Lair Of A Squirrel Red

Announcement by korakious
March 4, 2008, 11:55 am
Filed under: announcements

Dear readers, I have moved house and have no regular internet access. As soon as I get up on the internets again, I’ll make sure to comment a bit on the election. Thanks for your patience.

10 Comments so far
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I thought you were dead.

Comment by Rob

Nah. But I’ve got the blues. Not the flat blues any more, a different kind.

Comment by korakious

This will bring you cheer, unless you’ve a heart of stone…

Comment by charliemarks

Yeah, you seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth. So…you are moving trees..

Come back soon, the red squirrels are missed.

Btw: can you connect the internet in your new tree lair….?

Comment by Louise

Charlie, I wish I had a heart of stone, but that unfortunately is not the case. Oh well.

Louise, I can only connect from my training forest (university) and the atmosphere here does not inspire me to post. I hope to have the internets at my home tree as well pretty soon though.

Comment by korakious

Be back soon.

Comment by Renegade Eye

Yeah, red squirrel collective, come back soon…

Maybe cos it is spring you are pre-occupied with other more exciting and fun activities…..

Comment by Louise

Surely, under a Communist regime the red squirrel would be absorbed into the collective?
All indigenous species would be regarded as superflous to requirements?
I just don’t understand Marxism, long ago I had a Utopian dream, it was based upon the principle of equality and goodness, fair shares for all My main concern is this alliance with Islam. It is global suicide, do you not realise this?

Comment by Nationalist Red Squirrel

Islam – would that be Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, Sufi, or what?

Comment by charliemarks

In the face of the economic crisis, working-class activists need to discuss the how we can move forward, and how workers are in fact fighting the attacks that come out of the crisis. As part of this discussion, activists in Argentina, France, Norway, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom and the USA have initiated a new journal, Mass Strike. The first issue of a new journal, is online at It is now available in English and Spanish and will be available soon in French. Mass Strike is the bulletin of the International Luxemburgist Network, which groups together those who are in general agreement with the ideas of Rosa Luxemburg.

Luxemburg’s work on the democratic self-organization of the working class, the mass strike process, the functioning of capitalist accumulation and her unwavering opposition to all forms of nationalism is, we believe, critical to understanding and acting on today’s world. But her work grew out of living, evolving tradition of Marxist working-class thought that includes the work of many others before, during and since her time. We draw on that larger tradition, not on her work alone.

The website has a multilingual international forum. We encourage all those who agree with the ideas of Rosa Luxemburg to contact us and to join this Network, since it is open to all.


Comment by Guerin

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