Restaurant has one drink limit for adults dining with children

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Given the stress that's often involved in taking children to a restaurant, it's not surprising that many parents look forward to relaxing with drink or two while waiting for their meals to arrive. 

But one US restaurant is ensuring parents behave themselves while dining at their establishment, with a one-drink policy for parents dining with their kids.

Peddler's Bar and Bistro in New York have a long-standing policy that limits the designated driver of a group with children to one drink while dining with them.


"We love children," general manager Melisa Gavelle told WKBN. "Everybody loves children and children don't have a voice.

"I could never live with myself knowing that I killed somebody driving. I could never do that. It's a choice you can avoid."

The policy doesn't only apply to parents, but to any adult responsible for children. People dining without kids are free to drink as they see fit.

Melisa says she's had very few complaints since the policy was introduced in 2010, but it's causing a stir on social media.

Some think the policy is a great idea.

One commenter on Twitter said, "I have had this policy for myself since becoming a parent. Great idea."


Another agreed, "Whether they can handle more or not. It needs to be one. Better safe than sorry!"

Others thought it was overbearing, with one mum saying, "I'm not going to do Jell-O shots off my toddler's tummy, but if I want 2 glasses of wine w my dinner, I'm going to have 2 glasses of wine."

Melisa says some customers do become upset when informed by the waitstaff that they can't order a second drink.

"They do get berated at the tables and some come back very upset," she said.

"The managers go to the table and they explain we're not picking on parents, it's just something that we feel in our hearts is something that we can do in order to help."

Legally, the restaurant has the right to enforce their one-drink rule.