
Goddess Martial ARTS

4:30 in the afternoon, just woke up. 9 hrs of sleep, 5 hours of dancing hard. I even stripped down to my stripper dress which looks like a long tight shirt on the dance floor and endured the open judgment of Japan on my 41 year old ‘oh my god did is she wearing any panties (i was, but its a stripper dress so its hard to tell) and actually dancing in a public place?’ Good thing my party mate was a gaijin dude and he was not at all embarrassed. I kept thinking how the soul of my mother was yelling at me even though she isn’t dead. “NOBODY DOES THAT IN JAPAN!!” It wasn’t about exhibitionism or being too drunk, it was about the fact that I wanted to free my legs and my thighs and do some SERIOUS DANCING and my long skirt was getting in the way!    I used to be a stripper so fuck you, I don’t give fuck. All these Japanese guys were confused. They are always confused by me. I’m glad I wasn’t dating one of them, I probably wouldn’t have done that so I could save face for his family or something silly. But I was raised American and I don’t give a fuck, and even in America I don’t give a fuck, and even in big bad ass LA, I do some crazy I don’t give a fuck SHIIIIT and no one can figure me out.

I like doing energetic experiments like this, the kind that TEST AND CONFRONT your role as a woman in society. This is my brand of MARTIAL ARTS. This is the energy of my performance art testicles. I love that I can get away with it. Walking the lines of being punished as a whore in any given society. And i built these guts because I WAS THAT WHORE. I WAS THAT STRIPPER.

But NOW I KNOW I AM A GODDESS. AND because I’m so POWERFUL IN MY BODY and ENERGY AND MIND NOTHING. BAD. EVER. HAPPENS. I defy judgment, rape, violence and gravity. Because I know you would fuck me if I let you, but if you only had the guts like me to step to me to even dance, but you don’t so I laugh at you even though you are laughing at me behind your covered mouth.

Perhaps if you know about Burningman culture, it can be described as something close to that, its not because I’m American or Japanese or Chinese or queer or whatever…because EVEN IF YOU WALK AROUND SHIRTLESS at some FESTIVALS in America you are told it is wrong, beaches in LA it is illegal. So, it isn’t because I’m gaijin or American.  This culture/strength was in me BEFORE I went to the playa, and it runs in my blood even though I’ve stopped going. But, at least there, there are 1000s of other warrior goddesses dancing with me.

OUR BODY EXPRESSION IS OUR TRUTH and you can try to create social norms or legit laws to control me but it doesn’t work.  Another example, I am SUPPOSED TO WEAR A BRA.  But why?  Because YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE or have a reaction to my nipples.  I have disagreed with that my entire adult life, so for most of my adult life, I have refused to wear a bra.  In Japan, tattoos are not illegal but if I don’t hide them, I can’t swim in the pool where I do laps.  So i conform.  If I MUST CONFORM in order to access equality then I will.   But if you want me to conform because you want to convince me to subdue my blatant inequality then FUCK YOU.  My nipples aren’t hard because I’m horny or because I desire to fuck you.  I mean FUCK YOU and YOUR SOCIAL CONDITIONING.  (whatever country that is inherited from).

Sometimes when I get bored of having the male gaze on my chest, I avoid shirts that bring out the protrusion of nipple flesh, but most of the time, I do what i feel like doing and wear what I feel like wearing.  Some women actually hate me for it, but I don’t lose any sleep over it.

My millennial Asian American sister Anni Ma is in a groundbreaking lawsuit that I always wanted to do to change hypocritical society.  She gives a middle finger to the “put a shirt onners” and even tells “so called radical festival authority figures” if “Would they like to talk to her lawyer about their request to cover her chest?”  Of course, It would take the next generation of feminist to finally push this stupid hypocrisy through, and so I am watching to see if she is successful in American courts, but in my eyes she has already made profound changes regardless of what the outcome of the case is.
Continue reading ‘Goddess Martial ARTS’


