There is a profitable industry in being anti-Trump

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This was published 7 years ago

There is a profitable industry in being anti-Trump

By Tim Stanley

When I was at university, everyone had a copy of No Logo by Naomi Klein. It spoke to the times. By 2000, capitalism was victorious. Consumerism made the free market seem cool, even compassionate; Bill Clinton and Tony Blair brought the left on board. The reality, said Klein, was the stripping away of democracy, workers' rights and the environment. To beat the new influencers, you had to strip off your labels. Hence: no logo. Want to be free? Mind the gap.

Now Klein is back with No Is Not Enough, which claims that two decades have proved her argument. What is Trump if not the triumph of branding? The US version of The Apprentice, which he hosted for NBC, refashioned an over-the-hill 1980s businessman into an effective CEO surrounded by a family of go-getters – establishing the Trumps in the minds of many viewers as a potential first family. And the saddest thing of all, says Klein, is that Trump may well have sold himself as an ally of the working class and been elected on a promise of change, but his policies actually represent the turbo-charging of the neo-liberal agenda ascendant since Ronald Reagan. The rich will get a tax cut, the air will thicken with smog, more jobs will probably go overseas.

Naomi Klein denounces neo-liberal economics, which she describes as "lovelessness" in action.

Naomi Klein denounces neo-liberal economics, which she describes as "lovelessness" in action.

The younger, socialist me admired Klein but was suspicious of her anti-materialism: what's wrong with the poor wanting to own and wear nice things? The older, more conservative me has greater sympathy for her distaste for advertising. Branding is a hyper-capitalist version of the Tudor rose or the Marxist hammer and sickle: advertising and cultural politics meet to make something we can buy in order to fit in.

Today, the internet injects capitalist and political propaganda directly into our computers, our phones and our brains, leaving us better informed yet strangely dumber than ever before. The internet promises liberation but actually assists in the destruction of traditional businesses and the atomisation of the individual, which is the wages of globalisation. The left bemoans the death of trade unions or class solidarity. The right mourns the church, national identity and family values. Trump was elected to stop the creeping crud. Conservatives turned to such a radical, unconservative-sounding leader because they concur with Klein – albeit from a vastly different cultural perspective – that things have reached crisis point. We can all agree on this: no one is happy with the status quo.

We cannot agree, however, on the solutions. Klein denounces neo-liberal economics, which she describes as "lovelessness" in action, and cites Detroit as an example of what neo-liberalism can do to a community. The city is an industrial wasteland: its jobs have been sucked overseas. But Klein is wrong to blame the free market alone. The problem also lies in unions that pushed for benefits so generous that it priced their members out of the market, in local governments that spent so much that they eventually defaulted, on the collapse of the nuclear family unit, on drugs and on crime.

Ask an American who is responsible for Detroit and Republicans will say Democrats; Democrats will say Republicans. In fact, both are to blame and both have reasonable solutions. A conservative who wants to preserve old ways of living ought to be critical of free market policies that tear the heart out of communities. But liberals who want the working class to live in good neighbourhoods should have more appreciation for local law enforcement and parental responsibility.

Why can't the US have a politics that synthesises? The fault lies in the culture wars perpetuated by both Donald Trump in the right corner and Naomi Klein in the left.

I, for one, entirely buy Klein's argument that pollution is killing the world; I don't want to have to walk around in a gas mask with seawater up to my hips. But the author is dismissive of coal workers who fear that their way of life is being destroyed by environmental diktat. Mining is a grim job. It's also a job that bestows pride. For some folks, it's the only job they've ever had. Trump appeals, despite his many and obvious flaws, because he is pro-coal, pro-industry, pro-business. He is the anti-Klein.

There is a profitable industry, of course, in being anti-Trump. I'm not suggesting for one moment that Klein is in this for money, but at university I couldn't help but notice that No Logo had become, in itself, a kind of logo. To put it on your bookshelf was to tell the world that you were a good person – a better person than the nasty conservatives. And it's that kind of cultural chauvinism that is tearing America apart.

Telegraph, London

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