However, Hicks acknowledged there were certainly "compelling" reasons to think about it differently.

"There are situations where finishing a full course is important. There are also case where it may not be as more important and may end up putting patient at risk if we give them an unnecessary amount of antibiotics," she said.

Sarah Fortune, a professor of immunology and infectious diseases at The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said that, for urinary track infection and typhoid fever, studies have shown one day of drugs is often sufficient - making the normal week-long course overkill in many situations. For tuberculosis, however, stopping antibiotics early has been shown to put patients at risk for making their situation worse.

"This is an important example because it highlights the double edge sword of treatment shortening," she said.

If you treat for too short a time, you may end up enriching the environment for antibiotic resistant organisms, she said. "And the relative proportion of drug resistant bugs becomes higher, higher than the host can ever deal with, and then this infection can re-emerge as drug resistant."

Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases at the Australian National University Sanjaya Senanayake said it was definitely a conversation worth having.

But, he said, clinical trials are required to prove a need for much shorter antibiotic courses.

"We don't want to reduce antibiotic resistance at the expense of people getting complications because their infection wasn't treated properly in the first place," he said.

"For example, golden staph in the bloodstream we treat for two weeks with intravenous antibiotics because we know if you treat less than that there's a chance it could come back and, if it does, there's a significantly bad outcome," he said.

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) says there will be no change in prescribing recommendations just yet.

"As more clinical evidence comes into play we will reflect that in our guidelines, but we need to be sure we are not doing any harm," Tony Bartone, vice-president of the AMA, said.

An entire course of antibiotics doesn't always mean consuming an entire packet and patients should double check with their doctor the length of treatment required, Dr Bartone said.

"It might be a five-day course or a seven-day course and you may have a 10-packet and penicillin is one that comes to mind," he said.

The Washington Post, with AAP