Secure Unattached Relationship Style

I was raised the youngest of 3 girls. But they never hung out with me. They hung out with each other and love each other and still treat each other like normal sisters. My single mom worked a lot and wasn’t really present. So I was raised in an all female household but there was no “goddess feminine energy” to my knowledge. Very masculine actually, and with the addition of being left to fend for myself emotionally throughout, I developed the skill of self love, self companionship and relentless independence.
So I hardly have ANY CIS FEMALE FRIENDS. Not in the last 10 years. And certainly not a pack of girlfriends. I never had or know anything of that life of going out on a girls night. Twice a lesbian annual one, but that also didn’t last long. If I have female friends they are over 60 or trans MTFs. Seriously. Is it something about mating and primal nature? I have my 2 chosen daughters, they are cis female and AMAZING. My daughter Patzy Pat adopted me, I always say. I was about to kill myself that year.
MEN (str8 and gay) ARE ATTRACTED TO ME for mentorship, sex and friendship, coaching and domination. I’ve always had gay/bi guy best friends, but i don’t play the straight girl, its a queership we sail, rocking out cocks out. NO SEX WITH FRIENDS and chosen family. For me, that’s what I believe makes us long term friends and family! I have specialized in MEN’S SEXUALITY primarily and professionally for 17 YEARS. Boys and sexual harassment in schools was my Grad School thesis.
But MEN and my romantic relationships. If they are attracted to stay with me they are OFTEN LOST or seeking more than I can give and are certainly not a reflection of my strength and I am done with unhealthy codependant raising of any baby man, or accepting anything less than the DIVINE MASCULINE who is at least willing to work on self constantly, as I do, as I am. Together, if we are to be together. BESIDES, I AM LOOKING FOR A MAN TO RAISE A CHILD WITH so they must be a wise old divine soul even if their years don’t match with mine. It has always been a BATTLE to get my partners into coaching or counseling WITH ME and I will not do that again. I choose someone who has already had coaching, therapy or counseling! Woohoo!
So it is said that the way we date now is based on our childhoods and previous relationships. I played, existed and ventured alone. I rode my bike alone going nowhere special throughout age 9-11 and starting driving my moms car by age 15! Ride my pinkHuffy around around South SF the same way I do in LA and Tokyo. (It feels that way, so that’s why I love biking. )
I AM PERPETUALLY SINGLE. AM I AVOIDANT? AM I INSECURE?? I was an insecure WRECK in my last relationship 1000% but I ABSOLUTELY KNOW how to not do THAT again. I am pretty sure I am SECURE as a human and a woman…yet SECURES always have partners. Us 3 sisters were raised in the same environment, but BOTH MY SISTERS turned out to be SERIAL MONOGAMISTS with NO significant time BEING SINGLE and me an ALWAYS SINGLE BARELY AND TERRIBLY COUPLED and journeying through a continuum of sexual violence. Unloved and neglected perhaps? This was imprinted AT BIRTH. My dad and 2 sisters weren’t even there when I came OUT.
Does it make me avoidant if at the first few red flag behaviors I can easily CUT YOU OUT OF MY LIFE FOREVER? Not friends with any exes or their mamas.
that’s me. Secure unattacheds are not opposed to pair bonding relationships….just cautious as to who they will actually attach to because, they are SECURE UNATTACHED. So if you are not BETTER, FASTER, MORE AMAZING than me by my damn self then I’m blowing exhaust in your face as I drive away. Is this what they call AVOIDANT? Happy to avoid BULLSHIT AND TRAUMA. Arigato Gozaimasu. Ke’ko desu!
I almost never am attached to another or any group or clique. I have a romantic relationship every 2 years and the last 2 lasted less than 6 months. It has been over 2 years since my last serious relationship.
I am always alone. Most of the time I love it, but sometime I hate it. Right now, it’s getting REALLY OLD AND LONELY. I’d like to be in a romantic relationship in Japan. I’d like to be courted by decent gods and goddess. I’d like to have exciting sex again. I wonder if it will ALWAYS BE THIS WAY and if it is possible to change it or me and what i can do to influence a shift.

4 years thegoddess

LinkedIn tells me Congratulations, I’ve been a professional goddess for 4 years now.  So I thought I would write this in case some of you don’t know what it is that I do for a living.  

