Books & the Arts

Mal Waldron’s Ecstatic Minimalism

The jazz pianist’s style was simple, but the themes that gave shape to his music were not.

Adam Shatz

A Summer of Special Effects

On one end of the scale, there’s the stroke of cinematic inspiration in A Ghost Story; on the other are CGI inventions like the astonishing Okja.

Stuart Klawans

The Left’s Opportunity in Wisconsin

Progressive politics once thrived in the state, and the need for it still exists.

Sarah Jones

From the Magazine

Martin Luther’s Revolution

The Protestant Reformation transformed not just Christianity but also our political and economic worlds.

Elizabeth Bruenig

A Billionaires’ Republic

American democracy has always been threatened by concentrations of wealth as much as those of power.

Jedediah Purdy

E.P. Thompson’s Search for a New Popular Front

Despite a lifetime of political disappointments, the historian never gave up on the prospects of a broad left-wing social movement.

Stefan Collini
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History & Politics

Socialism’s Return

After more than a half-century in the wilderness, the socialist left reemerges in America.

Patrick Iber

The Two Women’s Movements

Feminism has been on the march since the 1970s, but so has the conservative backlash.

Kim Phillips-Fein

Le Pen’s Long Shadow

If you want to understand the wave of right-wing populism erupting in Europe and the United States, France is a good place to start.

David A. Bell


Czesław Miłosz’s Space Travels

Having spent four decades in exile, the Polish poet discovered a homeland in his writing.
Steph Burt

When Czesław Miłosz was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in October of 1980, not a few readers believed the prize had somehow been awarded to Poland, the country. Many more believed the Nobel committee had chosen to honor Solidarity, the Polish trade union, for its resistance to Soviet control.… Continue Reading >


Do Something With It

The ambiguous sculptures of Melvin Edwards and Rachel Harrison.
Barry Schwabsky

Melvin Edwards is one of those artists who keep getting noticed for having been overlooked. Even back in the 1980s, when Edwards was in his 50s, he was already going through the “Congratulations on being discovered… again!” stage. Here in New York, he’s been a regular at museums and nonprofit… Continue Reading >


The Poetics of Jazz

A new book presents an alternative aesthetic history of jazz—and is also a challenge to all music critics.

David B. Hobbs

The Spirit of Prog Rock

Its creative ambitions were engulfed by its pretensions. 

David Hajdu

MUNA’s Total Honesty

The LA pop trio’s greatest strength is its willingness to name the enemy.

Laura Snapes


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