4 years ago, I met Destin Gerek fed up with my life as an escort.  I had stories of chasing clients down the street with a stun gun and hating the toll the hard knock life was taking on my body, soul and mind.  All of which i felt I was losing.  The money I was making took long hours of staying up all night and risking my life and I was at the end of “not sustainable” and about to implode.  He coached me and was the catalyst into my current life, but there lots of teachers and mentors after him who also deserve credit. Triambika Ma Vive’s hands on trainings gave me many of my body work and basic Tantrika tools, and then the next year  Shawn Roop trained me on how to take Tantra and make it into a hands off coaching practice, so the choice to be naked or not was totally in me and I had solid tools to run a completely legit healing business for men, women and couples.  Although, to date, my speciality still remains men. men. men. men.  And it could just be me or where I advertise or the Universe or something else.  Men (gay and/or straight) are attracted to thegoddess.  I stopped resisting it.  I made a business out of it.  I’ve worked with a few women.  maybe 5?  in 4 years!  But the spiritual path was awakened and that was my COME TO GODDESS moment, which since I was the goddess and thegoddess (me) is a channel for the divine which is greater than me, something that I feel and don’t have to explain with a book or dogma has led to many many other teachings and courses including learning how to Kirtan chant, going on a 10 day silent Vipassana meditation and then last year training to combine KINK and TANTRA and COACHING with Francesca Gentille, another career changing course that made me into the practitioner I am today.   I’ve also learned from the free content of  Jason D McClain and lots from Monique Darling and always from Tony Robbins and Gabrielle Bernstein.  
The thing that people pay me the most for is to introduce them into their sexuality development, to DOMINATE WITH COMPASSION, to LOVE AUTHENTICALLY WITHOUT ATTACHMENT.  and sometimes, rarely we have intercourse, but mostly that’s not what people pay me for.  Not even close.  And if we do or did, it was entirely my choice and power and I didn’t do it because I got paid, I did it because the connection we were building inspired that next connection.  Or…I just wanted to.  I can do that.  The ball is ENTIRELY IN MY COURT. ALWAYS. Much of the work I do is CLOTHED.   I even work on niteflirt, a PHONE SEX website and I DO NOT OFFER PHONE SEX!  I coach.  with my glasses on and I do not wear fetish outfits or make up most of the time and STILL I THRIVE.
At this moment, I am planning a trip to go see a client in Okinawa and also negotiating with a client who is willing to pay me $2500 plus travel back to LA (where I just was last month!).  I charge $2500 and these men are not doing cocaine while saying yes to me.  We are both sober and in our authenticities and seeking to heal each other and the world and communities around us.  It is my 4th year building this business, I raised my rates in 2017 and these 2 clients are both a resounding YES, HOW CAN I PAY YOU to my 2017 rates.  And I do this IN JAPAN.  AND MY BUSINESS IN TOKYO is better than it was in LA, and I can still go back to LA or anywhere in the U.S and work anytime I want to.  Except doing Tantra bodywork is ILLEGAL IN THE U.S and it isn’t in Japan.  And exactly TEN YEARS AGO I was arrested for prostitution and I’m actually not even supposed to be granted a visa in Japan because of that history but I’m good at working outside of the laws.  TEN YEARS AGO, I remember saying to a crowd at a conference,”I am a professional drug user.  Really, I get paid to do drugs.” and I remember feeling proud of that because I wasn’t a drug addict and somehow I was winning.
But, I’m not one to say everything is all good good good all the time.  But I hope if you are somewhere questioning the possibilties of your future that I can


 And if you want to talk to me more about our paths and how they can cross towards helping you to achieve your YES HOW CAN THEY PAY YOU LEGITIMATELY, message me.   Especially if you are woman identified.  Here’s my website and I’m not afraid to share it, but my next biz move is to change my goddess name into Mariko Passion and start TANTRA TOKYO LOVE here in Japan as my second business portal because I don’t need a separate pro name anymore: 


Thegoddess and the sub-marine. Okinawa 2017.

​It IS possible to LOVE without attachment. AND, it is possible to heal while healing others.  The feminine/receptive client should usually receive more. But i just found out this was not always so.

Perhaps, the Tantra goddess LOVE in session can be compared to a foster parent who adopts and cares for a baby for a couple weeks and cries with sadness as it is removed knowingly. We knew this would end like this but its still heartbreaking.  A hole in my heart seems to be rapidly closing as i write this so i wanted to exposit….
How could you have really LOVED that client? Thats not “real love.”   I love all my Tantra clients, even if im not attracted to them.   This one however i was madly physically attracted to from the moment we first skyped and it made our sessions take a deeper dive immediately. I LONG TO BE PHYSICALLY ATTRACTED TO SOMEONE I LOVE AND WHO LOVES ME. its our deepest primal nature.  My agreement in sessions is to always open heart energy.  Indeed we heal each other from this moment consciously.  Ive been doing it with glee for 4 years.  So then, add someone who is both dominant AND submissive, an officer and a gentleman, willing to serve and respect and be teachable?  “Im here to support thegoddess in anyway she needs.”  LOVE-ly right?  This is how they fell in love in Miss Saigon too and why this whole thing was a running ironic joke for me. And im now “on my own pretending hes beside me” like Les Mis.

Ive found that i act as a temporary girlfriend and coach to these men. Some relationships are clearly 1000 degrees hotter than others and its not something any of us can control or predict. This sub-marine served as a temporary boyfriend for me simultaneously because that was the current need i had and one of the only ones possible from a distance.  But as we got closer to meeting…he would distance and want to evacuate.  This happened at the airport on my way to Naha and then finally the other nite he expressed his final desire to eject and i let him go cordially and with grace.

But i sure wanted to crawl on my belly thru a barbed wire JUNGLE of logic crying for him to take me back to beg him to love me more.  Because…our agreement which was annihilated was that he would sub for me and then switch and i would sub for him. So i longed for completion. And part of me still does.
Youd think getting paid to not finish work would be satisfying but its not. It feels like failure and a bunch of what did i dos and how can i fix it ring in your head.
In a dating profile sense, a career military white non Japanese speaking guy in Japan is pretty much the opposite of what i seek in a partner but because we work with love energy and practical content for a short period we can suspend the things we desire in a “real relationship.” and this is why it is so effective.  My work has ALWAYS gotten me in bed with people I would never usually date in the “real world.” Yet,  how i can LOVE so many of these opposites without even  intercourse occuring.  He paid a lot to love me and to receive my love and teachings, and he never even had an orgasm. I thought that was going to keep him. But it doesnt keep the avoidant detacher.  Sometimes even penetration is too much intimacy. They are least comfortable in actual closeness. So perhaps serving a regular more cruel femme domme would be safer for him because she certainly wouldnt shower him with love and kisses and compliments, but thats not the way i dominate.  I try to make all my work also serve me in some way so that it is more than a transaction. Its an adventure. 😉

Reading about relationship styles (secure/anxious/avoidant) last nite helped me process intellectually. Cord cutting helped spiritually. Breathing into forward motion. Still loving. I remember the lesson making love with an army nurse in Seattle taught me about loving without attachment even if it makes you cry as you leave IS possible. And mutually healing. And better with condoms so no Bui doi are conceived.  Just sex magical union for as long as you have each other. And dating after these session quickly changes the dynamic, but of course Ive done it many a time.  maybe thats where i went wrong. But ill never not be a work in progress. I could have been MORE HEALTHY. Nah… too late.

Our souls FIRST REALLY BEGAN OUR UNION when I was 15 with my bffs brother on spring break in Hawaii. He was also gorgeous to gaze at and gave me more loving than id felt in a while.Talked in love on expensive phone calls for 2 mos, bought him a ticket to CA and he practically broke up with me at the airport just like sub-marine. My first avoidant detacher HEART BREAK TRAUMA. if i knew then what i know now…

So, my submarine session can heal that wound and the teenage girl who didnt understand why and what she did (nothing). Because 3 yrs later at 19, also a 18yo military man by then, the two saw each other again at the bffs house in LA and reunited in casual and heartless sex at night and sexual assault in the morning in her search for healing her 15 year old. Instead receiving Double trauma.

These experiences have made me the LOVER i am today.  And i didnt get to being the open hearted goddess dominant without first being an abusive angry vengeful bitch. But blame and scorn of this boy and other boys and other men did not work either. And it certaily did it heal anyone involved or undo any past trauma, in fact it poisoned me.  So i learned how to CONSCIOUSLY HEAL because for decades before that i was seeking healing but not conscious it was having the opposite effect.
And so if i call him and cry and submit to my past wounds this week, you will have to forgive me. I will have to forgive me too. But it seems less and less that thats the way this story is going to end.

To be continued


To Whore or Not to Whore Part 2

Survival sex work doesn’t take thought in the same way that blocking a punch coming at your face is an instinctual move for most. Taking the time to assess whether you can meet your basic needs in other ways is comparable to the thought process of assessing why you even had to block a punch to the face in the first place.  This is the art part of martial arts. It is different from “self defense.” I was indeed a front line soldier for many years, so self defense was necessary but “it (to be in the war, to fight, to survive, to struggle)”, I learned, like everything was ALSO a choice. 

If you are doing survival sex work you are not in control of the working conditions or clients and it is often an act of desperation not empowerment.  The funny thing is when I called myself a “whore revolutionary,” I also referred to my work as a matter of survival NOT choice.  I empowered myself in my survival versus my choice, I likened myself to a suicide bomber in an occupation I inherited.  It was a slippery slope, and I predictably slipped to surrender to the greater elements constantly wearing me down, including mainly my own thinking around these issues, which I was not ready to admit until I was ready to submit.

Sex work is ONLY empowering when you WANT TO DO IT and you get to do it HOW and WHEN YOU WANT to do it.  

When I am working online looking for jobs and opportunities in Japan that I can do without a visa, I look for hours on craigslist.  Just like any metropolitan city craigslist there are ads for adult video models and escorts and various other things in the sex industry.  I shoot off emails with sexy photos to see what kind of entity i’m working with, whether or not they will actually respond and if they can tempt me further.  Every month living in Japan and paying rent is a challenge for me. I don’t go out and party much because of my limited income, i don’t get to go to a lot of basic social things in the center of the city like a Japanese or boxing class because traveling there requires $10 on the train and usually whatever cost of the event and a meal or two.  I imagine myself living under a bridge with the other homeless in Japan or trying to live in a shelter of some kind with all my huge piles of luggage and my guitar.  I wrack my brain trying to market all the different skills i have in the different sections of jobs offered. I am a freelance writer, i can teach English, i can teach Tantra to groups and individuals, i can do things in food service, I am great with children…Is it really time to pull out the goddess standards and make my money by any means necessary? I meditate on it.

One of my first Tantra clients in Tokyo paid my regular rate for a non intercourse, energy based session. I thought he would be a repeat client, we seemed to hit it off well. I kept in contact with him for a couple months while I travelled and upon returning back to Tokyo I asked him if he wanted another Tantra session. It seemed he wanted more than I was willing to offer as thegoddess.  He wanted an escort. After a long annoying conversation, he ended it with, “Give me a call if you ever decide you want to escort again. Ganbatte (good luck).”  Normally I would have instantly deleted his contact, but i kept it like it was an EMERGENCY CONTACT because I knew that maybe that day in Japan would come and I might have to call him up and give him the date I wasn’t willing to give that day. I had already been to his upscale high rise apartment and knew some of his story, so, it would be a safe person to escort with if that day ever did need to come.  

I had started a crowd fundraiser to pay rent but also entitled a VIBE RAISER so that I could RAISE THE VIBRATION of my potential, of my possibilities, to remind me of the work I was brought to do in Japan.  I sent off a quick message to him and he was less than friendly in his response. I reminded him of his escorting proposal some months ago. I was cold and detached and removed from my body. Totally opposite of thegoddess in the VIBERAISER video singing and asking a crowd of followers to help support her mission.

“Is that offer still on the table?” I messaged.

We proceeded to engage in a long detailed negotiation about what I would and wouldn’t do for how much.  These kinds of conversations I hadn’t had in years as a goddess but that I was relegating myself to for SURVIVAL. I was swallowing my pride and willing myself to take it because it wasn’t going to be so bad and all these other reasons.  He seemed surprised that I even had a right to any boundaries or respect, though I had taught him how to honor me as a goddess before, he seemed to forget it all. He even asked “So why have you decided to call me now?” These types of emotionally triggering questions, that in my past I would answer with frank fearlessness. But I knew better than to bite the hand before it fed me.  “So, you need support?” he asked. “I need a client.” I answered stoicly, trying hard to bite my tongue and stay in the safety zone. “Isn’t that the same thing?” “NO.” I said without elaboration.  My coldness of heart made even me shudder.  I knew it would be the same when I saw him, which would make me likely a terrible lover when and if the time came. i resented him so much and his line of questioning, his arrogance, his lack of Godliness. i resented that I was even asking, that I had to constrict my soul so much to have a basic negotiation conversation. I hadn’t felt like that in years.  I went lap swimming to change my energy and do some moving meditation. i asked the Universe,”Is this REALLY what I am supposed to be doing here? Is this the answer you are giving me now?” Swimming. Swimming. Meditating. Moving.

The next day said client texted after all of what I felt to be painful negotiation that my rate for escorting (seen as more than the session completed before for the same price) was too much. Ended with another Good Luck to you.

I rejoiced. DELETED his messages and number and proceeded to remove that plan from my consciousness. it was a valiant effort.  I was not sure HOW a solution would replace this, but I was 1000% sure that HE was not offering any part of it.

I did another VIBERAISER/FUNDRAISER video without alluding to any of that interaction. I was ready to trust in new solutions instead of relegate to ones that I had known before.

Later that evening, a friend who had actually “broken up” with me randomly messages thru Facebook. “Hey, Im starring in a music video tonite in Shibuya. We need an Asian woman to wear a G string and play a prostitute in a hotel room with a Yakuza gangster. It pays $275 (my fundraiser goal was $500) if you can get down here in a couple hours.”

YES. YES. YES. YES. Y.  E.  S!!!!!!

VIBERAISER SUCCESS. Intentions heard thru the world in loud, magnificent volumes.


 But all your experiences in life will put you in the greatest position to capitalize where others dare not enter, because they could not even imagine where you’ve been.

THIS WAS the Real WHORE REVOLUTIONARY not ANY of that shit I was doing before.  I never again have to question if that day will come in Japan, because it already did and thegoddess levitated above it all. 


To Whore or not to Whore (pt 1/2) 

I worked as a “full service” escort for something close to 7 years. Even though when I had my first act of paid penetration, it was consensual and I wanted to do it, much like when I was 15 during my first i intercourse, it was still definitely a shock and shift within my soul. I laid on my back frozen like a terrified virgin, even more frozen than when I was at 15. Indeed, it was like losing a second virginity.  i was 29 at the time, so I was many years beyond my first sexual intercourse encounter, but this act was huge and would mark a fairly long new stage of my life. Slowly, with each new client it became easier and easier and I started to get very comfortable with every aspect of prostitution and really enjoy the job. It was always about the job and the work for me, enjoyment of the sex was secondary and not required or expected. The thrill was the stacks of money I made and the risks I took, the thrill was in the ease of comfort that soon became a core part of my identity, one simple word that I used to design a logo for, a commonly used and often derogatory slur that I and many of my comrades in the movement reappropriated and wore proudly to conferences walking through airports, colleges and around children, enjoying the fact that we were announcing to the world that they were looking at a proud WHORE.  
Fast forward almost 4 yrs. 3 Years of Tantra training, one serious relationship and many coaches and teachers helping me to get to my higher goddess self, which for me (note: ME) was away from being the whore that I once was.  I definitely had a good run of it, Im obviously unashamed of anything or anyone Ive done, and I fought hard for whores like myself to have a proud face and strong voice in a global sex worker movement that has only gotten stronger and more diverse in the years since I moved on. People change into new identities, I say constant reinvention is healthy.  Certainly there were a few. known brands that I created, marketed and then also evolved from before I became a emblazoned “whore revolutionary.”  
One thing I prided myself on was my survivalist instincts and my hustle. I never ever saw it as a negative to make necessary money for my art, activism or basic needs to survive doing prostitution. This was, most people’s reasoning for getting involved in the work in the first place; so I aligned proudly with them every time I propositioned a guy for a paid date before he bad a chance to proposition me for a free date, especially if rent or some other need (like airfare to an activist event to fight for the cause) was immediate. I found my power in this modality because at that time I strongly identified within an oppressed womans worldview and my actions spoke loudly  and unapologetically from that place.  
As thegoddess, I dont operate from a survivalist mentality, primal instincts have been replaced by intuition and instead of living proudly in the hustle, I live in FLOW.  I no longer make quick and dirty opportunistic money, i wait patiently for right minded seekers of my services who are genuinely willing to adhere to my guidelines for safety screening and rates. I turn a lot of people who I used to attract off and I turn away many more who don’t fit my new business structure instead of adapting to a climate i felt i had no way to control. But, sometimes it gets challenging to be so patient and even though I may have moved on in life, I also know that if it came down to a true threat to a roof over my head or if I haven’t eaten for days, going back to being a survival sex worker would be nothing I would have to think too hard about doing, the difficult question is always,”Is NOW the time to start working from that place? What else is possible? How else could it work?” 

Donate to the Undocumented 💘 LOVEWORKER in TOKYO DREAM FUND!! 



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